Bible - Daily Bible Verse KJV App Positive ReviewsOzion

Bible - Daily Bible Verse KJV Positive Reviews

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Bible - Daily Bible Verse KJV App User Positive Comments 2024

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Bible - Daily Bible Verse KJV for Positive User Reviews

Why I love God.There are so many blessing He has given for me! The first, I recall, is being able to marry the man I fell in love with. My parents didn’t care for him. My dad ran him off two different times, telling him to never come back. But, he always did. This went on for two years. We dated in Church, that’s the only place my parents allowed us to be together. My dad was a preacher. He attended my High School Graduation. Three days later we were married and have been for Almost 52 years. The past fifty we have been working members of the Old Pathway Baptist Church in our hometown. The second blessing. After repeated miscarriages, Dr. told us to stop trying to have a child it was just tearing my body down. We asked for prayers and God answered. Not only did I have no problems carrying him, he was very health, perfect in every way. Lacking one week to the day of his birth God blessed us with a very healthy daughter, a bonus! And just because we were so thankful for those two, He gave us a third child, another boy! Our hearts were full! Our three children have been blessings to us in our Sr. years as well. So why do I love God, because he first loved me! Not only through salvation and His death on the cross but through His resurrection, His Mercy and His Grace to entrust my husband and myself with these three precious souls!.Version: 3.8.0

How much I love GodI am going through one of the biggest trials of my life I faced dying because the tumor was so big in my uterus it consumed the entire thing it was a risk to even try to remove it then to find out it’s one of the most aggressive rarest cancer ever seen so there was a necessity for double chemotherapy treatment or survival wasn’t an option I’ve only had two treatments and I’m so very very painfully sick the agony that a chemotherapy patient has is like no other they say their isn’t much they can do to help the symptoms even when crying out in pain begging for it just to stop I am seeking Gods answers during these times because if I suffer this much God is molding me into something more beautiful yet The most important part about this journey through cancer is being able to talk with so many about God you see when people are suffering their ears and hearts are ready to hear the good news about what Jesus Christ did for them and what God is about to do in their lives to directly start using them As a child I wanted to be part of something big and amazing so at the age of 6 I joined God’s family and started to study His word I have a deep intimate relationship with the Lord Heavenly Father because He will always be there He will never leave nor forsake thee He is my strength and my love and my joy I know my Redeemer Lives.Version: 3.17.0

The best tool for spiritual growthIt’s not easy going through daily life obstacles. And staying on top of praying. It’s not easy at all life challenges staying prayed up it’s not an easy thing to do some days you go through different things and you forget to bring your forget to home. Give you a thanks saw you know that soon as you wake up in the morning, it and try to find a way to be inspired for the day even if you really don’t have too much to do you know losing your job, losing everything that you have. Do you know we’re trying to find that sense of ground to keep you focused to keep you everything is going to be OK when it does it look like it’s going to be OK. This Bible here is a great tool to have your reminders. Do you know when you say in your head, I’m going to pray let me take time out and pray let me do this and let me do that and you end up forgetting because you get sidetracked. You can always grab your phone and look here and see a scripture for a happier day talk to God I pray to God don’t forget download this app if you know you really need it you believe in you know within your heart that this is the app that you need no, you need to get yourself together download this app I promise you was going to help you.Version: 3.28.0

Loving the Lord with all your mind, soul , and spiritGod is a good God regardless if we think so or not. The fact remains that when u serve and obey God you have since of peace and tranquility that passes all understanding. When You have a mind to serve God. Do not expect the rosy garden of Eden (before the fall of man) but expect the hard curves of life, because when you align with God he has an enemy that will throw his best curve balls on you. (Meaning he will take his grudges out on you because you serve God...his enemy) The main things that are affected is your family, finances and your health. That why it is good to have a loving relationship with our God. Loving God with all your heart, mind and soul will strengthen your faith and your stance on your belief. You understand, even in the worst of time in your life that God will bring you through the pains of your trails. That is why the Joy of the Lord is your strength and weeping only endure for a little while, but joy comes after you have endured the night... no matter how long your night may be. Loving God comes with a death due us part commitment. It takes diligence and an effort on the part of the believer to know who God is a real way. Yes! Struggles will come. Loving the Lord will get you throughout the tough in your life..Version: 3.40.0

The love of God is a real dealThere are times when we are puzzled by the very nature of our neighbors, whether they be television, internet or actual living next door types. We look at ourselves and tend to judge others on what they are not doing… God will judge, it is not for us, for us and our own, it is helpful to be ready to help these neighbors when they seek God. In my opinion, an app like this goes a long way to provide this assistance to our neighbors, to find God for themselves. Though piety is not for those who look at us, it is our personal relationship to god, and an app like this will inevitably strengthen our understanding of our God given roles. Lest we pretend to be, lest we shoulder the articles of what we seek to impress our fellow man, lest we forget our communion with God is ours alone… Will shadow our purpose that is to bring others to a level that reflects our personal belief in God. An app like this will help us bring others to God without worrying that our “help” be mistaken for stolen Faith. Like stolen Valor where a man wants the respect of other men with faking they are war heroes, stolen faith is the presentation of faith without the work that goes into self enrichment. And, an app like this goes a long way to provide both assistance to our neighbors, and self affirmation that we Love God as much as God loves us, 😀thanx for reading.Version: 3.18.0

I really like this bible, helped me with a lotOne day I went to church, then I stopped going and I regret it l. I’m happy I met god again and thanks to my dad for taking me to church every Sunday and I go every Wednesday no matter what I have planned god always comes first. I wake up brush my teeth take shower get ready then go to school and do work, right after school I ether have track if not then softball. Most of the time I have track until 5, then at 5:30 I have softball practice till 8:30- 9:00. It’s hard for me bc I’m not used to doing all of this but it’s ok, but every Wednesday I have practice and then take shower then go straight to church. Thanks to god I’m getting threw all of it, my dad too if he didn’t talk to me tonight idk what would’ve happened the next day. My dad said I need to choose ether bc Ghetto, or to be like him and be nice and not to care if I have friends or not. I pray that I get better in life, that I get married and be happy with my kids, to follow my goals for sports and graduate, go to college, and I pray to change and be better be respectful, nice, carrying, and for ppl to see the good side in me. When I go to school can I use my good side and always use it..Version: 3.6.0

GodI love god very much and i have let Jesus into my heart amen.Version: 3.33.0

Finding my way to GodFinding our way back to the arms of our Lord is not an easy journey. For myself it started with me resigning myself to dying. I was being strangled in front of my baby and gasping with my last breath I remember crying out to God to please protect my child and that I was sorry I was never worthy of him. I then lost consciousness I felt I had died. Now previous to this I always had felt like I was generally a good person and would “fare well” in terms of judgment day. However. What I feel I ended up in was no heaven. I was being burned alive and everyone around me despised me and hurt me BUT worst of all where I was, was completely absent of any Love! For a long time after I felt I deserved everything that had happened to me every single moment of abuse and all of my years of pain and suffering. I hated myself! I began to question my every thought and action and then I started asking myself how do I be a better person for God? Idiotically I stole a bible (another story time on that later) But when I got a decent not smashed up phone I downloaded this KJV bible app. I didn’t even know how to start reading a bible and the book of numbers still confuses me today BUT what I did get from this app was a simple but very effective daily verse of our Lord’s word. I looked at how this daily verse could influence my day and essentially myself better and I began bringing more of God and his word into my life. It brought real change into my life I started finding favourite verses and then chapters I could reflect through My friends could see change in me as well and I was encouraged to keep going. I’m ecstatic to say that 535 verses later I found my way closer to God by being baptised. I thank lord God above all praise to him for this app bringing me closer and that with Jesus Christ I came through it all to be able to share this with you today Cherie.Version: 3.0.0

6/5/22 my anxieties are overI was overcast and anxious about bullying from work today. I didn’t sleep well last night overthinking. But after talking to my manager I felt supported. All my life I have encountered rejection and false accusations. People walking away from me and that has made me lose trust and shun everyone. It made me have less confidence and struggled to believe myself for a while. My high school achievement shocked not me alone multiple degrees and diplomas because I never thought I could achieve anything. Im in a period of feeling depressed, overwhelmed and finding it hard to pray. No motivation to do anything today. I felt good when I went to a garden centre. Being surrounded by beautiful plants makes me feel good. I didn’t buy any but I think I will add more plants in my alfresco pot plants. I love Jesus! Restore to me the joy of my salvation. I need your healing power to come over me..Version: 3.9.1

In special thanks for some quality time with GodA time I can dedicate to God and in touch with my spirit soul mind heart is happy this way . Many thanks A life with God is not mundane boring and stale. A love for life. Thank you my God. Lead me to better health and wealth successfully. Then a be to God for what you have already done. For my husband to be and three children now. Amen.Version: 3.10.0

Love godI love you god thank you for all you do for me i don't know how to express my love for you God i don't have enough words to tell you how i love you god but i tell you anyway i love you so much is at your feet I want to stay I want to walk with you until the end I beg you not to let me turn away from you God give me strength but I do not break your patience Thank God I love you so much. Thank God for all you have done for me for where you came from and for all the plan the enemy has drawn for my life has gone wrong or don't let me take it I will tell you a lot Thank God for keeping my family or letting anything go wrong you don't let anything bad happen to my friend even though many people die at my age you don't leave anything thank you god for your grace for the love you have for me thank you for where you came from with me there is nothing beyond you I ask you to listen to my prayers at this time god to pass with me so that I do not fall into old things to firmly follow you just may be the end of god to make me realize all my dreams god to bless my country Because I see that my country is not good, people are killing people, God said a word for my country, God, please, father I am asking you to lead me on the right path. I Love you su much God ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰❤️🥰🥰🥰🥰💝💝💝💝💝💝👉🥰❤️❤️❤️🥰❤️🥰🥰❤️.Version: 3.9.1


Loving GidTo be reminded… that Gods lLove surrounds Us 24/7… helps Us understand our position in this World… I feel that Gods Love separates Us and we are apart of a Kingdom He built especially for his devoted people and All who want to belong He has shown his sacrifice for Us to build that Kingdom and kept Us safe through his commitment and dedication.. Our Love for him comes through His success to build Hus eternal Kingdom for Us..Thanks Be to Our Lord and Saviour❤️❤️❤️.Version: 3.7.0

FeelingsLord I feel overwhelmed with my self and all that’s been going on, You know the condition I am in, I know your with me. I need You to help myself, family and friends. I have family with Cancer and myself. I have things going on here in my home that is overwhelming me, I need in a loving way to tell my fried she has to move. You know I am not a on caring person but I know sometimes I have to back away from this drama. I love her for helping me but believe she will not handle my problems with her own, her and her Grandaughter need their own place. Please help me to handle this in a loving matter. I pray for my children, I pray my daughter will be okay with this test and no cancer she has came along ways which I know You have been with her. Jess was my blessed child as well as my other children. Lord I ask that You heal Cort for his daughter and hisself, and to learn from this in Your love. Pray for me to get through this cancer and chemotherapy and radiation and be healed and not go through a hard time doing this. You know sometimes my fear takes over but You are my Father and I trust and have faith in You always. I will put all of this in Your hands and bring me closer to You. I ask all of this in Jesus Name. Amen. Love You Father, Lord always. Thanks for all You have done for me and being with me always..Version: 3.7.0

God my one true friendMy best friend is my partner but my one true loyal friend is god, he listens to me without judgment, he loves me no matter what I have done, he forgives me over and over, he gives chance after chance over and over, he has given me the glory of living, one day I hope I get to kiss the hand of my loyal best friend god till then I will continue to be the best person he wants me to be and treasure the life he has given me🙏🏻.Version: 2.81.0

My Lord! My GodThe Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, are everything that is good in my world. As life on earth is spiralling downward, we must put our faith in the Holy Trinity, and pray for salvation!.Version: 3.44.0

Its the bestThis is the best Bible app I’ve had or ever seen there is so much to do and it helps you get closer with God Almighty keep on reading and if you don’t ask God to help you and strengthen you to read and feed on His word because men can not live on bread alone so thanks to He who’s good and gracious and may blessings rain on His Holy name forever and ever Amen.Version: 2.42.0

Thank you Lord father Jesus ChristI love my relationship with the Lord The app is great for my Bible study’s ..Version: 3.28.0

KjvGreat prayers and devotions, it has made it easier for me to understand what versus mean by putting perspective in to the verses, its always been hard for me to understand but hopefully im starting to understand and gain more knowledge in terms of my faith and the gospel.Version: 3.3.0

Future and presentThese days and the days ahead we will need strength and understanding to navigate rough waters. With trusting Jesus Christ and having eternal love for each other we will make a better world in which we live in. God bless..Version: 3.5.0

Riches with our lordI love God for giving me the most beautiful family getting me through a traumatic childhood always hearing my prayers even when I couldn’t get anyone else to listen he gave my sister and I a way away from painful memories I love the lord so much I’ve talked with my children about him because I know he cared for me even when I struggled with depression drugs alcohol he found a way to bring me back to center so I could grow knowing that things would be okay let go of anxiety and work through pain I’ve fallen short on staying clean and still I have another chance at healing everything I won’t give up I promise you lord please forgive my wrongs and hold your children until it’s time for me too I’ll get strong and clean the way you want me to be I’ll help another because it’s one of my God given blessings I thank you for today and tomorrow if it comes I have faith in you that’s what makes fear Gone thank you Jesus ps let my wife know I’m trying turn her heart if you think it’s best a lot of mistakes I made leaving me broke and heartbroken even though it hurts I see the value in you knowing I can get through this as long as I keep my eyes on you lord amen.Version: 3.33.0

I know God loves me allI love my father so much I enjoy talking to him Through out the day I learn to acknowledge his creations and appreciate all of his wonders he provided for us to enjoy I learn how to listen to him at times I didn’t know how to connect with him as time went by I started focusing on my past and realizing he was with me every step of way I realize when I fall he picked me up when I fell sick he made me well when my heart was heavy it took the weight away my Father said to me early one morning I m here I will provide for you I work in the hot sun trying to beatify my garden he sends a nice breeze sometimes it gets very hot with bright sunshine he sends light rain to cool me down it’s a wonderful experience knowing our Father in heaven watches over us and protects us I try to listen to him telling me what to do and what not to do all I know yes God is real He is my favorite gourmet desert and I am learning to enjoy him more and more THANK YOU DEAR LORD FOR LETTING ME ENJOY MY BIRTHDAY EVERYDAY I AM WISHING YOU HAPPY BIRTH DAY Also I am looking forward to meeting you some day I would love to bow down and wash your feet I pray Dear Lord you will honor my wish please don’t let me fall by the wayside you will always be in my heart I pray in your name and holy spirit Amen 🙏❤️.Version: 3.28.0

How much I love God.With all my being..Version: 3.47.2

✝️This app is such a great way to connect with God. It’s so much easier to read the Bible and write notes and to pray every day. I highly recommend to anyone being a nonbeliever or believer..Version: 3.45.0

The struggleGod it’s so much on me right now to where I don’t understand how I got here in my life bills bills bills and more bills everything is past due. My car is on the verge of being taken away. My son is in prison for making the wrong decisions I am still have a hard time with that he is so young. Maybe I went wrong by cuddling him and loving on him too much but I was a single mom with no help and that’s all I knew to do well I had family my dad played a major part of his life. I learned later in his life that that wasn’t enough he wanted his father in his life. Then I married a man that watched me struggle and my son watched him, watch me, struggle, and that affected him to where he just wanted to take care of me, but he didn’t understand that was not his responsibility. and also I work in a toxic stressful negative environment to where I dread going to work every day but it’s what’s pays the bills and taking care of my son but here is the kicker. I had a mammogram done and now I’m being called back in for further tests on one of my breast, and you are the only one that knows I haven’t told my family. God i still pray to you cry out to you to send help I pray help is on the way trying my best not to give up. I love you God..Version: 3.30.0

InChristI, love God with all my body soul and spirit. He the best thing that ever happened to me. With out Jesus am a dead man walking. Thank God for giving me his Holy Spirit to do the work that he call me to do and the life he call me to live. All glory be to the Father and Son! IN the name of Jesus, Amen and amen.Version: 3.44.0

Thank you lordLord have any father? Thank you for this wonderful day, Lord, I thank you for blessing me in my family Lord Lord, I thank you for that. Lord God, Lord, I want to thank you for blessing me with a best friend who loved you the way she did our God in her teaching being her ways for God I thank you for my wonderful friend Lord who I will miss so so much please watch over her family and keep them. Lord bless her daughters and her husband or God, her brother and her sister, Laura and her other family members are God strengthen our hearts them your time of bereavement I thank you for that. Amen.. asked you today to bless her family. Keep them Lord left them in your time of bereavement Lord please watch over my grandson keep him safe all of them. All of these children work Samir work on his hard work on his spirit God, he needs you in his heart and I know he knows you, Lord, but I need him to grow on you to God, and you to grow in his heart more. lower it I know that I have cancer but I am not worried. I am trusting on you trusting in you and knowing that I'm gonna be OK. Whatever happens I'm going to keep encouraged and I thank you Lord for loving me the way you do in Jesus name I pray. Amen..Version: 3.36.0

How much I love godGod I just wanted to tell you that I love you and thank you for everything that you do for me and my family for my beautiful mom that had always loved me so much even when I didn’t know how to love myself and for my handsome son that has always stood by me even when I was wrong and didn’t deserve it for my sister in heaven I want to thank you for the time I had with her and for always letting her protect me and my family that wasn’t even my blood family that took me in and Made me family to them anyways I just love you and thank you for working in my life right now and helping me to be strong for forgiving me of my sin’s and loving all of us all unconditionally I’m sorry I don’t come to you in prayer like I should or use to but I’m going to get better at that and my attitude I promise thanks for being patience with me and for watching over all our troops fighting for us and our country but mostly for being a loving understanding god that is always working even when we can’t see it or it doesn’t feel like it and letting me see that everything is going just as you have planned for us I love you and give you the praise lord. Amen.Version: 3.7.0

How much I love GodHe is the air that I breathe and the life that I have. I love God with all I have.❤️🙏.Version: 3.5.0

ENDLESS LOVEFinding my faulty again and mending my relationship with God has been a beautiful journey. I wish my eyes were opened long ago.Version: 3.44.0

My God I love you so much.I honour you my God. You are my peace maker. You shields me from the negative. When my energy try defeat me you stand amongst me. I trust you and honoured you. I pray to you that each day to keep me safe. Thank you God. Amen..Version: 3.46.0

Mind of peaceNow I am praying twice a day I have found some calm in my life. I no longer feel alone with the daily grind and pressures of each day. I am learning that my path is turbulent at present and uncertain. The day prays and inspiration quotes give me hope I look forward to the inspirational text and take each day with new light.Version: 3.5.0

Good featuresGreat app with good features for studying. One improvement suggestion- with the highlights can you make it so that when you review your highlights you pick your colour and the app will show only the highlights with that colour not jumbled up like now..Version: 2.48.0

BibleI just love your App it’s such a Blessing to me It’s such a Inspiration to see how God love us and cares for us may the Blessing of the Lord be with you all Thanks to Share 💖🌈🙏🙏.Version: 2.28.0

The lordThe lord always heals my soul when I ask him his always there I’m my worst times I always try to pray for those that don’t know our lord that he will show them the road to richiuosness and he will heal them too our god is a loving and forgiving god I ask that he guides me down the right road to be able to talk about his word to those in need that are lost to heal us when we are sick to look after our family when they are in need to look after our neighbours our enemies to forgive to love more to understand those and exceythere ways to not judge to ask for forgiveness when we sim every day I love you unconditionally lord and always will Amen.Version: 3.7.0

Nathan’s word to god todayI hate evil doers lord god almighty you are great among people and you store up a place for me in heaven with my name on the front of the mansion with my new name that only me and you god knows it so lord I pray through you’re son Jesus that he which is you god alone will finish this new work in me today in Jesus name and every chain be broken from the enemy in Jesus name I pray amen.Version: 3.30.0

Nice appI just started using this app so can’t say much but it is definitely nice..Version: 3.47.2

My holy father, my god jesus christ.My life my mother carry me for 9 months until I grew older. Since i was born i was baptised in gods holy house which is the church of god. I grew up believing in god. He is my life and my saviour. He is my doctor, my teacher . I always believe in him till oneday I will come to meet him in heaven..Version: 3.7.0

Ngl I love this appThe app has so many features like reminding me to pray and night and on the morning and gives me notifications when I should read the bible!! It also gives me a percentage so I know how close I am to finishing the Bible!.Version: 3.33.0

RateLove it , love it , love it must tell more people about this app God Bless us all 😍.Version: 2.28.0

I'm BlessedWith all this I just found myself encouraged each day i read from Daily Devotions it helps me alot and this keeps reminding me that MY Awesome God is in Control and I can rest assure and Trust Him in Everything.I find myself so Blessed to get to know Him More and I am so at Peace wit myself Knowing He is the One taking the Wheel ❤️❤️❤️.Version: 2.54.0

About god I love this appI love this app so much u can read the bible on here and even answer questions and study ones u got wrong and do morning prayers.Version: 3.30.0

I love it !! 😍It’s helped me understand and show Empathy to the scripture and extended my ways of thinking in many ways now. I love how I can make a plan to help me with my struggle with sin- like prayer, studying the word of God😍🙏🏽❤️, bless you and those who have made our Christian community greater in the last days, AMEN ! 🥳❤️.Version: 2.89.0

Back on track with my first loveMy name is Jacque I am a 56 year old female, I have recently returned to God. I struggled with life in general loosing a loved one so very close to me. I got caught in the drinking I thought it would stop my pain my heartache, it just made the situation so much worse. Family disowning me did not want me around them my own daughter keeping my Grand children from me. The more I drank the further I was removed isolated from those I love and cherish, so I began to isolate myself from my family. Two Sundays ago I recommitted my life to the Lord, I never looked back God is a forgiving God and he loves me. He will never leave me or forsake me. I love the Lord like never before, thank you for reading my story..Version: 3.11.0

He is my ALLWhat does it mean, “HE IS MY ALL” Since my husband passed away, 3 years ago, the Lord is my Strength, my Peace, I know His love for me, goes before me and behind me, He knows the plans He has for me, not to harm me but to prosper me, Hallelujah.Version: 3.5.0

How I love my God. 🙏🏽I love my God because everything he has done for me. He saved me, He made the whole world for me, He made me, He loved me even when I did wrong, He forgives me, He listens to me, He answers me, He loves me, and he knows me better than anyone else does. He made the world beautiful just for me and everyone else. Even though people have done at least something very bad, he always forgives. 🙏🏽 I got baptized and gave myself to him🙏🏽. I did bad things and lost my path to him, but now I am praying every day, and reading the Bible everyday. He’s helping me heal myself and find the path to him again🙏🏽. He is answering my prayers and listening to me and helping me with my problems. He is always comforting me to do better. He knows me better than I even know myself. When I am doing something bad he makes me remember on who I am and what I’m trying to be. He is helping me achieve my goals and helping me do better in school and home. He is helping me find better friends and better people to be in my life. I have prayed for him to remove the friends/people from my life if they are not the right people to be around with. I am have also prayed for him that if my boyfriend isn’t the one for me than he knows what to do. I love my God for many things. When I knew God I wasn’t as happy cause I didn’t know him very well as much as I do now. I am still learning my way to him and finding his paths..Version: 3.40.1

Hope in a time of distressDuring this time of great uncertainty and loss during this so called pandemic we focus on our hope and faith in God through his son Jesus. We believe that the world has lost faith in God and the power of prayer and belief that Christ came to restore our relationship with God. We are truely like lost sheep. We prayer that God will reveal his message to us so that we can accept his perfect will,and rely less on little gods of comfort and excess..Version: 2.54.0

I love the virtual bible because it continues to bring me closer to GodLove it.Version: 3.44.0

BrokenDear God help from this brokenness I have you know why , and other things that’s going on around me help me mend my heart from this heartbreak, heartache I feel since losing my oldest baby it still hurts it’s been a year now since she passed I know she doing better n body is whole , walking, talking and doing all she couldn’t do at her age . She never got to attend college , marry , have kiddos nor work .,God I knew she was tried my apologies for been selfish wanting her here she’s my first born at times doesn’t seem fair she not here . My Father you knew what was best for my baby my Angel face I miss my baby every day . Since she’s been gone some family have gotten closer , her dad side of the family God you knwo all about it , her siblings keep going and at times still dealing with her not been here the hid it at times her baby sisters lost n bewildered I’m praying God help her she needs it n Big sis watch over us and see that God keep us protected. Help me Father with going back to work , help me get it together again it’s been hard I need to work to get a new place for us staying with people okay but I need a place of my own. I have til August to find a home I don’t know which direction to go or go back to teaching or finish my degree help me Father and my family as well my children Love you my Angel face n God thank you for never leaving me nor forsaking me n my childern and loving me 🙏🏾❤️🙏🏾.Version: 3.12.0

Great AppCan do devotions and read bible without signing in or signing up :).Version: 3.14.0

Gods loveI’m so great full of all gods loves done to me an my family. He gave his only son to die on the cross for my sins. Every morning I woke up i thanks god for still let me breath an for everything ect (food,air,water,clothes,house) I’m speechless for everything god done for me an my family an I love god more than anything in this world.Version: 3.12.0

GODI love God A lot I really hope he will and see’s my heart.Version: 2.65.1

GodGod always sorts my life and mind for me, when I need him the most.Version: 3.4.0

God..I love God because he is always looking down on me and protecting me from harm. I pray to the lord everyday because it makes me feel much better about my day and how it’s gonna end up going. God has been apart of my life since I was born and I continue to keep loving him for the rest of my life. As a catholic I believe he sacrificed his life for humanity so I should continue living in God’s words..Version: 3.4.0

I love GodTotally.Version: 3.45.0

My life is in your hands lordI been thru so much n I ask myself why me going in and out of jail that have to stop I got a son nhe look at ever I do 11/15 I don’t know if I might be doing time or not and it hurt cause I don’t want to be away from my son he all I know and my mom sisters everybody I have to much stress anger and hate and I don’t like how it make me feel as a man my father was there but was not there the drugs got him so I had to learn to be a man by myself I got 7 sisters I’m the only boy it was hard growing up no father really turn to the streets started gang banging in and out of jail like I’m done with this god I can’t take no more my heart body hurt from all this pain stress I beg u god plz put your hands upon me and bless me o lord I’m yelling and calling out for help I need someone to talk too lord I have so much going on in my mind I don’t know where to start my mom told me to download the app before but I did not listen at all I just told her I will and never did missing my mom birthday yesterday 11/02 was the worst feeling ever I just hope and pray I don’t do time I can’t take being away from my son and my mom they need me to most just plz lord watch over me n Guide me to the path of righteousness in father name I pray amen🙏🏾🙏🏾.Version: 3.18.0

Truly a magnificent blessingThis has been transcribed with such grace and so much passion. Each day you too can be blessed with verses from the bible then those words are poetically put into today’s meanings, followed by a short prayer. All that’s left to say is Amen..Version: 2.24.4

My Love for Jesus!My love for my Father is something so strong that I can’t describe it. However, I can say that his love for us sinners is so deep and strong. I have felt his love for us. I know it’s hard to believe for some but my relationship with my Father is so powerful that I have felt his love in my heart. All I could do is sob and weep.. I thank him for choosing me to feel the power and I can’t ever turn from him or is love..I love you Father I thank you for giving me the family I got here on Earth. I thank you for choosing me and my family to tell others about your love. I know Lord I can get into my own ways that I fall and fail. But thanks to you Father I can ask for forgiveness and my sins are all washed away. I ask you Jesus to keep working inside my heart and to continuously clean out the rust and grim I carry within. I ask for your forgiveness now Lord and I ask that you bless my family and that you keep them protected from any harm and that you heal our bodies and hearts. I ask that you feel the cracks in my heart and my soul with more of you Father. Your greatness and your power gives me hope today,tomorrow and always..I love you Jesus. In his name I pray Amen❤️💯😇🙏🏻🐑.Version: 3.7.0

Best thing ever 💯Dear god thank you for still being with me even when I question you I’m sorry forgive me pls love you amen 🙏.Version: 3.16.0

Bible storyIt made me feel like. God was with me and blessing me with what I have right now.Version: 3.18.0

Amazing appThis app has told me that I should never compare myself to anyone else because everyone is better when they don’t compare there self . I and have also learned that if we compare yourself with somebody else 🙅you have your own way of being a better person but being yourself. BTW everything that I have learned is amazing I now know to pray in the morning, night, and also when I am having a hard time with life but we have God/Jesus that is there to protect us where ever we are and I am only 8 years old and learning this much stuff just in a day I’m impressed but mostly thank whoever made this app I’m looking forward to doing another review like this.Version: 3.25.0

Fantastic app,Fantastic app, l am so thrilled using it..❤️❤️.Version: 2.84.0

GodChrist our Lord our God of heaven and I know Jesus knows everything about the weather temperatures traffic jams traffic and weather and seasons and correctness that’s what I know about the cashier workers and I really like about you God to make him feel better make me much beautiful person I know that’s why I care what you cause you always do I love you so much Tell Jesus I said thank you and please don’t forget your friend Betsy Brayton the Lord of Nina that’s why your eye was burning as le let you know because you know I was about me and you that’s why I care about you that’s why I love you God you are the best girl ever I know you know everything I think you are amazing God ever thank you Lord hallelujah Christ of the Lord thank you again amen in a Boston roll of all and I know Jesus dies an Easter bunny Cross know how to say good could’ve be so he can die for me anyways that’s what he was December 25 and he’s 33 years old and that’s final I love you God and Jesus take care of yourselves I love you both of you thank you and you are amazing and I know about you thank you so much and I love question is can you let me know make me feel better sing me a song Bible songs for me and Jesus for you to don’t forget I need your help can you make me feel better get the Flonase and sickness of my body thank you take care I know you live in heaven Malaysia visit you sometime thank you so much take care bye.Version: 3.9.1

Put God FirstThe App is really helpful and learning verses I have not seen before a morning Reminder to put God first and everything will always work or for the better for you me your day and life I look forward to reading every morning.Version: 3.4.0

RealisationThe realisation that there are very evil powers that be and the masses ( non-believers) are deaf and dumb to the holy war between good and evil is underway . The frustration of living through this is taking a toll on me and my Mother . Prayers are getting answered in this horrible time also come’s proof of the power of prayer. I must trust in the lord with all my heart and lean not on my own understanding. Amen 🙏.Version: 3.40.1

Thank youPerfect verse for the day.Version: 3.33.0

God is the almighty kingI love god so much, he is real and wen u believe and trust his word, he always prevails Lord thank you for showing me that my children are truly blessings from your power o lord, please forgive me for taking so long to be there for them in there time of need, lord I ask u to bless my family and especially my soulmate tamra with nothing but good grace lord, please help her see your power and grace lord, help her use her gift only for good, lord let her truly want to change for me but mostly for herself, lord I also would like to pray for myself, give me the strength to fight my anger, to fight my thoughts, to fight for who I love, and to always make sure I be a good father to my4 children that u blessed me with, i pray that you help me get over the abusing ad……, and I would like to thank you for always being there no matter wat and showing me and guided me to get better each and every day, thank u for my health, and my family memeber and tamras family members good health, and finally thank you for always guiding me towards a better life not only for me but my family, I appreciate and humble myself for being the man I have become, and I may stray off path but no matter wat I do u always steer me back to the path I need to be on. In Jesus name I pray amen.Version: 3.7.0

Great applicationSimple and powerful. Thanks.Version: 3.20.0

Always something to look forward toI love this Bible app, it has everything I need. I love the daily readings, the plans and the beautiful pictures. Mostly I just love having the Bible at my fingertips anywhere, anytime, any day ❤️🙏🏻🎚️.Version: 3.21.1

I love god because he gives us more knowledge xo❤️🥰Love god.Version: 3.33.0

Your thought higher than my thoughts.Lord thank you for the reminder that you are our all. We should never question our assignment her on earth as you are my leader and my guider. My prayer to you Lord is to quicken my mind daily and to be sure it lines up with being obedient to your call. Guide me in all decisions that I make and always lead me on the path of righteousness for your glory. Don’t ever leave me Lord but give me a sound mind to live with you and you alone in all my choices in life. Your thoughts Lord is higher than my thoughts so guide me daily in love for my husband Fenton and my children and grandchildren. All my children and grandchildren knows you as you have called and knows each one by Name. Hold each one in the palm of your hand and let us serve you daily with much wisdom given from you to each of us. We have seen uncountable miracles from you for each of our family members and we thank you Lord and Praise Your Holy Name for each one. In 2023 we ask that you bring forth the biggest Blessings in all of our finances making no one lack for anything and use each one of us to share your true living gospel. Help each one of us Lord and we thank you that we can ask and you hear our every prayer daily. You and you alone are my strength. Hallelujah and Amen! We love you Lord!.Version: 3.22.0

Awesome appLove this app has helped me in my walk with God thank you.Version: 3.13.0

I thank this app for helping in my devotionI love God with all my heart. This Bible app really helps me realise how I should express this. My wonderful family are also full of love for the lord. However, we all pray for My youngest and her husband to let the lord back into their hearts and we ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen..Version: 3.8.0

BeginningThis is only the beginning, I want to get close to him , just didn’t know how , I know I’m so lost without him and I know I haven’t been close to him when I should be ..Version: 3.4.0

Talk With GODThank you lord Jesus for everything. I’m blessed I'm comfortable I’m safe I’m healthy etc. Words cant express how much I’m thankful for you. Thank you being there for me every second of my entire life. I thank you for everything i have and everything i will obtain. Thank you for all the promises you keep. Thank you for my children and their mother’s. I definitely would like a better living condition so that i can see my kids more and to be able to provide for them. Right now its hard to provide for myself but lord you have always been a provider and thank you so much for always providing. Thank you for good times and thank you for bad times. Thank you for not letting me be a victim of the many dangers in this world. Keep my kids safe and healthy. Give me wisdom and give me the energy I need to continue the rest if my life. Put me in a position where my cup is running over and i have to much so that i can give all kinds of blessings to people and i wont regret doing so. I want to wake up glad that I can give freely to the poor and to my children and to my brothers and sisters and to my parents so that every one can see that it is you who blessed me like this and they can worship you all the days of our lives. Thank you for knowing what i want to say when i cant find the words. Thank you for knowing my heart. Bless my food. Bless me coming in and going out. Thank you Jesus. In Jesus might name i pray this prayer. AMEN.Version: 3.7.0

BibleThis BIBLE app is very helpful and I am grateful to be reading the bible in this app, Thank you😁.Version: 3.7.0

Path to righteousnessLearning to love god and Jesus everyday I am no means an expert but loving my studies and appreciating gods love more and more.Version: 2.39.0

GoodI feel like I have gotten close with god now that I have this app it has like everything it has verses of the day, and just versus it has the bible and lots of people that love god and sharing there stories and you can share your thoughts all in one bible app! 10/10.Version: 3.45.0

God Is All You NeedGod is The Alpha and Omega The Beginning and The End!! No one can come to Him accept they come through Jesus The Christ!! The Holy Spirit has to be activated in us and allow Him to Lead us to All Truth so we can be set free from the bondage of sin. So we can follow and walk out life with God and getting to know Him on a whole other level. A level of intimacy that can only be developed and matured through time spent with Him daily in His Word!! Seeking His Kingdom and Righteousness! His yolk is easy and His burdens are light!! His Love is never failing and it’s endless!! He will never leave or forsake us He will be with us always!! He is Faithful even when we’re not! He forgives and forget our sins as if they never happened as well as work them out to work for our Good so they can’t shame us!! I love that He gives us brand new Grace and Mercy everyday because He knows we would need it to survive this ugly world. He doesn’t leave us helpless and that The Holy Spirit is there to comfort and guide us through our life to get us to the finish line!! I Love that He has a Plan for us and if we deny ourselves for a season He will give us EVERYTHING WE NEED AND MORE IF WE DONT GIVE UP!! Now that is a God Worth serving and dying to self for!! Are just a few reasons why I LOVE HIM SO MUCH☝🏾👏🏽🙌🏾🙏🏽.Version: 3.36.0

Gods loveYes I do love God , Jesus and the Holy Ghost. I am nothing without them in my life. They have given me everything I need and so much more. Thank you lord for being in my life and being my saviour and salvation. Thank you Jesus.Version: 3.47.0

🥹🥰I love it if your a Christian I think y’all will love it download it 🥰 vary good 😊.Version: 3.23.0

Solid ChangeFather God I keep taking detours every time I rinse myself of any past burden by supplication of devotion and intermediate prayer fasting, it takes my wonderland well my body as I would know it’s anatomy through a number of obstacles which in this day and time we call it a trip down memory lane. I usually feel overwhelmed defeated and incompetent for the daily works as to having so many unknown trials father I confess my sin consistently I open the door of my heart for your presence to come and show me how I can be humble show me how I know I can take my life to another measure which is overcoming outstanding father god help me to quit refusing to apply myself to find my meaning father I know I have a purpose and I need you to be here with me as I struggle to release all the things that I have let build up inside of me because I just couldn’t make myself ready for whatever father god I love you I know you and I will never have to need for you because I know that you are with me all this time father god I just need clarity transition and a hopeful continuation of this life father god I love you and I am very blessed because I do know you and I thank you so much! For every single day of my life and for every single person who has been a helping hand in this difficult understanding father thank you for this life! It is in your sons holy and precious name that I declare your almighty name!.Version: 3.33.0

BibleI am only starting to read the bible again, I think this time I am ready!.Version: 3.45.0

Gods humble servantFor I am gods child and he has surely humbled me in many ways! He has shown me life and death for Jesus loved the whole world that he died for me and all others. I recently lost my grandma to a terrible illness, my best friend to suicide, and my dog of twelve years passed of cancer all last year. Then we rang in the new year with my sisters fiancé passing unexpectedly very sad but it has humbled me and reminded me of gods love for us and also it reminds me to enjoy every moment of my life because we just never know what might happen. Many blessings have befallen me and my family and for that I am thankful thanks be to Jesus who laid his life for me and to god who gave his only begotten son! How many can give up there only child for others sinful ways. I know I couldn’t as a mother of two boys it would absolutely break me but one day they will lose me and I will only remain in their hearts and in the memories they hold near and dear so make sure your anger is slow your quick to listen eager to give and forgiveness is not easy but you must let go of your burdens lay them at his feet and let him work out all that ye need for he already knows that’s why I love god he already knows what you need all you need do is ask and you shall receive! Pray often give often love as Jesus loves Sincerely, Gods humble servant!.Version: 3.6.0

Very pleased with this app thank youThank you.Version: 3.44.0

Just what I neededThe prayer and inspiring words were exactly what I needed today. It was as if it was pre ordained! This app is a must have, to renew faith, to understand what a loving and compassionate God we have, whom no matter how busy He may be, He always has my back!.Version: 3.12.1

How much I love God? How much Do i Love God O lord And Mother Mary.I rather be rich Minded Than Famous To Sacrifice all things that I enjoy see and want to kill 4 die 4. I want no parts of the unbelievers whom would do anything just to get happiness for themselves and the own immediate love what automatic should possess no reward. I see that if I knew the ultimate sacrifice to express myself to answering this Question 100% Tru. I Guess i would know to do or don’t . Or if to endure such pain of what . I have my answer ready . To be crucified the whole 200%ratio. In Gesus I Trust! I am a Sovereign Servent /Serpent of the Lord. I am the light in Darkness. To Never see Or Learn about or Lack of interest of Something New to your mind body and soul can be strange weird uncomfortable to Be around. I am From a Loving Family Father Gehovah Mother Mary And Now O’Lord SonSun of God, Brethren Gesus Khrist. Hardware, Software & Motherboard . Computer Trinity. Being A Tru Player and not a CPU Ai of intelligence. Not Going out of the Manufacturer’s WorkShop Blueprint as is. As if tho the mission was to . But Timing of how quick you get out the Game by simply completing may get you the gold Medal of timing . But those who search will find gems Jewels unlocking powerful Brainstorming techniques and Treasures of value. And still end up with the Prize of Great timing for overstanding the reason why oooowowowo what did you bring back so much of a over looked tardy. As if tardy never existed..Version: 3.17.1

Love itIm a Christian and I love it.Version: 3.45.0

Prodigal daughterMay this help me in my daily struggles to come back to God. I believed He is looking after me everyday..Version: 3.21.1

BlessedThe morning prayer helps so much, also the evening prayer helps so much no matter what you are going through it will help. The bible is also fantastic plus the bible jigsaw puzzle is fantastic, later on will definitely do that too..Version: 3.20.1

PatientsThe lord has been patient with me threw all my troubles and sins he did not forget about me i love him with all my heart and i will not forget about him..Version: 2.33.0

TruthI love reading from this Bible.Version: 3.44.0

What I needGod gives me everything I need. I get into bad thoughts or situation when I try things out of what God provides me. Always anchor to pray to our Saviour. Words from a song we sang in church for years. “Thy way is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.”.Version: 3.44.0

GodI thank this app it’s a achievement for me and my god so be with me and this app so I thank you may god be with you and I’m only a little kid so like I said may god be with you all amen..Version: 3.23.0

A ‘Letter’ to The Lord God,Even though this is a review, I say Lord; Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for bringing these people and me another day added to our lives. For we respect what you have done and that you have given us chances in the past. Thank you Lord for sending Jesus out there to forgive everyone’s sins. Please heal the people who are sick from the top of their heads to the soles of their feet for we do respect you Lord and you only shall we worship as for a king of the creator of this world. Bless everyone out there and protect them, those homeless and not. Take the lingering evil spirits out of their homes and mine, also take away all the nightmares and the virus happening now. Please help those in need, or struggling right now. Bring peace into this world. Give us Faith in your Lord. Please Guid us as we live and give us knowledge as we read the Bible. Lord thank you for everything and I shall only worship you and you only shall you be my idol. Again, forgive us for our sins for saying wrong, hearing wrong, and doing wrong for we do or do not know what we are doing Lord. I will continue to worship you in happiness for what you have done for this world. Amen. (Written by a Grade 5 in respect.).Version: 3.12.1

GoodYay happy to read again!!!! Love and light❤️☀️.Version: 3.1.0

Why I love GodI love God because he love me and change my life ..Version: 3.24.0

My GOD!!!My God is an awesome and amazing and ever so faithful and merciful and always on time and always there and always provide for us kinda GOD. I love my God so much. I worship GOD and give him praise for all the amazing and wonderful things he has ever done for me in this GREEN and Alive earth. LORD, I thank you. 🙏🏾.Version: 3.46.0

Feeling lost and unimportantSo this morning, I woke with all the stress and worries at the world upon my shoulders. Currently going through some things in life that are emotionally, and spiritually confusing. I seem like no matter how hard I try to find the light at the end of the tunnel or God‘s promise of greener pastures, peace seems to me elude me. The harder I try to find the Lord it seems like the further he gets away, and I hear people say give it to Jesus, or You’re not , well some things things are hard than others and that’s easier said than done. So I tend to look towards the fleshly things to try to cope with the emptiness and loneliness inside. The devil tells me it’ll never end and committing. Suicide is my only option of releasing things I’m dealing with. I know that isn’t the way to handle things and that’s the enemy speaking to me in my weakest moment. But there’s also, that voice deep inside of my head telling me you have a greater calling, there’s greater things in store for you and I promise you, my son this too shall pass. Well, I’m at my breaking point if not already broken and still yet I found myself in the alone, wondering in the wilderness. I need help and I don’t know how to reach out to find it. I’m afraid for myself and my mental state please help..Version: 3.45.0

Love love love love love this appThis app helped me change my life for the better after a really bad relationship with my ex girlfriend and a horrible addiction to drugs I found myself in a place that no man or woman should have to endure day by day I started to wonder if I would ever be happy again things seems like they had no longer been in my control at all I lived a life of solitude after I became homeless didn’t really want to talk to anyone and then I started to feel this sudden calling from deep within me one day that made me start to feel slightly alive for a change then my sister told me to download this app and once I started reading more and more I started to really indulge in reading every day or as absolutely close to every day that I could and soon I found myself in a sober state of mind and that alone made me feel happier than I have in a long time and I started to realize that that feeling deep within my souls wasn’t me it was god himself telling me that if I didn’t change who knows what would happen to me I thank god every day for the blessings that he bestowed upon me and allowed me to be happy again I now have a job and am working on bettering my life all because of the good word thank you all so much amen.Version: 3.4.0

Faith in GodI always trust God that in time I will bear the fruit of my faith in him inspite of all trials I’ve been through in which I never give up hoping that patience will be rewarded according to His will..Version: 3.45.0

How much I love god n JesusOkay hello Kjv holy bible im toa vaka, I’m 11 years old turning 12 this year! I love god because he has always been there for me in my ups and downs and there’s way more ways why I love god and Jesus Amen.Version: 3.0.0

Thanks to lordLord I thank you for opening my eyes to you. I feeling amazing and I know you are with me. Please continue to guide me on my journey to create a real and stronger relationship with you. Please keep me on your path and never let me be distracted from any evil or any wickedness, keep the devil and the evil spirit away from me. Amen.Version: 3.18.0

My GodI thank you for everything good and bad in my life because you always cared for me through both. When I went away you called me back. My weaknesses you take over and I am strong with you, together we can do anything in your will for me. This app makes it easier to be us (God & me). Thankyou app..Version: 3.12.0

LoveWhen I was young, 15 I got asked to defend a girl that had fallen pregnant by a bunch of guys. Well it didn’t end up in a conversation. It left me suffering from a internal bleeding. I walked home which was a fare way, around about five miles, I got home and my mother ask me what happened I told her, and I told her about my head ack, luckily my dad was home, or didn’t go to work that night, he and my brother went out to a bible shop, to purchase a bible. When they refund home I came out from my bed room to speak to my dad. Then I was crying and my brain was feeling the blood pressure in my scull. I stated the fall into haemorrhage. My dad and my brother got me to hospital and I had emergency surgery, by two doctors that had not had previous experience. I had another operation, to fix up what they didn’t fix, Whilst I was on the operation, fort one that is, I guess I died because I seen the light, I held the lord Jesus’s hand. Then my spirit traveled to the church in which my mum dad and brother were there praying for me. I seen them praying for me, I guess I stayed there until I returned to my body. I was in a comer for two and a half months, and then physiotherapist to teach me how to speak and live life once more. Now I’m older I’m suffering Parkinson’s disease. But I know myself the there is a god the father and god the son and god our Holy Ghost Amen.Version: 3.7.0

Gods blessingsThank you so very much for always being there when my day is a mess and my night needs a pick up !! It's so great to have you right with me always ... big time blessings to you all ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏😇.Version: 2.24.3

GodI love you because sometimes I feel your the only person that loves me back.Version: 3.47.0

AMAZINGThis app really helps me clear my thoughts even though sometimes I my fallbackGod help me to do everything the correct way and make good choices I believe in God so that everyone can live happily.Version: 3.14.0

Financial strugglesI need my salary increase so I can close my debts and have comfortable living. I am working hard and did not receive any salary increase everything is expensive and can’t reach my goals due to some obstacles my Heavenly Father you know all please open doors on my career finances. I have been working since age of 15 and had my mistakes and asked to give me wisdom to change. Thank you for all the blessings Lord thank you I have a roof on my head a good on table, health, love, family. Thank you and thank you and million times thank you Lord, Heavenly Father. Without you I am nothing we are nothing. Everything on this earth on earth belongs to you. I give you my heart, my life. I trust you with all my heart and lean on your shoulder not in my understanding. Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah. Amen 🙏🙏🙏 Please guide and direct me always. I pray for my family, friends, colleagues and their families, neighbors/ families. Peace, health, love. Faith, hope, Love. I love you GOD. Thank you for always watching over me and my family. Thank you father, thank you Lord. Thank you for all the blessings and answering my prayers. Thank you for giving me wisdom, courage and strength. Thank you for everything..Version: 3.44.0

I Love JesusGreat is Our God and this app helps me daily to keep close to Jesus. I have had many daily challenges and I breathe in Je and out Sus Jesus to bring his presence near every breath I take. Giving praise for my life no matter what. Thank you for this app. Bec Thompson 🙏❤️.Version: 3.8.0

Love this appThis is an amazing app for people who want to be closer to god I live the quizzes they have it’s just Such an amazing app to get closer to god should try.❤️✝️😊.Version: 3.18.0

He changed everythingNot sure how to star but all that I can say is that I navigated life with a spiritual wound, spiritual wounds are not visual in front of the mirror, they can only be reveal by our father in heaven. But when he revealed then he also let us know how to healed. Matthew 11:28, when I was able to surrender and seek his presence, then only then I was able to walk and pour out my pain, my sorrows my all and as I learn my identity in him I was able to be transformed. I was able to work on creating spiritual habits, because your habits determine your future. When you know that you were created in his image and you were given dominion that is for your purpose, then only then you walk in fulfillment knowing that your doing what you were created to do by sharing the good news. Knowing that your past was intentional because without it you wouldn’t have the platform today to be able to relate with others, for them to see if he did it for you, he can foot for them, only if they choose him, only when they acknowledge that he is the truth, the way and the life and to be born again, sure ending to the Holy Spirit giving them the chance to navigate life through the spirit and not their carnal mind..Version: 3.43.0

King James Verse BibleI love it cause I love God. It helps a lot to get through life troubles.Version: 3.47.0

The bibleMy favourite book of all times!.Version: 3.44.0

THANK YOU HEAVENLY FATHER🤲🏾🙏🏾😘ABBA YAH (God) I just want to tell you how much I ABSOLUTELY appreciate, love, honor, cherish, admire , adore you. Over the yrs you have revealed your divine self in many many ways to me and every reveal is more electrifying than the next. ABBA Yah I know I have fallen short of your glory daily, but yet you still love me the same and I just DO NOT HAVE ENOUGH THANKS in me to Thank You for Everything you have done, been, and is to and for me 🤲🏾🤲🏾🤲🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾. ABBA YAH the fact to know that you don’t need me, however you desire a relationship with me, that I am the apple of your eyes is EVERYTHING !!!!! You said in your word, that you inhabit the praise of your people is ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS I LOOOOOOVE YOU ABBA PLEASE forgive me for my sins, transgressions, and iniquities that I have committed before you knowing and unknowing I repent of them Alllllll. I just want to please you and make you happy ABBA YAH (God) for you said that you knew me before I was formed in the womb and I want to remember you and what I was doing before that when I was in Heaven PLEASE PLEASE continue to help me father I vow to follow, worship, honor obey you and your laws statutes and commandments and by worshiping you on The Holy Sabbath 🤲🏾🤲🏾🤲🏾🤲🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾😘😘😘❤️❣️🫶🏾🫶🏾.Version: 3.17.0

My dayLord thank you for today thank you for my husband Darwin my children my grand and great grand children thank you for are brother and sisters are friends and are fellow brother and sister in Christ you and Christ are what get me through each day and I will never be able to than you for your love grace the Holy Spirit your mercy your strength your compassion you are the one and only God and I love you In Jesus Name Lord Amen.Version: 3.47.1

My current reminderThis app is my constant reminder for exactly how much I love GOD! It helps me keep on track & it helps me in gaining knowledge in regards to the bibles word! God is the reason I am alive today! He is my saving grace! I love our heavenly Father! I am grateful everyday …. Im thankful I have found my spirituality! Praise God… thankyou Jesus! ❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽.Version: 3.44.0

Thank youHelping me find my way.Version: 2.81.0

My love for GODMy life has had its turn for the worst and for the best. The reason for that is because at times in my life I would stray away from GOD and live in sin at a younger age. I was making very poor decisions in my life and was suffering from them. One day I married a very godly woman and had two beautiful kids that all GOD blessed me with. In my own free will I started to stray away from GOD again with sin of the world and ruined my marriage. Since then GOD has opened my eyes to keeping him 100% involved and since doing that things got better, not easier but better because I knew that everyday that I fight I wasn’t alone and every single challenge that I faced I wasn’t alone. Everyday I want to thank GOD for saving a sinner like me and loving me unconditionally even when I didn’t deserve it. I want GOD to strengthen me to love like he does, forgive like he does and see the world as beautiful as he does even in the darkest days. I love my GOD and pray that he humbled me everyday to the greatest godly man I can be. I love you GOD and thank you for your blessings and opening my eyes to the sin I was living in. I thank you lord for never abandoning me and loving a sinner like me. I thank you lord for trusting me to be a dad and lord I was to be a good christain man for my son and daughter. Lord give me the knowledge and strength and love to raise them to live for you and love you as I do. Thank you lord for another chance in this life..Version: 3.25.0

Empowering Myself to Move forward and trust In God with all I have Amen ❤️🙏🙏I’m so grateful for the messages Devotions Messages Prayers Reading the Bible and Studying the Phrases It’s been a rough time and Stressful for myself and my family and seems Everything falling apart and crushing down on Me Thanks for The Gospel in my life that’s helping me through also counseling through my job I’m sure if I didn’t know about Heavenly Father and the Plan of Salvation I wouldn’t be able to keep going My faith helps me a lot and praying 🙏 Then I saw this App about Good News Bible I was so amazed and downloaded it I love it Thanks 🙏 God Bless ❤️❤️.Version: 3.4.0

My reviews about the gameThis is good and awesome :D definitely should get, this is a good holy bible game! Especially if you want to get a bible app I really recommend this, and it has many things I want in a game! It is really awesome, one of the features I love about it is that- 1. It sends you notification’s of when to pray :D that really helps me because, to know that it is the time to pray you have to set up a alarm clock or a timer (Also you can pray at any time, if your in need, or in trouble or other things-) but it can send you notifications so yeah :) 2. I like how it lets you highlight the bible and you can go to the ones that are highlighted to see important words that god or Jesus had said or maybe what people in the bible had said or just other things 3. That you can do a quiz, so that you can know how much you know about the bible :D I do play these quiz’s and I do like it some of them I don’t know but I do guess the answer’s 😅But anyways these are just my opinions so yeah- but I really recommend you get this app!.Version: 3.20.2

FantasticEasy to use with a short quick message for the day. Fantastic to get reminders and encouragement during the day. Helps to keep you on track with your daily devotions..Version: 3.5.0

Awesome Daily RemindersLove this app. Highly recommended 😇.Version: 3.4.0

God / JesusI live God my creator and his Son Jesus my lord and saviour. With out them in my life I would have nothing..Version: 3.44.0

Father GodYou were there when I did not even know you you have been there when I became to know you you are still here as I’m learning to understand you you are my rock you are my salvation. You are my love you are my friend. You are my father. You are everyone to me and you are everything you have a nurtured mean you have brought me through things you have let me see the things I need to see who my friends really are. I have depended on you whether I knew it or not in the good times you have made me laugh in the bad times you have bought me out and forgiven me of all my sins even when I didn’t think I was forgivable you forgave me. You have blessed me with the love I have today from believing in you you have brought me peace within my self I’m so happy to have you In the hopes you have made my dreams come true you have led me where I am today and I thank you and I will forever thank you for protecting me when I did not know, I needed protection you have watched over me and healed me when I was sick you have brought me out of condemnation I owe you Everything I may not can pay you as man says but I can dedicate my life to you, heart, mind, body and soul I love you, Lord, you are my alpha, my omega, my beginning, and my end yet I fear you you have my heart at best hand in Jesus name amen!🌈💜.Version: 3.21.1

Absolutely amazing appI love this app so much. It helps me to make a point of spending that alone time with God even if just for a little bit at a time, being a busy mum of toddlers it isn’t always easy but this app is a constant reminder that God is listening and that He knows your heart, and if you don’t have the time to make the time! Which I have been doing much more consistently since downloading this app. Thank you and bless you ❤️.Version: 3.17.0

The Lord JesusI recently started to go back to church after 6 years. First steeping into it gave me so much excitement and it felt so refreshing at the same time. I even teared up while praying because I couldn’t believe I could worship the Lord and get closer to him again. I know I’ve slowly lost belief over the years but I’m ready to get closer to the Lord and I know he will help me in doing so. Thank you lord for giving me the courage to come back closer to you again. I knew when we went back to church for the first time in a long time that it was a sign from the lord that he wanted us to get closer to him and to get to know him better. I know lord my faith isn’t strong yet but I will do whatever it takes to get closer to you again. Amen..Version: 2.48.0

To godI love this bible app it teached me a lot and gave me a better relationship with god.Version: 3.47.0

Please listen.This app is amazing I’m so happy to see the phone having something good and for positive purposes and God is my everything so I’m glade his word can get spread the way it can this app allows you to connect with the father and have a relationship with him and it’s a reminder you know that’s really good to have especially in theses days I pray that God opens up any and every heart that sees this and I pray he blesses them amaculently and in bountifulnes Jesus and God are my everything they have helped me threw life they are my number one and they will be there for you to always because he loves us he really does all he wants is our love now tel me anyone on this earth that just wants your pure love and attention and all that because there’s no one and also no one can fulfill or fill you like he can he’s the true king and peace he’s everything he’s amazing I can’t put it in words how awesome our God is he could have just did away with us but he didn’t because he loves us and wants us he will always be there for you trust me I’ve been threw a lot and the nothing that fills my heart with love and joy is Jesus Christ of Nazareth I pray that everyone seeks Jesus and I pray he breaks every generational curse in his holy holy name Jesus Christ of Nazareth amen 💗🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🤩💌.Version: 3.47.1

James kings bibleIt amazing I believe in the son of Jesus Christ and the lord I use the bible to pray and read the bible as well God Bless You 🙏.Version: 3.12.1

BlessingGod’s word is always boosting to me. Thank You.Version: 3.12.1

Talking to G-dTalking to G-d, for me is a every day occurrence. Like breathing, Holy Spirit is my best Friend, there is no doing without him. I never go anywhere or do anything without him. So, for me and for the rest of my life into Eternity, we will always be together; no ‘ands’, ‘if’s’ or ‘buys’, because for me, that’s the way it is. Who else would I be with, rather than Him?!?!?! As you can see, there’s only one answer. Read for me (John 1:1-18), and read it again and again and again and as you do, just for starters, you get the picture and thus come to a realization and complete understanding of the - Great “I AM” - and one of my favorite songs and I hope that it will become many other peoples favorite song, and for good reason, is the song - “Jesus, lover of my soul”, and I personally prefer the version of that song, sung by none other than - Stuart Townsend - , because he sings that song in such a way to bring a person to humbly come to an understanding that as the first part of the song says - “it’s all about Him, it’s not about me, as if you should do things my way, for you alone are God and you’re Holy, and you are “, and that’s just a sample of a beautiful song. And as Jesus said to Peter after he was redeemed and being told he would die and glorify G-d, “How will he die?!?!?” And what did Yeshua say, “If it be my will that he live here until I return, what is that to you. You focus on Me.” Amen - Shalom - Baruch Asan Adonia.Version: 3.9.0

Feeling safeI feel so Secured now because l know my Heavenly Father is always watching over me and my family and will always answer my calls He will never disappoint me and he will save me from danger.Version: 3.4.0

Jehovah my One True Almighty Sovereign GodI love Jehovah God he has rescued me from self harm, suicide attempts, violent behaviour, anorexia recovery, ice drug addiction, alcohol addiction, domestic violence, intrusive thoughts, depression, extreme panic and anxiety, rage, anger, out of control with abuse, so many talks Jehovah my God has been there to listen and give me healing and peace and family and new friends plus my very own congregation of Jehovah witnesses including my fiancé Michael and our Girly Whirlys princess and Snowy 💖 Jehovah is a powerful miracle healing blessings giving forgiving kind loving caring God someone who is a really good friend of me. Loyal and faithful and abundantly gives free things and support and new world translation of the holy scriptures bible. Jehovah is a friend with no end and king Jehovah of eternity forever my True God my best friend💖.Version: 3.9.1

I love JESUS my LORD and SAVIOUR,Thank you Jesu for help and love for my life and also my healing , I financially struggling and I know things will change because Jesus love and protects me , I Lost my friend Ema, my brother Drauna and my friend Kevin I thank you Lord for their spirit on their way to you please , thank you Jesus for my life 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏.Version: 3.5.0

JesusHe left the adoration of Angels. Covered His Majesty with humble man garb. Spent lonely times constantly beset by Satan and unbelieving man. Had no place to lay His head, Demonstrated Gods pure Love for man by healing, raising the dead, caring for all, feeding thousands, sharing Gods love, giving hope for the future, changed lives, accepted sinners and died in my place and yours for our sins to build a bridge back to our Father God while He himself was Sinless. He will now be forever in man form as we live with Him eternally in Heaven. He requires our faith in Him And His Word as guidance only, and a changed life through The Holy Spirit to be eligible Glory to God in the Highest 🙏🙏.Version: 3.7.0

Let God lead the wayMost time we make plan and ask god for his help but not allowing him to lead …. I need to always go to god first … Not to phone and Facebook first..Version: 3.33.0

Hai :)This app is alright and I might be beginning to get into reading a few of the chapters (Even though I’m kind of skipping a few chapters I’ll try my best to become organised). And earning mini rewards for reading or pressing Amen after reading a verse/review/prayer is a smart way to motivate people to earn more and not only that learn a thing or two..Version: 3.23.0

Learning to love myself moreThank you God for waking me and my loved ones this morning. That we woke up in good mind and good health. As my morning started I woke up and usually when I open my eyes I would say thank you Jesus. But this morning I realize that I didn’t say it. Maybe because I woke up with aches and pains in my back and down the side of my right leg in order to feel better I have to massage and rub for it to feel better. Thank God that I was able to do that. I don’t have much to say about my morning other than all that I have listed at the top, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t have a good morning, it just started a little different and different is good sometimes. God I just want to thank you for everything that you have given me this far I only ask that you got me in the direction of my path I feel that I have lost my way with what I’m supposed to be doing rather than what I am doing. God I always want to serve you. And to do that I pray that you move all the obstacles that are in my view, Lord sometimes it’s a little cloudy and I tend to stumble because my view is blurry but as I read your word read your scriptures come on Lawyer you know my memory tends to fade that I don’t remember things that I did 10- 15 minutes ago sometimes slower please clear my memory my mind my vision that those obstacles that is clouding my view so that I could see and serve for you Lord in Jesus name I pray this prayer. Amen thank you God!!🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽.Version: 3.9.0

I had a good dayGod I’m asking you to open my eyes and let me see the good in things not bad I want to get closer to you lord I want to be able to people about without feeling that I’m saying something wrong lord I’m asking you to keep me and my family protected by angels and let all evil leave I’m asking to forgive me for all my sins I know I say this all the time then commit one again but I’m really trying I really love you Jesus I want the life style I’m living in Jesus name things will get better god give battles to his strongest soldier but sometime I don’t want to be one of his strongest soldiers it’s so much happening in once and I fight n fight n fight and have faith that we will get throught this I’m praying everyday every night on this app I really want to get closer to my father and I believe I will in the name of the lord in Jesus Christ name everyone who have this app will get to there point they will succeed in what there trying to be in life where there trying to go and how close they want to get close to you Jesus I pray at this moment lord god may u bless all of us and our family watch over us and lead us to your way let us see the good and not the bad let’s help each other out and for those that are struggling I pray we get throught in I pray we will have a place a plate a bed clothes shower to sleep eat n live on I pray In Jesus name amen.Version: 3.20.1

Words will never describe how much I love GodI just started this app, but my husband had it first and I liked the features it had so here I am! I just want to take this time to say how much I love God. Honestly, my love for God has grown over the years. I’ve always believed in Him even in my sin. I would even say “I would die for God” as I was hanging out in a club. Crazy, right? Although, my actions didn’t line up with my words, God knew one day I would serve Him. It’s been a bumpy ride I must say and it’s a bit complicated but my heart has always loved God deeply. His mercies, blessings, love and protection over my life has been absolutely amazing. When I’m definitely not worthy to receive such love and mercy. One thing I have lacked though (shamefully) is not reading the word like I used to. I’ve definitely have slacked BIG time! Regardless, of my reasons that I have come up with there is no excuse! That is why I downloaded this app and I can feel that this app is the motivation/push for me to read every day. I look forward to reading again and the best part is getting closer to God by lining up my feelings with my words….God knows my heart. I truly love Him, but a part of my expression of showing how much I love him has to be in reading his word. So, here I am!.Version: 3.21.1

How much I Love My LordAll of my life I have prayed to God to help me be a better person. I have asked The Lord for way too many things without hiving Him my whole self. I want yo be a devoted Christian but sometimes I have yrouble committing my mind, nody, and soul to Him in the eays I know I should and doing what He ecpects. My life is short in time now and I know I should have committed my entire life to Him a bery long tome ago. In spite of my short comings, I know he has not forgotten me. He has always been by my side even though I didn't always see him. I oray that I can truly be a real Christian and follow His Word. Please help me God to be a real Christian instead of the person I have been all my life. Please help me to set an example yo all those around me and please live me for the person I want to become! These things are very imporyant to me. Help me yo be a better wife even though I don't feel lovrd by my husband. Help me to love him in spite of the fact that I don't feel the live gor him I should. pleae bring love into my hesry gor him. Please show me the eay Lotd to live You more than rver before. i ask these things in Yout Don's name, Jesus, the man you sent to us yo teach us about you and to read your word as written in the Holy Bible. I need you Lorf, not just for me nut for my wonderful family. Amen! I will wtite to you again Dear Lord. I know you will listen snd fill my lige with joy instead if selfish sorrow. Amen!!!.Version: 3.21.1

TodayBeing able to talk about problems for me is very important! A few days ago I was told I had Covid .I don’t feel bad. I am at home with my dog and two cats! I have a part-time job that I’m trying to keep so that I can have a car place to live! I am older and don’t sometimes understand all of the computers nowadays! Last few days have been very trying, because of my diagnosis people treat me like I have some Uncurable disease! I don’t have a lot of people that come to see me at my place, probably because I don’t trust a lot of people that live in my area! It’s odd that when people hear of your situation you are automatically put into a Category where people just don’t want anything to do with you. I guess I’m like most people that won’t answer now but talking to God means you will get an answer later than sooner it makes sense because of all the people that are in the world and all the problems anyway I’m supposed to feel good by doing this and I hope I am looking back at it looks like mumbo-jumbo I just have a lot of things in my mind I hope this gets to the right person and I hope God sees what I’m saying amen and thank you.Version: 3.11.0

Jesus is kingI love god with all my heart.Version: 3.16.0

How I God yesterday to so Lord for everything that you’ve given us🙏🙏 How I feel today yesterday was a very hard day my daughter brought out her emotions and was very hard for me to listen it’s been very hard her son has been having autism he’s now a teenager and has been having a couple of tantrums he’s now better thanks to you God yesterday she told me if she dies I need to be happy for her and not sad because that’s what she chooses she told me today she’s so much better again thanks to you God without you we are nothing we all want to feel you and hear you and be with you show is the right way it’s so hard to go through problems when we’re not used to it you have bless I so much that you spoiled us but I think you for every minute every hour every day I know you have this taken care of but again I have to just mention Vince Montana and Johnnie Austin I think you Lord for everything that you’ve given us our health or happiness our husbands our wives our futures our friends our families are roots over our heads our lives please forgive us for all our sins all our heaviness anything that we did I will do to hurt you please forgive us we’re so so so so sorry we never wanna hurt nobody thank your father Jesus Lord amen.Version: 3.5.0

My Lord up aboveThe Lord has brought me through so much from i was a youth until now. Ever since i was diagnosed, i’ve been going through it all, falling down, shaking profusely, scaring people and.. came close to death. But, my God up above has shown me time and time again that he’s in control and if he’s not ready for me as yet, then Satan cant do anything about it. My lord loves me. I know this. He has shown me that he’s in control and he has the power. I thank him each and every day for all that he’s done and for what he’s about to do. Thank u my father. And as the scriptures say: God is good God is great. Let us thank him for all that he’s done, what he’s doing and for what he’s about to do in Jesus’ name Amen 🙏..Version: 2.51.0

The Love God Has For Me!!The question asked was How Much do I love God? My answer is…It’s God Who Loves Me ! I always mess up and Let Him Down and don’t have the trust I should in Him ! That alone in The World is enough to Stop Someone from Loving You like they once did, (BUT GOD) ‘Lord Have Mercy’ He still Loves Us No matter what We do Or Say❤️❤️❤️🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽 Thank You JESUS!! If it was Us Ole Dusty No Good For Nothin but Sinning Humans🤮 you should already know What level of Love that would be? Again I say BUT GOD!! I am So Grateful and at the same time ashamed to abmit I have one of the worst definition of Love especially if it pertains to The Almighty Lord God of The Whole Universe andBeyond, My Creator and First andEverlasting Father! The King of Kings and Lord of Lords! All I can say is starting now actually RITE NOW! I have a whole lot of REPENTING, APOLOGIZING, CRYING, PRAISING, LOVING, no more DISRESPECTING, I’m Done With LYING, EXALTING, ADMIRING, MAGNIFYING, FORGIVING, THANKING,, SAVING, He is so AMAZING, CLEANSING, DELIVERING,ANOINTING, A-POINTING, REASSIGNING,Watch out now I’m CHANGING, GLORIFYING, REJOICING, LISTENING, OBEYING,TRUSTING, ABIDING DECLARING,PROFESSING,TESTIFYING, AFFIRMING,REASSURING, that HE IS LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, but as Of This Very Moment I have To Get Back To READING His HOLY WORDING! Now That’s What I Meant By GOD’s LOVING❤️❤️❤️🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽 HALLELUJAH PRAISE “Our”THE LORD GOD OF iSRAEL *YAWEH*.Version: 3.8.0

Love my BibleStarts my morning itch vers and 🙏.Version: 3.45.0

Loving God...I love God because I am nothing without him. His presence in my life allows me to be all I can be and help others be all they can be. Every breath I take is because he allows it. His guidance and direction towards fulfilling his purpose and will for my life is an example of his unconditional love for me... Thank you Father ✝️.Version: 3.5.0

I love GodI love God with all my heart.Version: 3.47.1

KJV audio BibleSo far I’m impressed with it I hope it doesn’t jam like the last one I had I used it for a number of months and all of a sudden an ad popped up and wouldn’t let me continue it locked so I had to delete the Bible and go back to the store and I got the wrong one The one I received was not the audio Bible so I deleted that one and got this one this one has large letters that’s easy to see for my eyesight and when I’m tired I can listen to the Scriptures thank you very much God bless you Psalms 91 protects me in my own home that’s a fact but yesterday I went to babysitAt my daughters house in Ohio soon as I walk to the door I tripped on the door frame the dog took off running for her life she’s a Chiweenie if I fell on her squish thank God I didn’t hit her instead I hit my head on the plaster wall my coffee went flyingEverywhere including my leg I hit the banister with my artificial knee came crashing down on the steps with my left shoulder and arm my daughter decided to take me to the hospital in Michigan she didn’t want me to drive home so here I am at a hospital in Trenton Michigan day number two2 I guess the angels weren’t with me in Ohio or maybe they were maybe I would’ve died if they hadn’t cushion in my fall anyway last night all I could get out of me was in our father I was hurting so bad this morning a reminder pop up To read my scriptureThanks lord.Version: 3.5.0

Friday April Fools DayI woke up early. Made myself a coffee and fed dogs. Went back to bed couldn't sleep so got up and made another coffee. Did mice traps, cleaned sheep trough, made up green smoothie and fed sheep. All before seven o'clock. Now the power has gone out and waiting for it to come back on. Looks like I'll be going to my appointment before it does..Version: 3.7.0

Thank you lordIn Jesus name I pray amen.Version: 3.32.0

I love Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit and Heavenly FatherThanks for this wonderful app I love the prayers the quiz and how the scripture is there to read it’s a blessing I pray I will bring blessings and knowledge of the Lord to the world in a special way Jesus Christ has prepared for me 😇😇😇.Version: 2.38.0

Why I love god❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏My name is juanita I was born with a T cell deffienicy and fail to thrive I also had emodmotios I was dieing and heal buy god when I was 27 years old I was batize buy full imurcian right under water 💦 I revived the holy sprit speaking in toungs god has always provid all my needs god is a great healer today yes god does heal in our world 🌍 now he said I am the lord the heal the thank you god for always looking after me juanita.Version: 2.57.0

My love for GodI may not be perfect but I can for sure say there is a God, and truly loved by him♥️.Version: 2.57.0

He gives me a peace and stability in my heartThanks.Version: 3.3.0

Believe and RepentGod is Good, All the Time All the Time, God is Good.Version: 3.15.0

How Much I LoveUnconditionally.Version: 3.44.0

I love JesusThis app just made me closer to jesus.Version: 3.47.0

Dear God,Thank you for all the synchronies you made today, I love you always. I will continue to work at my life’s purpose of helping others achieve their full potential through the maintenance of their physical and mental health. And most importantly May I be strong enough to share the gospel with as many people as I can, through Jesus Christ who gives me strength may I be able to help as many people as you allow. I humbled pray you fulfil all the plans you have for me from heaven above. In Jesus’ name I pray Amen!.Version: 3.12.0

The lordThe lord is so good to us , he blesses us and gives us more then what we deserve John 3:1 6, he sent his own Son for us! God he lives within us and cares and always knows when we are sad, when the Lord knows your sad he feels your pain, the sadness we go through now , will all be worth it for the day ,Jesus Christ comes Back , once again to save us all.Version: 3.14.0

Loving GodHe is my strength & refuge.Version: 3.45.0

Love GodI have put God first in my life and I know that without him I can do nothing.Version: 3.44.0

Great appSo this is an great app if u don’t have a bible but u still want to read the word of god u can download this app and I just started using it and it is amazing 🤩 it even gives u the word of the day to and u, can read the bible when ever u want 🙏🏾 please if ur interested in reading the word of god download this app u even do quizzes on the bible Have a great,blessed day.Version: 2.87.1

Stand StillFather I analyze my life on a daily basis and I try as a human being to follow your commands. With all these challenges in life nowadays. How can one overcome are so many obstacles besides having faith and courage and knowing that you are always beside me in front of me in back of me. I always say to myself and remember always these words I walk to the valley of shadow, that has a Lots significant for me because in a daily basis of life that’s how I feel. Sometimes I struggle at work some people think because they’re in certain positions and they have the right to yell at you because they have certain mental disorders but they never apologized. I have to stay quiet and stand back and observe the situation because this person I don’t know where comes and try to DiVall me. Walk through the shadow of death I shall fear no evil these are the words that come from me on a daily basis especially battling with cancer I always ask God to comfort me in my moment of uncertainties to be there by my side and I can feel his presence. This world has been so cold and cruel. But I know that I will overcome all these obstacles in Front of me. I thank you father for giving me the courage, and the wisdom, to understand our brothers and sisters. 🙏💕.Version: 2.82.0

Through trials & tribulationsGrowing up was not easy for me , At critical times I didn’t have the necessity I needed or so I thought . Food was usually the same every night going from noodles , burgers , nuggets , spaghetti or lasagna was like steak and potatoes because it was rare but always filling . I didn’t grow up in a clean environment so being clean didn’t seem to be a priority either . But as time came to pass & I committed mistake after mistake : went through trial after trial , sin after sin I had finally reach my lowest point . I felt alone , foolish , Unworthy and most of all I felt like I lost my mind . I’ve made a jacket for myself and wore it it was a bad one & I eventually outgrew it ; but by wearing a bad jacket all who was around me only recognize me as the man with the bad jacket . & even thou I outgrew that jacket , became wiser & act different I still was stereotyped .but I believe everything I went thru made me who I am today And after learning the word of god & Embracing jesus into my heart I knew I would encounter many more Trials and tribulations because this earth is full of sin and temptation but it’s how I reacted during those times that matters and im very appreciative for gods grace because with the grace of him came forgiveness within myself and repentance.Version: 3.8.0

God and JesusHe is awsome, they both are awsome. i gave my heart to the lord years ago , its been quite a journey. but with his grace and mercy, i know il get there. thank you Fsther God thankyou my brother Jesus.Version: 3.13.0

Talking to godTalking to god is one of the amazing stuff of my life he actually listens to me I always hear this voice in my head when I am talking to him ( I believe it’s him)if he doesn’t listen I have to sort it out my self because I have to learn and not depend on him all the time I am really great full for having him my family and friends bye bye.Version: 3.4.0

Love you Lord ❤️If you are a Christian you will want to download this app it takes parts of the bible and reminds you that God loves you the most ❤️ If you are frustrated or stressed or even scared you need to download this app because it makes you feel better and let’s you know that God is always there for you so why I rated this 5 stars is because it makes me feel better and reminds me that God is always there❤️.Version: 3.12.1

I got savedI literally just got saved last night. I realize god does actually exist and I’ve never been so sure in my life. I went 18 years thinking god didn’t love me and he didn’t care. I was raised Christian but I went through a bunch of stuff that only other humans could imagine. I prayed and cried to him. It felt like he didn’t listen or care. Turns out I was just lost and I was never actually saved like I thought I was when I was a little kid. That’s okay because now I know and now that I do know he exists I can live my life praising him and trying to help other people get to know him. I’m going to do my best to help people feel how I felt last night which was the best feeling I’ve ever felt. I’ve never felt happiness like this, I haven’t felt happiness in a long, long time. So I thank god that I can feel happiness that I have a reason to live now. Again I’m new to like literally everything almost to do with Christianity because I never actually really payed attention so I’m hoping this app can help me with understanding more and reading the Bible and everything but also god can help me if I just pray so I’m so grateful for that and to feel his love and joy :)..Version: 3.38.1

ExcellentI love this App brings much comfort and instant gratification by the lords words..Version: 2.25.0

Ok I am and I am safe in the arms of God’sI do believe in Jesus Christ my savoy and without him I am nothing, I hope that everything goes well with me cause I know he is always there for me, Thanks you Lord for your blessings upon me and my family..Version: 2.70.0

I just love it.The entire app is well thought out, inspired and I just adore the notification sounds!.Version: 2.27.1

Gods WordEASILY REMOVE ADDS FOR FREE. All you have to do is turn your wifi and data off before you open app. Before you do this have the whole Bible downloaded, and your in the bible, and not the adds next time you open it. Great app! Can customize reading speed up to 2X. Although would be nice to have a 1.75X and 2.25X..Version: 3.44.0

Love of GodI am a sinner, but every day I pray. I am struggling with this world, and the things I encounter. Each day is the same struggle, with similar thoughts and temptations. Some days challenge me more, but every day I think about my actions and the consequences of my thoughts, actions or lack of action and I pray for forgiveness. I am truly blessed beyond words in my life, with the people around me, my wife and children, my dogand so on. Material things don’t matter, but my fear of failing God is always on my mind each and every day. I recognize and acknowledge that Jesus Christ is the son of God and that he gave his life so that all of us had a chance and eternal life with him. I don’t have a problem telling people that I meet, and people at work my beliefs. I’m surrounded by people that don’t believe in God and that struggle makes it difficult. I’ve had a lot of near death situations in my life and I can only attribute that God has spared me for a moment of time to come and I must prepare for that. Other than love, none of us know why we’re here and what our purposes so until we find out that purpose we need to treat each other better be better and think better. I love God!.Version: 3.7.0

100%I love you GOD.Version: 3.0.0

I’m lostI just want to take god in my heart house. I want my daughter safe.Version: 2.27.3

Great app god is always with youI absolutely love the app after many near death experiences many years ago god has sent me back to earth when I had the first experience that is when I found Jesus and excepted him in my heart I thank the lord every day I wouldn’t look back remember god is always with you.Version: 3.42.0

God is Good All The TimeI Love Jesus Christ My Savior Who Is By me and My Husband’s Side Each and everyday” Helping me and my husband and family and friends with a comfortable life and Teaching us more about sharing our Knowledge and helping others and giving people in need and just loving everyone we pray for all and Thank you our precious Lord for Letting us wake up each day to a beautiful day we are very blessed Amen.Version: 3.15.0

The Stress I am underDear God….. please hear my plea….. I have a part-time job that I am treated like I don’t matter. It’s hard to go to work even just 3 days a week to put in 8 hrs. Work and try to remain a positive attitude. I don’t even make the minimum wage that is required be each state to be paid…. I’m reminded of the Bible verse that has the phrase “the laborer is worthy of his hire”….. but apparently I’ve fallen short of receiving a descent wage… and as if that’s not bad enough to have to live i with….. I don’t get enough rest during the night…. Sometimes as little as 2 to 3 hrs. Maximum…. I’m also involved in a relationship that is stressful because she doesn’t seem to have any affection towards me …. And I’m not talking about a relationship where fornication is involved…. That has not happened… I’m only referring to the way she presents herself to me… I buy her flowers, and I always ring her surprises when I Vito see her…. And just yesterday she sent me a text message saying that I don’t need to bring her “stuff”…….That really hurt me because I got great pleasure in doing these things for her… I just don’t know which way to turn anymore…..Please help me Lord…… With all my Love…..Your Eternal Servant, Stephen.Version: 3.18.0

God protects me.God protects me and keeps me safe. God leaves me peace and has plans to make me prosper. I love God my father. He keeps me alive and supports me in every possible way. There is nothing he doesn’t do for me. He gives me peace , love , joy , faith , hope and strength everyday. He keeps me standing in the tough times and tells me God is within her she will not fall. He also tells me to have confidence in the things hoped for and that when there is no hope and no wait out your faith will be victorious. He talks to me in ways that help me survive the hard stuff and I love talking to him everyday. God is my hero and I love him so much..Version: 3.28.0

BibleThe Lord is my life….these notifications are awesome as they inspire me daily!.Version: 2.87.0

My ,TestimonyMy testimony started 2001 when I decide to have my son my last son through that sounds of me having my son I’ll say he was around about 4,or 5 someone introduce me to her heron heroin at that time I became addicted to a drug that was definitely not good for the body it will have you doing so many things just to get that one more fix when I was out there in the streets my mother kept on telling me to get myself together before she passed away now 2005 I decide to get myself clean outpatient and I still went around people places and things that’s how I really know there’s a guy he have bought me so far in my life sometimes I can’t even believe myself each and every time i just kept getting these feelings and my heart so they’re at sad I know what it is I have been clean since 2005 and now it is 2021 so now I know there is a God my son get killed my mother passed away from lung cancer 2019 my husband passes away and not one time that I picked another drug I don’t even get no desires have a drug pause it’s definitely out my system if I can hold with three deaths in my family I know there is a God there is a God as I am giving you my testimony I am crying at the same time because I sit and I listen to each and everything that he have to tell me so I don’t know 🫶🏽💯🫶🏽💯🫶🏽 Thank you lord forever 🫶🏽🙏🏼🫶🏽🙏🏼🫶🏽🙏🏼🫶🏽🙏🏼🫶🏽🙏🏼💯💯💯💯😇 HELLO.Version: 3.7.0

LoveI love to do my daily bible readings and wanted to participate with their daily quiz. Hope more people will be inspired reading the bible daily..Version: 2.89.0

Love You JesusPlease Always Guide us..Version: 3.23.0

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