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What is Cinebench? Description of Cinebench

How powerful is your computer? Test it with Cinebench!

Cinebench leverages the same powerful 3D engine found in the award-winning animation software Cinema 4D Release 23 to accurately evaluate CPU rendering performance capabilities across various systems and platforms.

For over a decade, Cinebench has been a popular tool to evaluate hardware performance. Cinebench scores are used by system administrators to help make purchase decisions, journalists to review hardware, hardware manufacturers to optimize their latest products, as well as computer owners to evaluate their individual system.

Improvements to Cinebench Release 23 reflect the overall advancements to CPU and rendering technology in recent years, providing a more accurate measurement of Cinema 4D's ability to take advantage of multiple CPU cores and modern processor features available to the average user.

Cinebench R23 FAQs:

Cinebench R23 supports Apple’s ARM-powered silicon computing systems.
Cinebench R23 is now based on the latest Cinema 4D Release 23 code using updated compilers, and has a minimum runtime activated by default (previously hidden in preferences).
Cinebench R23 provides improved benchmark accuracy for current and next generation CPUs to test if a machine runs stable on a high CPU load, if the cooling solution of a desktop or notebook is sufficient for longer running tasks to deliver the full potential of the CPU, and if a machine is able to handle demanding real-life 3D tasks.
Cinebench R23 now has the option to directly test the single core performance without manually enabling the “Advanced benchmark” option. The “Advanced benchmark” allows users to set arbitrary minimum runtimes to stress test the hardware for even longer periods of time.
Because of code and compiler changes, Cinebench R23 score values are readjusted to a new range so they should not be compared to scores from previous versions of Cinebench
Cinebench R23 does not test GPU performance.
Cinebench R23 will not launch on unsupported processors. On systems lacking sufficient RAM to load the test scene, a warning will be displayed, and the CPU benchmark will not be executed.
Background tasks can significantly influence measurement and create diverse results. It's always a good idea to shut down all running programs and disable any virus checking or disk indexing, but it's impossible to eliminate all background processes. Modern operating systems perform various background tasks that cannot or should not be disabled, even though they could have a minor influence on the results.
Test results can vary slightly because it's impossible to disable every background task of the operating system. These tasks are one factor that may have a slight influence on measurements. Also, modern computers and graphics cards dynamically adjust clock speeds based on environmental conditions like power and temperature. For instance, processors will reduce clock speed when running too hot to allow for cooling and prevent damage. With many modern processors the reverse is also true. They are able to overclock themselves when the temperature is low enough. So, a system freshly started in a relatively cool environment will typically run faster than the same system that has been performing benchmarks for several hours in a heated office.

  1. Cinebench App User Reviews
  2. Cinebench Pros
  3. Cinebench Cons
  4. Is Cinebench legit?
  5. Should I download Cinebench?
  6. Cinebench Screenshots
  7. Product details of Cinebench

Cinebench App User Reviews

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Cinebench Pros

Everyone needs this!Great utility for benchmarking your custom or store built system, not only for animators but also for gaming and VFX content creators..Dobb0Version: 23.200

Good ProgramEasy to use, nice look and most importantly, results that can be easily compared across platforms.EddyElectronVersion: 23.200

✓   Cinebench Positive Reviews

Cinebench Cons

Lost GPU BenchingI used this tool as a complete benching tool for macs. CPU & GPU were important to me for scoring and comparing in one package our various equipment in our media lab..KayakermanmikeVersion: 20.0

Requirements are liesUpdate your info. Requirements say for OS X 10.10.0 or later, then when you try to open it, the icon is greyed out and you get a message that says you need OS 10.13. Waste of my time..DeadeyejohnnyVersion: 23.200

✗   Cinebench Negative Reviews

Is Cinebench legit?

Cinebench scam ~ legit report is not ready. Please check back later.

Is Cinebench safe?

Cinebench safe report is not ready. Please check back later.

Should I download Cinebench?

Cinebench download report is not ready. Please check back later.

Cinebench Screenshots

  • cinebench iphone screenshot 1

Product details of Cinebench

App Name:
App Version:
MAXON Computer GmbH
Legitimacy Score:
Safety Score:
Content Rating:
4+ Contains no objectionable material!
Graphics & Design, Utilities
App Size:
261.86 MB
Bundle Id:
Relase Date:
05 March 2019, Tuesday
Last Update:
11 November 2020, Wednesday - 08:24
IOS 10.10.0 or later

Cinebench 23.200 Update Note
✱ Version History

• Cinebench R23 supports Apple’s ARM-powered silicon computing systems. • Cinebench R23 is now based on the latest Cinema 4D Release 23 code using updated compilers, and has a minimum runtime activated by default (previously hidden in preferences) ....

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