Duplicate Photos Fixer App Negative ReviewsShrishail Rana

Duplicate Photos Fixer Negative Reviews

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Total 92 Negative Reviews

Duplicate Photos Fixer App Complaints & User Negative Comments 2024

Duplicate Photos Fixer app received 92 complaints, negative comments and reviews by users. Have you ever had a bad experience using Duplicate Photos Fixer? Can you share your negative thoughts about duplicate photos fixer?

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Duplicate Photos Fixer for Negative User Reviews

RubbishI bought this app believing the hype. The hype was wrong. It detects similar photos and offered them up for removal. I don't want to remove similar photos, I want tot remove duplicate photos. Duplicate photos have the same file size and will produce identical hashes. Why is this so hard to write an app to detect? Also this app presents the 'duplicates' it finds as tiny thumbnails and asks you to choose which to delete without the option of zooming this photos to decide which you want to keep. No, you have to decide that from a tiny thumbnail. I can't see this app being of any use for even that use. I've wasted my money on this app and won't ever buy anything again from the developer responsible. If they reads this review, can I have my money back please as the one thing this app doesn't do it what it's title suggests..Version: 1.7

OverpricedVery limited functionality. Only photos in camera roll scanned and duplicates found. The vast majority of photos not scanned. Waste of money..Version: 1.7

Get off my phoneA frigging pop up every 30 seconds at 1.38am is not my idea of a good app. F@"k off..Version: 1.7

Doesn’t scan everythingI had around 4000 duplicate pictures in my phone but this only find around 250 duplicates. Not worth paying for it :(.Version: 1.7

Not overly efficient/effective for large volumes of photosSometimes creates multiple “duplicate groups” of only 2 (when there are 8 or 10 that are very similar) and you are required to keep 1 in the group, so it’s not overly effective for large volumes. Identified 12,000 duplicates on mine and I will have to keep 6,000 and manually delete photos I don’t want at all. I could have just done this on my iPhone and saved $11. Suggestions: remove requirement to keep 1 photo in group, and introduce a “select all” function for bulk removal/keeping by exception.Version: 2.1

Very bad, paid Ad, waste of my moneyVery bad, paid Ad, hard to use, waste of my money.Version: 1.1.1

Does not work ....Do not get it does not work in ISO 13.Version: 2.1

Do not buySingularly the most useless, non performing app I have ever encountered. A total waste of money..Version: 2.7

Save your $No instructions. No way indicated to identify albums to edit. Useless. Doesn't even deserve the minimum 1 star rating..Version: 1.1.1

No duping in all foldersThe major problem I have found Is that it will not check duplicates in all the various folders which. That makes it pretty useless for me. I will change my review if this serious flaw is fixed or if it is already capable an someone lets me know how to accomplish this. And as many others have indicated, It would be easier to rate this if it would actually allow you to use it without interrupting constantly demanding a review..Version: 1.7

Nagged me to Rate, so here goes...This app repeatedly messaged to me to rate it, so when I was trying to delete nearly 1,000 duplicate photos, after every batch of about six or so, I had to deal with a screen popping nagging me to rate this app and if I cancelled it, it just kept coming over and over again. So here’s rating: it’s one star, now go away and leave me alone to get rid of my duplicate photos!.Version: 1.7

Don’t use , I did not want to similar ones deleted, just exact same onesI just wanted exact photos to be deleted.Version: 2.8

Needs GUI updateSeems to locate duplicates well. But for 6.99 you should be able to compare two photos by viewing and zooming before you choose to delete one. AND if you spot a group of duplicates of a junk phot, you can’t delete all of them. Once you delete one, you’ll never find that other junk one to remove. If I could I would return this..Version: 1.8

Dors not workEmailed curomer service No answer Don’t buy it!!.Version: 1.7

Duplicate fixerWorked fine for pics taken on my pad but would not fix anything in my photos!!! That's where most of my duplicates are - very disappointing!.Version: 1.7

It works to a certain extent needs some workIt works to a certain extent but def needs some work. It doesn’t always catch them all I have over a hundred - three hundred thousand photos and if u leave it running in the background it will need a restart so u have to basically only keep it in the BKG for short intervals and try to watch a video in Picture in Picture with it open in front of (physically behind but “in front” os wise I guess). Further it’s fairly slow and should be a tad faster by now that took 31/2 hours to run which is kinda crazy despite how many photos I have in my library. All that said I’ve tried many of the photo apps and haven’t found one that much better except photo sweeper which for some reason has disappeared from the App Store which totally pisses me tfoff — I’d way rather even use the legacy version of that or whatever even if the company stopped doing updates than use any of the other apps still on the stupid App Store. I don’t understand WITFF happened to that app it was awesome and instantaneously had found your dupes — i don’t know about on iPhone but I reckon it was the same as on the iMac Pro. I guess we take what we can get, whot?.Version: 2.3

Very disappointingRubbish app. Spam ads.Version: 2.1

ReviewDude this thing is kinda awful. I have like, 15 thousand photos and deleting every single one of them has been slow, painful and ridiculing. Please fix it so that only one of the photos in each duplicate group is saved, it would make more people want to use your products and be much more convenient for everyone. Please my hands hurt and I’m getting RSI..Version: 2.7

Ok. Could be way betterSimple to use, but if you change your mind about photo access you have to elected them app and reload it. If you accidentally go off the page of identified photos you have to rescan. And there are numerous other problems pointed out by others. Plus, I was convinced by an article I read and it cost $7. It’s not worth it.Version: 2.2

Waste of timeWhy would you not make it auto marking the duplicate? You can just go through your photos and mark the duplicate manually as the app makes you. Waste of time very poorly made.Version: 1.1.1

Didn’t delete all the duplicatesI am disappointed because this app didn’t & couldn’t delete all the duplicates. The first round it deleted about 350 photos but I knew there were a lot more. Tried a couple options the App presented but to no avail. It seems expensive for $6.99 & didn’t do a half way decent job. I am now scrolling thru the photos & deleting the duplicates manually. It defeats the purpose..Version: 1.8

Excellent software does what it say on the cover!Simple and easy to use. Effectively removes the unwanted duplicates..Version: 1.7

Annoying problems.Really annoying how the ap keeps reminding me to delete duplicates when I no longer want to recheck. Ap would be improved by being able to turn it off..Version: 2.7

Only for camera rollIt has potential but really only searches for duplicates in the camera roll and not all the albums. It's ok but needs to be improved to cover all photos.Version: 1.2

TerribleOnly wants to remove single photos, what a waste of money.Version: 1.7

Hopeless, doesn’t work. Tried and tried, it says DONE, but nothing was deleted.Hopeless, doesn’t work. Tried and tried, it says DONE, but nothing was deleted..Version: 1.7

Very AggressiveThe app has been incessantly demanding my attention every few minutes at 3:47am when I’m trying to sleep. Enough - now deleting it.Version: 2.5

MrIt’s annoying every time u delete a photo it ask u rate me rate me.Version: 1.7

Not readyWith a photo library of 3000 photos when I scan trying to manually delete exact photos that I had made copies of it gets confusing trying to remember if I’ve already seen a photo or not. So I was happy to see this program is available. I let it scan my photos and immediately I knew that it did not pick out duplicates and triplicates of some of the photos that should’ve been easy. And then when I did tap on it and then hit delete it deleted all of the similar photos not just one. So I am going to delete it from my phone even though I just paid for it. If I was in a store I would return it to the counter, but I don’t think that’s possible. I’ll go into my deleted photos now and grab back some of them..Version: 1.7

RubbishHad over 1000 it missed when scanning on the highest settings. DO NOT BUY, Apple remove this app from stealing people’s money..Version: 2.4

Not worth itIt does not do what it is supposed to do- the auto mark does not work, many duplicates cannot be marked for deletion. I have text the company for support, without any reply. Not happy!!.Version: 1.3

AnnoyingAnnoying to constantly get pop up reminders asking if I want to use the app Literally getting them every minute.Version: 2.1

Dupe photo AppA complete waste of time (and money !). Maximum number of duplicate photos found never exceeded four - I didn't need to purchase an App for that. Should have resorted to my own common sense to sort out my duplicates problems - at least, I won't be caught out again !.Version: 1.7

Doesn’t work with family shareTried to install on wife’s iPhone, get message “This app is no longer shared with you. To use it you must buy it from the App Store.” But I can’t buy it again since app story says I’ve already purchased it. Tried the app support button and get page not found..Version: 2.5

Pop up requestThat's a stupid idea the pop up I mean. Let people decide. Used this for the first time and honestly the pop up was upon me before I could look at the result..Version: 1.2

Not accurateApp works fairly well, however it doesn't recognize duplicate photos as well as it should. Be careful or you will be deleting photos you don't want to delete! My big problem with this app is that it contains advertisements. It would be nice to be able to review your checked photos before the app delete them! I will not be using this app again..Version: 2.7

Duplicate photosI’ve just uploaded this app which was quite straight forward in scanning all pictures and detecting the duplicate ones. The diwnside of that I realise is that it asks you to click on all duplicate and in my case 1080 photos to delete them instead of the app rexognising them and deleting them itself! No for Me after all. Have to unsubscribe after all!.Version: 2.4

No valueThis app doesn't not work effectively From 3000 photo of which I know there are numerous double ups it found 20 and out of those 3 were double up the balance were similar but not duplicates..Version: 1.7

RubbishDoe not work, I have thousands of look alike photos even on aggressive search and doing it manually still does not work. Feel ripped off. Not worth even the one star I have to give it to submit this.Version: 1.8

They should change the name duplicate to similar.Yes, it finds photos that are similar. If you have a picture of two people, you may have taken multiple pictures of, some of them the lighting isn’t right or maybe someone had their eyes closed, Or not smiling. The software will put the two of them side-by-side and consider them duplicates, just because the same two people are in the photo. It is terrible with any photograph that you have lettering on, such as a screenshot of a text message. Then the software is terribly off. I regret spending my two dollars on this..Version: 1.7

Pathetic photo matching makes it less than uselessWhy does something like this get on the market. Almost every photo it determined to be a duplicate was clearly not..Version: 2.1

Be EXTREMELY careful.It does more than pick out duplicates. I just ran it and it picked out a lot of similar photos (one example was a set of shots of the dash of my car showing the on board computer screens) and it flagged 5 of the 6 as dupes. Not impressed and now has me wondering how many originals it deleted during the big initial purge..Version: 1.7

Absolutely rubbishI have most photos at least duplicated at least 2000 photos from iPhones Mac book iPads only about 10 photos were detected as it only seems to check camera roll nothing else.Version: 2.1

Annoying pop-ups discredit this appEverytime you perform an interaction in this app,up pops an annoying dialog box for you to rate it - this is a paid app so I wouldn't normally expect this kind of bad user experience. It clearly shows they don't really care too much about annoying their users. Also I'd say it's ability to pick up on duplicates is very average even on the more sensitive 'aggressive' mode it will still require manual editing for pictures that are only slightly different. 3D touch features like peek and pop for the 6S would make a nice addition for previewing photos before deletion..Version: 1.1.1

Not workingIt has only scanned a very small portion of my photos on my phone and while it picked up quite a few doubles it has missed dozens more..Version: 2.1

Comparing Duplicate Photos is CumbersomeThe app does a great job of finding duplicate and similar photos but the process to see the full size pictures and comparing them is too time consuming. Each one must be selected, then enlarged to view, and be deselected only to repeat the process for any you wish to compare..Version: 2.7

Waste of moneyI have 150+duplicate photos and it only picked 10 groups of 2 Tried the the different modes with the same results..Version: 2.1

Delete similar photosAnnoying constant pop up reminder that seems to want to keep my screen on until I delete the pop up, then it finds similar photos. Always worth a clear out as what’s app seems to keep the same photo over and over but would not miss it really.Version: 1.7

Barely worksEveryone was complaining about how it really only brings up similar photos but it wasn’t even doing that for me was bringing up photos that had the same color scheme it’s not worth it. I customized it every which way I could and it still won’t pull up more than three or four photos when I know I just had a 50 shot photo shoot where majority of the photos look similar & are even the exact same outfit and pose..Version: 2.6

RemoverU need to check the photo that the app is showing because it doesn’t match all photos, make sure you check your photos before deleting..Version: 2.1

Only scan camera roll!It needs to scan the entire photo lib to be effective, and there are duplicates in the imported folders as well. I want my money back!.Version: 1.8

Disano11Doesn’t detect multiple downloads of duplicated cloud photos. Waste of money.Version: 1.7

Waste of time and money!Ran it the 1st time and it only removed a small qty. It still showed all the duplicates, but the only way I could remove them was to tap each one then hit the trash icon. When there were 3 or more of the same photo, only 1 could be removed. Ran a 2nd scan but these duplicates won't accept tap and remove. Very disappointed with this app!.Version: 1.3

This could be 5 stars but needs workThe positive is it brings in a ton of photos and doesn’t crash. The big issue is the UI. Pictures appear next to each that match but you have to click once to select the pict and then AGAIN just to open it large. Once it opens, you can’t scroll back and forth through the matching photos. ALL the other apps do that. This makes you exit and then uncheck and then double click again. You forget the details of the first photo you viewed! Also, you should be able to delete all the photos in a group of you decide to. It’s ridiculous. I don’t mind paying for a app but make it work well. At least have the typical features others ha e PLEASE. I wish I didn’t buy it before trying it. Please fix the issues and it’ll be a 5 star app..Version: 1.8

Constant nag to reviewThis app asks for a review every time it is used, in breach of Apple’s guidelines. Here’s your review..Version: 1.7

Alright, But Has Obnoxious PopupsThe app is a little annoying to use since the duplicate photos are listed as small thumbnails, and you have to click on a tiny icon in the corner to expand them to get a better look. I also wish it would let you delete all of the versions of one photo if you just decide that you don’t want any of them, but it makes you keep one. Still would have been four stars if not for the incredibly annoying popup asking you to rate the app every time you try to use the delete function..Version: 2.4

Awful appRidiculous app- cannot easily view pictures (tapping the top right of each picture is so hit and Miss when then are tiny square images on an iPhone), which means this is not a time saving app..Version: 2.4

UselessEvery single photo in my library has somehow duplicated. So I bought this in the hope it would resolve the bulk. Given these are identical photos I would have thought it would catch them. Not one picked up. I can only guess that the metadata of the duplicate photos doesn't match the original and this is where this program falls over. It seems to use GPS, Time taken, and image size as comparators. Time for a refund. 🙁.Version: 1.7

Duplicate photoWish there was a way to ignore previously highlighted photo's so they stop coming up, I have a lot of similar photo's not duplicates that I do not wish to delete but they keep coming up. Other than that the app is great.Version: 1.7

Annoying rate pop upKeeps asking for a rate and then hard to find an in used nickname!!.Version: 1.8

DuplicateNe peux pas enlever les duplicatas de photo dans les albums photos ne vous faites pas avoir.Version: 1.8

UselessVery poor app. No functionality. Only found 2 duplicates when there were hundreds. Don’t buy.Version: 1.7

DisappointingWhile this app does what it says it will, what they don’t tell you is that it only works on the camera roll - it doesn’t find duplicates in albums..Version: 1.7

Seemed good?It may be way more useful if it didnt list every photo you have that isnt really a double because ones on iphone & other on ipad. I had thousands of doubles just because of that. I deleted one to see where it would delete from? Deleted one photo on my phone and it disappeared on my ipad. Very odd I have an iphone 5, perhaps it works better on something else..Version: 1.8

Not DuplicatesThe photos are not duplicates and it’s easy to delete photos you want to keep.Version: 1.8

Too soon to tellJust got it and it keeps asking for a review, frustrating..Version: 1.1.1

Bloody UselessI have over 500 duplicates and it picked up 1..Version: 1.7

Rate meI did not get the opportunity to properly test the app before it's asking me to rate it every time I deleted a picture. I'm on my fourth delete and am currently rating it to get it quit. Let me use the product for a minute before asking and definitely do not ask every time I delete something.... especially since I paid for it. Annoyed..Version: 1.7

Incredibly Lame - Amazing and Appalling it’s not freeI was excited to find this app. Reviews from various sites rated it highly and I thought “Here’s an app that will actually find similar photos”. Wrong. The standard search found exactly seven sets. This is out of over 2000 photos that even a cursory glance suggests that there are tens, if not hundreds of photos that are similar enough they could pass for duplicates. Next is tried the Aggressive mode. This found one more set. How can they release this app, much less charging for it?.Version: 2.7

Mr BenDoesn't work. Duplicates are still there don't waste you cash..Version: 1.5

Duplicate photo deleterGood app bit fiddly to workout but wirth it.Version: 1.7

Don’t waste your moneyThis app hardly works - it found maybe 10% of my duplicates. Even very obvious duplicates were ignored. Not worth your money. Five star ratings are obviously fake..Version: 1.7

Had high hopes, but no...I really wanted this to work because I noticed a bunch of duplicates and started to remove a few manually. Then I thought I'd give this a try. First up it found three pairs of 'duplicates', only one pair actually correct. At the other setting (agressive) it found the same non-duplicates plus one other pair also incorrect, while both times completely ignoring 53 pairs of actual duplicates that I subsequently hunted down manually. Hopeless... Being deleted right now..Version: 1.1.1

Silly app!Waste of money. Only thing I will say.. it’s a good annoyance with the many many notifications like 1 every minute! Hate it!.Version: 2.4

Doesn't work with photos on iCloudI used the app on my iPad and the app found over 17,000 duplicates! It looks as though the duplicates should all be set out neatly in groups so you can choose which ones you want to delete. Unfortunately only the first two photos were displayed. The others were represented by invisible tiles (presumably because on iCloud not on device). There was no way of viewing them. So this app is not much good if you use iCloud to store your photos..Version: 1.1.1

Absolutely rubbishMissed thousands of duplicates but selected 30 similar photos..Version: 1.8

Gets the job done, but I hate being pestered to rate apps, esp after I paid for itGets the job done, but I hate being pestered to rate apps, esp after I paid for it.Version: 1.7

AlmostThe app has not had an update in over a year. No background app refresh? No support for iPhone X resolution? Not able to batch delete 10K photos at a time after auto-marking them via the wizard? Have to manually tap the ones you want to delete? Or maybe throw in some quick select options such as “mark first 10, 100, or 1000 groups/duplicates”? Fix some outstanding issues, and this paid app could go places (such as a 5-Star rating). Also, clarify “similar and somewhat similar.” Instead, provide options for “identical/exact duplicates” and “similar” perhaps? Lastly, get rid of the annoying “Rate Me” popup after every duplicate run, especially after I've already left a review..Version: 1.7

RubbishThis app does not remove duplicates and not worth downloading.Version: 1.7

Waste of money.I have multiple duplicate photos on my iPhone but this app said there were no duplicates..Version: 2.4

Doesn’t work.It just doesn’t work. I can quite easily show 100’s of examples..Version: 1.8

RubbishRubbish , it only scans your camera roll not all your pictures. Waste of money as no option to select all photos.Version: 2.1

Great for freeI freed up space but when I scanned for similar with the setting at 10% it keep bringing up mostly my photo’s of sayings. I could not find any place too tell the program they weren’t similar so the next time I scan they don’t keep coming up..Version: 2.3

Not showing duplicates togetherThis is of no real use - it show similar groups of photos together which I want to keep - just because the same people / house / garden are in them doesn't mean they are the same. The actual duplicates (of which I ended up with loads following an iCloud / AirDrop mistake), are separated into different sections nowhere near each other on the review screen (several scroll-ups away), so I may as well look through the iPhoto app, which shows a lot more pictures at once and would be a lot quicker, plus the pictures would be clear (these review pictures are incredibly blurred unless you tap each one twice). Both types of search offered by the app were worthless. Off to sort though my 5000+ pictures without this app's 'help'. (First negative app review I've ever felt compelled to write).Version: 1.1.1

Useless programIf the 8000 photos on my phone, where many are triplicates due to syncing my iPhone, this program has only managed to find about 40. Waste of money. Not very impressed at all..Version: 1.7

Bummer didn't work :(I was really hopeful for this app. It scanned and identified duplicates, even made a "duplicates" album in my "photos" program which is was supposed to move them all to, so I could review and then agree to delete... But nothing transferred and no duplicates appeared. So while it identified a lot, let me select a lot to delete, it couldn't finish the job and follow through. I really wanted this to work as my library seriously needs culling! Bummer!! Sorry I paid for something that let me down. :-(.Version: 1.1.1

No useIt only searches camera roll not albums. So in my case,searched 80 photos when I expected it to search over 3000. Doesn’t tell you this anywhere. Asked for assistance,and refund,before giving feedback,ignored me. Rubbish app.Version: 1.7

Too pricey and lack of needed featureI bought this app because I also bought the Pro version for Mac. I recommend the Mac version due to full of features with reasonable price. Yet, the iOS version is too expensive without similar feature as in the Mac version. This is why I only give 3 stars. Better to buy Mac version rather than iOS one..Version: 1.8

Not very good except for exact duplicates.Good at getting rid of exact duplicates but the near matches capability is pretty poor indeed. Regardless of any settings used it doesn't find anything and I'm back to manually searching and deleting..Version: 1.7

Not good .Not good . I try to enlarge the photo I want to delete because it displays a magnifying icon but when I choose it NOTHING HAPPENS.Version: 1.7

Hopeless application, not worth 79PI've just downloaded and installed this app and from 12gb worth of photos, it was able to release 20MB finding photos which are similar (not duplicate). I know for a fact that my phone is riddled with duplicate photos but this app is neither able to identify or delete the duplicates from my photo library. I was rather hoping that this app will be the solution to my massive duplicate photo problem, but never mind. I'll keep on looking..Version: 1.1.1

Misleading app did nothingI can’t believe I was suckered into thinking this app would find all the duplicates on my iPhone it found all of 2 when I know that there are many duplicates. I want a refund for this useless app..Version: 2.4

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