CWMoney App Positive ReviewsCWMoney.NET

CWMoney Positive Reviews

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Total 23 Positive Reviews

CWMoney App User Positive Comments 2024

CWMoney app received 23 positive comments and reviews by users. Can you share your positive thoughts about cwmoney?

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CWMoney for Positive User Reviews

Good appIt's easy to use. But lag sometimes..Version: 2.3.7

Very usefulWe used this app two years ago. It is very useful..Version: 2.93

預算連動每月收入用每一塊錢都有自己的工作來比喻,希望設定預算的部分,可以連動每月收入來設定,這樣才能確定每一塊錢都合理分配到它們的工作 不然如果抓的預算大過於收入金額那等於還要手動刪減,如果少於收入金額,那多出來的錢沒有自己的工作崗位也就無法更妥善管理金錢.Version: 3.32

Wonderful appI just forget the loading password on my iphone,how can i find it to use the app again? pls help me.Version: 2.911

發票掃瞄的內容顯示不完整,期待下一版可以修復。發票掃瞄的內容顯示不完整,期待下一版可以修復。.Version: 2.3.7

週統計週統計起始日改為禮拜一的功能,希望可以一併改變主頁也是禮拜一為第一天.Version: 2.972

即時匯率可以連接即時匯率的功能很棒,但是很希望可以增加澳幣.Version: 2.971

Switch languageVery useful app. But all my previous records was gone after I change the language of my iPhone..Version: 2.952

希望能增加改變顯示總收入支出幣值的功能目前人在海外想要總結顯示美金,發現無法設定.Version: 5.0.4

簡單實用很喜歡這個記帳軟體~用了四、五年即使有很多推陳出新我也還是覺得這個用得最順手~.Version: 2.973

語言希望可以換語言 而不是只能有系統語言.Version: 3.31

Great AppThe find is user friendly, allow the user to do a lot of customized base on user's habit and provide report. Interface is nice, clean, simple and easy to navigate..Version: 2.2.1

介面簡潔直觀 功能多元 方便實用用這個記帳app至少有4年,這次更新後介面變得很舒服很直觀!好看又好用 帳戶的種類也變多 金融相關的功能也更加多元 方便實用!.Version: 5.0.4

Very usefulGreat app!!.Version: 2.952

很不錯對花錢很有幫助.Version: 2.5.2

All the remarks in Edit Account disappearedI don’t know why but all the remarks disappeared. What’s worse is that I tried to fill in but when I clicked Save it didn’t save! Why!!!.Version: 3.01

UsefulIt’s good to track how much I spend every day/ week/month/ year. Easy to use. But it requires password or fingerprint every time we jump out of the App temporarily to check something else and back. A bit annoying.Version: 2.973

顯示幣別喜歡CWmoney 的介面和整個記帳羅輯,但目前在國外生活,所有消費或進帳都是使用加幣,就算帳戶幣別選擇加幣,app還是會自動換算成台幣,report的部分也都只顯示台幣 無法調整 希望這個部分可以給使用者更多決定權😀😀.Version: 5.0.4

好用超好用.Version: 5.0.2

English version typoNew to the app, but seems alright. Please update spelling errors on the category: “clothes” instead of “cloth”. It’s a bit annoying seeing that every time. Thanks!.Version: 5.0.4

GoodVery nice!.Version: 2.720

Love itI love this app, helps me manage my money better, I can keep track of payments I've made that haven't posted at the bank.Version: 2.3.1

Awesome APP, you must have!!Great APP to manage my expansion, I've recommended to many friends. They are satisfied about this app too..Version: 2.3.9

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