Man Vs. Missiles App Negative ReviewsSpiel Studios

Man Vs. Missiles Negative Reviews

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Total 36 Negative Reviews

Man Vs. Missiles App Complaints & User Negative Comments 2024

Man Vs. Missiles app received 36 complaints, negative comments and reviews by users. Have you ever had a bad experience using Man Vs. Missiles? Can you share your negative thoughts about man vs. missiles?

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Man Vs. Missiles for Negative User Reviews

Doesn’t support iPhone X, XS, and XS MaxThis is a fun game but it doesn’t support the current iPhones and it makes the game play harder. The indicators showing you where items and missiles are disappears beneath the notch on the top of the screen. So you can find yourself in position where there appears to be nothing only to finally turn and realize it was hidden beneath the notch. When the X was new that was understandable but the X and XS/XS Max have been out for quite some time now..Version: 4.8

Needs fixingOn my iPhone 11 where there is no home button so many times I’ve pressed the flare button but it presses pause and then as soon as you press unpause it’s too late to use the flares and you lose a life. Needs fixing urgently..Version: 7.5

Fun game, way to many Ads!Enter the in game shop? 30second Advert Return to the main menu? 30 second Advert Unless you buy the game, expect to be constantly interrupted ever 2-3mins of playing. THIS IS ONTOP OF the choice to run adverts to earn addition rewards. I’m happy to watch adverts for additional in game rewards. I feel like that is a fair trade off for a free game. However I cannot stand games that force adverts on me when I don’t want to view them..Version: 4.6

Addicting GameThis game is really fun and I’ve enjoyed playing it for a couple days now. The physics in this game line up pretty well and it is a fairly easy game to play. There are only some minor flaws that are detrimental to the game. The first one is on-screen ads. A key component of this game is being able to see what is around you with the arrows at the edge of the screen. When there is an ad at the bottom of the screen during the gameplay, these arrows are not visible, impeding with the game playability itself. But this is not the worst. This ad at the bottom of the screen covers up the flare buttons completely. Some levels require you to use flares in order to complete an objective, but when the flare button is covered up by ads, it becomes impossible to advance in the game. Please fix this..Version: 3.7

COPY OF GO PLANEIs a copy of the much better game Go Plane by Oovoo. Is slow and unresponsive to the controls, unlike the fast paced, realistic and simple controls of Go Plane. The game is so complicated that it requires a tutorial. I mean, you’re avoiding missiles, how hard is it? But no, they had to implement controls like shields and flares! And to top it all off, the missiles and plane are slow, the missiles even having the dragging motion of badly animated cars. If you think any part of this game has ANY redeeming qualities at all, you are mistaken, so, so mistaken. Even the title is stupid and unimaginative, I mean, Man vs Missile, come on! If you are reading this, do us all a favor and download Go Plane, play it, and write a review for both games. Only then will you realize how truly crappy this boring piece of copy and pasted garbage truly is..Version: 1.4

Not playableWorked first couple of times and then I just keep getting a video of a dog every time I try start a game..Version: 1.5

Game Good Ads BadThis game seems fun, but because of the sheer amount of ads is gross. I cannot enjoy the free version of this game with the ads..Version: 3.1

Moronic attempt to force purchasesThe developers of the game have set early basic levels with purchase only items like flares. The game is only middling as a time waster and then they try this nonsense, 1 star and a delete app and all data..Version: 3.7

Will not playIPad mini gen 3 16mb. Game will not load. Reinstalled still will not load past a welcome screen.Version: 2.5

Fun! But a money grab...This game is a lot of fun. The developers did a really good job with it. However, the amount of money you can spend on this game is borderline absurd. I hate these weekly/monthly/annual fees developers want you to pay to get access to “premium” or “vip” content; spare me. I’m more than happy to pay for a game like this and fully support devs getting paid for their work. Don’t get greedy and hope for $50/year from people just so they can fly a UFO around. Charge a one-time fee up front, say $5-$10, and be done with it. If these changes happen, I will happily change my review to a full five-stars. Until then, it’s simply a 2-star money grab..Version: 3.2

Controls not well designed, ads ruin it.I don’t know why you pump so many ads into these apps. They provide little revenue and only drive users away. Price is fine, but the controls are not very good. Fix those things and I would buy it..Version: 7.5

The ads ruin it. Not worth $2 to turn them off.With the recent update the ads have become too much. They pop up too often and there is no escape before they complete. This used to be a game I could let my five year old play. Challenging without being to violent, with no killing or obvious bad guys. That is still true. But the ads kill it. They are dull and uninteresting, and I’m not giving it to my five year old when a video ad rolls every second or third play. I here is a purchase to turn off the ads, but it costs $ 1.99. I love this little game, but it isn’t worth $2 just to turn the ads off. Give us the open to turn off the ads, and just make it a buck. I imagine I’m worth far less then a dollar from advertising, especially since I will soon delete the app if there is no way to turn them off, or if the option to turn them off costs more then a dollar. It this will be just another casual play game that I end up deleting..Version: 2.0

I understand this is ad support but?I understand this is ad support but? There is such a thing sas too much ads. And in this app there is way too much ads. It is so bad that I payed for a system wide ad blocker vs. Paying for you to remove the ads. As I said way too much ads!.Version: 2.5

CrashesI watch the ad for the iron bot free trial but it keeps crashing when I finish and close the ad.Version: 4.6

A Rip-OffI got this game awhile ago and have really enjoyed playing it. I played it so much that I paid to remove ads. Eventually I unlocked all the features, and it became rather repetitive, although I still enjoyed the Time Trial mode, which is way more difficult. Recently, however, a completely new set of planes have been added that I cannot buy with the extravagant stash of coins I amassed after unlocking the original features. This new portion of the game is actually only accessible to people who pay a monthly subscription. And - worst of all - despite the fact that I have the ad-free version, I now have ads popping up asking me to subscribe to this new portion of the game. Outrageous..Version: 3.2

Ads ads adsGreat game way to many ads.Version: 4.6

Ads big timeGood design, too many ads off the hop. Not a generous FTP model. Seems customer hostile with the gating used. Try to be more generous with your “free to play”..Version: 2.5

My game keeps crashingI like the game though, missiles are always tracking me off screen so I always fly strait into them because I can’t tell where they’re coming from. So when I’m trying to fly away from a missile another one just catches me when I’m turning and can do anything..Version: 1.5

Eh, it used to be okayGameplay becomes stale pretty quickly. Also, why did the devs nerf the space shuttle? The only good thing about it was the +35% speed and now it’s 20% with no turning capability. In the latest patch, they added a “VIP” feature that adds good planes for geuss what!? Only $20 a month for some mobile game! While reducing the effectiveness of the non-premium aircraft. I don’t mind the better planes, I just don’t think it’s the way to go in order to make the VIP feature more appealing. Really scummy stuff they’re pulling here..Version: 3.1

Crashes on LaunchCrashes about 20 seconds after launching the app whether I press anything in the game or not (iPhone 5s on iOS 10.2).Version: 1.5

I hate incremental % game crashingI always like to know by numbers how much is the speed of the plane and rotation speed, where as now it is like calculating to now the real numbers. The game is crashing as I leave the app to text or check another app. It will crash when I come back and the phone respring, whether playing on in the homepage. I would prefer to go back to the previous version.Version: 1.5

Time Attack is basically Survival ModeVIP Access is $4.99/WEEK! Is that a joke? Forgot to mention in the latest update that either the missiles are faster or the shuttle is slower. I can no longer outrun most of the missiles. This is a big step backwards. The time bonuses in Time Attack are too high. The number of missiles increases so fast that I literally cannot get the timer under 20 seconds because I’m destroying missiles and accumulating bonus seconds so fast. Apparently, more levels have been added but all they did was make the numbers bigger. You go from collecting a few coins or survive for a couple of minutes to collecting over 50 coins and surviving for almost 10 minutes. The only actual challenge is destroying missiles with flares and it is getting out of hand. I have to destroy 22 missiles with flares for level 45, that’s a lot of power ups because it is hard to get even 4 missiles behind you..Version: 3.2

AdsToo many ads!.Version: 2.9

Boring after while, too shallow.Perhaps I’m not far enough but I’m level 20 and nothing has changed. Once you get how to avoid the missiles then the game suddenly loses it’s fun and becomes a grind! I highly recommend the developers focus on additional levels with unique obstacles. Like the current level has birds that slow you down if you run into them. They don’t hurt you but can be an issue if you have a missile trailing you. Then do a rainy level where dark clouds has lightning where it reverses the controls. Doesn’t hurt you but again can become a problem if a missile is right behind you. Then say a night level where if you pass through a black cloud your field of vision gets smaller say like half the screen blacks out. So you have to rely on sound to know when a missile is close to you. These are just some examples. Because literally it does not satisfy after you figure things out. Devs please add some stuff to the game..Version: 1.9

Ads block vital in-game informationWhat a joke. Ads cover up the signals that missiles are incoming. I don’t mind the ads after missions and between stages, but using ads during play to block vital information makes this game a joke. Additionally, the game mechanics are poorly designed and virtually unplayable. After reading a couple of other reviews I realized this is because it is a money grabbing rip-off of two other games called “Missiles!” and “Go Plane.” The designers never intended this to be a playable game. They just hope you’ll spend two bucks on it and then forget about it..Version: 4.1

Needs some fixingIt is a fun game to play until you realize some objectives can be really hard to do and the progress on them does not save. I had to destroy 8 missiles with flares. Due to progress on objectives not saving, I would have to destroy 2 missiles at a time. This would increasingly get harder seeing as how the blue missiles are so much faster than you. I got this objective and I was only 10 minutes into playing this game. If an objective progress save was added I would definitely redownload..Version: 4.2

Go planeHonestly for a few months now I’ve been playing this game called go plane, it’s just like this one but more fast paced in a way? Idk I just prefer go plane so whoever reads this should really try it, I’m not 100% sure but I’m pretty sure there isn’t any video advertisements as well. Also, different ships are cosmetic, so no one plane is better than another, and you can actually swerve around much better like less logically but I prefer it, because you can actually get away from a missile like the blue one. Like I find that really stupid how if you don’t upgrade your plane you just can’t outrun the blue missile. Also more missiles come after you at a time then just two, like it can really start to build up, making it much harder and fast paced in go plane..Version: 1.9

Events mode not working……In the events mode, the set target does not show, and I cannot finish that stage to advance to the next level. I see other players advancing and getting their bonuses, while my play does not get recorded to receive any rewards. Rating this 1 star to get your attention. July 12/2021 ————————————————- July 17/2021 Still unable to play the Events mode. I see other players getting points, and advancing..Version: 9.1

The Ads are too intrusive.I don’t mind ads in ad supported games, but the way they are handled here is less than graceful. Perhaps a longer play period before showing an ad instead of every time there is a restart. Seemed fun for the few seconds I played between the ads. PS - this is not the usual “internet angst I hate ads in my free game” rant. I’m not someone who minds watching as many ads that come in free games, but this struck me as a little rough around the edges..Version: 4.6

Fun game, bad adult ads, not for kidsThe game kept playing inappropriate video ads. There was no way to restrict the ad content to kids level. So I paid to remove the ads, but it still plays ads. Very angry with not being able to restrict the ad content to appropriate children’s content. Had to uninstall..Version: 2.8

AdsAds.Version: 4.2

Extremely Disappointed.Here is my number one issue with this game. It is an exact copy of a game called “Missiles!” which has been on the App Store for some time now. I can tell this was done on purpose since the controls, art style, even some of the sprites are completely stolen from the other developer. The gameplay in general is identical which is just so disappointing. You took someone’s idea, literally stole their game, and are making money from it without giving any credit or money to the real developer. Over all, this is just a copy of a great game with In App Purchases and ads which gives it a 1 star in my book. Please everyone read this review before playing and supporting this game. Thanks..Version: 1.9

Major Flaw on iPhone XWould have rated it 5 stars if the “flare” button wasn’t at the same spot as the app switching bar on my iPhone X. It always messes up and makes me lose. Major UI/UX Flaw..Version: 2.5

Ads making the game unplayable.Seemed like a fun game. But for me either an ad or video of a dog eating spaghetti kept popping up ten seconds into the flight causing the rocket to hit me. Made the game unplayable..Version: 1.4

BrokenGame seems broken. I’m trying to save up for the space shuttle but once and a while I loose 1000 coins out of nowhere. Was close to 7k and now I’m at 600..Version: 3.2

Game designI think it is dishonest and undermining to the enjoyability of the game to have randomized Id and game score for “multiplayer” additional to that, when you use trial planes for vip game makes the scores of bots lower under 200 to try and make people buy the pack. And don’t tell me I’m imagining it when I’m going against starter planes for the 100000 bets. Add a multiplayer feature, it isn’t very hard to do. Damn, even just link the scores, I know you people are able to do that..Version: 3.5

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