IBreviary Pro Terra Sancta HD App Positive ReviewsPaolo Padrini

IBreviary Pro Terra Sancta HD Positive Reviews

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IBreviary Pro Terra Sancta HD App User Positive Comments 2024

IBreviary Pro Terra Sancta HD app received 105 positive comments and reviews by users. Can you share your positive thoughts about ibreviary pro terra sancta hd?

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IBreviary Pro Terra Sancta HD for Positive User Reviews

ExcellentExcellent for daily use..Version: 3.2

A CompanionA rich resource in my own personal devotion. Complete, and eye-friendly background..Version: 3.2

Do something simple wellHave been using iBreviary for a couple of years now. While it's clearly developing as iOS tools become available it has so far avoided extravagant feature creep. The interface is intuitive and straight forward and the one occasion I've needed support it was there despite being donation wear. All that and then there's the content of course..Version: 3.2

Great appThis is a very useful app which means I can travel without having to take a bulky breviary, missal and lectionary. My only criticism is that some useful texts are not included - such as the Eucharistic Prayers for Various Occasions. If all the Euch Prayers were included I would give it five stars..Version: 1.0.7

Getting better and betterIt's great to have the Divine Office on iPad and phone. It is convenient to carry, and it figures out the texts for the day, eliminating guesswork and page flipping. The app has continually improved over the years, and now is nearly flawless and full of features. Try it out, and if you like it, give a donation!.Version: 3.2

Très bonSuper utile.Version: 3.2

Just DivineI have always appreciated this app even from its early days. It keeps getting better and better. I do have a few complaints, however, that refer to the English language. In past versions the propers for the Dominican Order was included. Those seem to have been removed. I don't know why, I never saw a explanation. Granted, the developer may not be at fault. But, he should communicate changes like this more clearly. Another issues is the collects. Due to the new translation of the Roman Missal in the English speaking world there is a disjunct between the Collects that are common to the Mass and the Office. The developers have done a great job of incorporating these new collects in he festive seasons, commons, and propers. However, Ordinary time has not been done. Hopefully they are working on this. The most frustrating deficiency to this app is the hymns associated each hour. I'm aware that not every English language version of the Divine Office has the same hymns. However, I would have hoped that by now the developers would have included all of them. Without having access to all the hymns in the Breviary it makes it inconvenient to pray the Divine Office with others. Obviously, this is not a problem if you only say it on your own. However, saying the Divine Office in private s less than ideal. Other than these three relatively minor frustrations I love this app and recommend it to anyone who desires to pray he Prayer of the Church..Version: 3.2

Refreshes the soul from the moment your up till bedtime...From when you wake up with morning prayer... To mid- day prayer... To the evening prayer... iBreviary is the best tool for praying the daily prayers done by priests and the pope on a daily basis. Not to mention, it allows you to follow in mass celebration, so your even more prepared when you attend daily mass. In addition, great for beginners, which allows you to read the daily lectures and allows you to browse prayers in case of a forgotten word, it refreshes your mind of the most common prayers. Highly recommended for anyone who wishes to learn more and be on constant prayer with God!.Version: 3.2

A treasureIBreviary is wonderful for travelling. Everything is there. Recently on a visit to Ireland I was asked to bless a house. iBreviary had the prayers I needed. This is an important service to people everywhere..Version: 3.2

AmazingThank u all for doing it. This is so helpful n so handy. I appreciate u all very much for ur good work.. Thanks a lot.. God bless u all..Version: 3.1

GreatOnly improvement I would suggest is auto download when connected to wifi..Version: 3.2

I-Breviary - convenientI was alerted to this app during a recent conference of Secular Franciscans. Previously, I have been using the full four-volume hard- bound set of the Office. I still will use that at home, but the convenience and ease of use of the app is marvelous. Now, I can take my Office with me no matter where I go in the convenience of my i-Pad. Thanks for creating this very easy to use format..Version: 3.2

**I have also been using IBreviary for my liturgy of the hours. Thanks to all who created this app and maintain it. I also use it for reference regarding other Catholic prayers, parts of the Mass and proper readings. I hope that an audio on the same website will be made eventually available for those who would like to pray along when traveling. There is another audio app "Divine Liturgy" which I also sometimes use. Its prayer leaders' styles are very distracting though and they sometimes use unliturgical phrases such as "a reading from First Corinthians " when it should be "a reading from to the First Letter of St Paul to the Corinthians." But what I really do not like about this app is the tendency of the prayer leaders to melodramatize the psalms and the prayers, drawing attention to themselves instead of to prayer and to our Lord. Again thank you for IBreviary and the rites incorporated in it. Fr André.Version: 3.2

Complete, Familiar, but a Little AwkwardIt was wonderful to download a version of the Liturgy of the Hours that follows the American version. The compilers, however, did not make full use of the technology. There should be more links or pointers. A few simple examples: show a menu of hymns instead of displaying all of them; when there is a choice of celebrations, give links to the different options at the start instead of making me scroll through everything; allow us to toggle between the invitatory and the other opening. This would make much smoother as you go through the hour. Universalis does this very well..Version: 3.2

It's in my top 10 appsThis app is beautifully designed, easy to navigate, and keeps getting better and better. I'm on the road 160+ days a year, so I love that I have a Breviary and Missal anywhere I go (without packing around heavy books), and I can download a week at a time in case I'm on retreat or away from wifi access..Version: 3.2

Bravo!J'en fais un usage quotidien..Version: 3.2

Terrific appI 've liked this app from the get go and use it every. I 'm not a priest but I like reading the office of reading. For awhile it was very slow opening. With the last upgrade it is like lightning. Would recommend this app to all Catholics Since the last update, this app is lightning fast. You've done a great job. Keep up the good work! I still continue to use this app every day if possible. It is great and I would highly recommend it..Version: 3.2

RatingBeau travail. Application très bien fait. J'aimerais voir plus de prières dans cette application, tel que les prières de St. Thérèse d'Avila..Version: 3.2

Excellent resource!IBreviary is the best resource for prayer, readings and the rites of the church. I am a priest and use this app to assist at baptisms, the daily office and to have on hand when visiting the sick and dying. iBreviary is truly a blessing, user friendly (especially in its newest incarnation), and comprehensive. A must have for all of the faithful, lay or ordained..Version: 3.2

Thank youThis app is an excellent and very convinient option for all the Catholic men and women to pray and read the scriptual readings daily. Thank you very much for the app developers. Great works!.Version: 3.2

Awesome!LOH in several languages. No need to buy expensive Latin or Italian set of books. Brilliant use of modern technology..Version: 3.2

Excellent resource!Love the app so much I just sent link to a friend who is considering Catholicism and feels a little intimidated because she is not familiar with the Mass. She doesn't have anyone to guide her and we live thousands of miles from each other. She is excited to have the missal as a guide so she can follow along, plus she has available all the prayers and tons of other reference materials so that she can feel as though she will be making a better and more informed choice for her faith journey..Version: 3.2

It's a blessing!Qualche canto Gregoriano ci starebbe bene, ma e' gia' un ottimo App.Version: 3.1

Great app!The only thing that holds me back from giving 5 stars is the need of an Internet connection. It would be great if we could just download the entire year and forget about it for 365 days....Version: 3.2

One complaintI like this app a lot, but have just noticed a serious flaw in the English translation. Your text does not differentiate between Lord (Adonai in Hebrew) and LORD (YHWH in Hebrew). Most translations do write LORD in small caps to indicate the name of God. Especially in the Psalms, where God is called on by many titles, the distinction between the name of God and the title, Lord, is important. Thanks for a great product..Version: 3.2

BravoJe trouve très utile d'avoir accès à mon bréviaire en tout temps sur mon iPad. Il manque juste les oraisons du jour en français pour pouvoir dire la messe sans missel..Version: 1.0

Great appA very handy breviary and convenient!.Version: 3.2

I love it!Excellent! I love this app..Version: 3.2

Perfect for the traveling Priest or SeminarianI've been using this app since its first versions and have found it an invaluable resource for prayer and spiritual growth. It is the perfect tool to utilize when you happen to be out and want to pray the daytime hours when you walk by a church, or when you travel and do not feel like bringing two breviaries during those transition periods between seasons. As a seminarian preparing for his Diaconate Ordination in a few months, I can honestly say that this app has been a great blessing in encountering Our Lord in prayer as well being able to study the Missal in a relatively easy format. A must have for any seminarian, deacon, priest, bishop, or anyone interested in praying the Liturgy of the Hours!!! Ad Magnum Dei Gloriam.Version: 3.2

Wonderful aide for praying the Liturgy of the HoursAs a lay person, I try to say at least one of the morning hours. I love the format of this app, the ability to download a week at a time, the daily mass readings, and the huge resource of additional prayers, including so many of the traditional special devotions. Many thanks to the developers of this app. You are strengthening the prayer life of many, I'm convinced..Version: 3.2

I Breviary & ibibleA blessing at home and on the go.Version: 3.2

IBreviaryAs a Roman Catholic Priest, I love this app. I use it every day. I highly recommend it. Very easy to use. I would like to make a donation; however, I find the link from the app to do so confusing. Is there any way that different language and different currency type options could be made available--the ability to choose "English" and "Dollars"?.Version: 3.2

Useful and EfficientAs a priest, I found this app very great and useful ever since I lost my breviary and missal in my stolen luggage. It has not only reduced weight when traveling, it has also made it possible to pray on the go. But automatic download for weeks ahead would make it a life companion when traveling without wifi to download more, Thats the only thing I found lacking which is found in "Divine Office of Surge Network" A part from this, great job, great app, great updates..Version: 3.2

Great appTo get 5 stars it would be good to not have to update EVERY DAY needing Internet access!.Version: 1.0.2

Great appThis app is great to use for praying the daily office and for celebrating Mass. All the prayers you need for travel are in this one place, no need to take several books on your trip. I have used this several times instead of my book and it is so easy to use, you don't have to flip pages to find the antiphons, readings, and petitions for a feast day, it's all right there. I also like how you can download the readings for Mass for any Sunday you want. I do agree that flipping the pages instead of scrolling them would be a great improvement but nonetheless this is a great app. Get it today!!!.Version: 3.2

The BestI remember when I paid $40 for Universalis a few years ago. The Psalms were not even the official translation for the US. I have not used Universalis for over two years. Why? iBreviary. It is the best. I use it every day. As a priest, I pray with it, use the readings for homily preparations and I have also used it for emergency last rites. This app is beautifully designed. You can load Mass and prayers for a week. I wish I had the option to download them for a month. When on vacation I sometimes do not have access to wifi. I have to travel to find wifi to download the whole week. I strongly recommend this app..Version: 3.2

Great!I do use the app regularly and find it easy to use..Version: 3.2

Bravo !Très belle application au service du Seigneur et de sa louange, en tout temps et en tout lieu, en communion avec l'Eglise. Merci !.Version: 3.2

Excellent AppThe full Breviary including Office of Readings, daily Missal w/ Readings, Prayers, Rites, and more. Comprehensive and portable! I use it daily..Version: 3.2

CommentairesApplication très utile pour permettre une prière assidue. Grand merci..Version: 3.2

Excellent App!Great especially for travel, although I use it frequently at home as well. As one other reviewer noted, it would be a real help to have an automatic update whenever the app is opened for the first time on a given day. I also greatly appreciate having the option to read and reflect on ferial readings that are superseded by feast and solemnities -- thus preserving the continuity of our daily "walk" through a given biblical book..Version: 3.2

AwesomeThank you for this application. It has made my life easier. I often have to move around in my work as a National coordinator. I just bring my iPhone or iPad and I can be assured I can get my time for prayers. It surely is a great help. My only hope is that it will come out one day using the British edition. Because I work in New Zealand and often have to go to Australia, It is hard to participate in community prayer because communities here still use the British edition of the Breviary. May God bless you in your ministry. Bernard SVD - NZ.Version: 3.2

Franciscan CalendarIt's very good tool, but I like more Franciscan Calendar. God bless you..Version: 3.2

Wonderful AppI'm a permanent deacon and this app has made praying the office so much easier, especially when I travel. I always seem to travel during the period when the hours change from one volume to the next and must carry two volumes with me. No more! The hours are now stored conveniently on iPhone and iPad. Thanks and blessings to those who developed and maintain this wonderful app..Version: 3.2

This is a great app!This is a wonderful app and it just keeps getting better! I use it everyday. It provides an easy to use companion for just about any prayers the user wants. The latest updates even provide a tool that allows homilies to be stored and recalled by the user. This app gives us an easy and effective way to stay united in prayer each day. Deo Gratias!.Version: 3.2

Singing praisesThis is an excellent app. Offering to priests, religious, and laity a convenient and easy way to pray the official daily prayer of the Roman Catholic Church. It also includes the texts for Mass and the other rites of the Church. Additionally, it gives you access to common prayers and devotional prayers and hymns. My favourite is the new Mass builder feature which is still in development so as to make it easier to use this app. to celebrate Holy Mass! It is great when technology is used to praise God! Amen..Version: 3.1

Good appThis is an excellent app especially for priests who are tech savvy and on the go..Version: 3.2

Makes Praying the Liturgy of the Hours more of a joy!It's ease of use makes it a wonderful tool for the beginner to the Hours. You don't have to worry about proper ribbon placement or missing a special day (like the feast days of saints, etc). The convenience of being able to download any day, or week for that matter is just another reason I love this app. I can have it with me always, on my iPad and my iPhone. No reason now not to pray at least one of the hours!.Version: 3.2

Fantastic app!This app is wonderful for those who want to pray the ordinary form Liturgy of the Hours. Simple, easy, uses virtually no battery, and very few mistakes and typos that I can see. I have both the iPhone and iPad versions, and I cannot imagine being without them. Suggestions for the future might include an extraordinary form version and daily Mass readings, but I am not complaining. Thank you, and God bless you!.Version: 3.2

Love it.It works well, I use it daily. Great for travel. Thank you..Version: 3.2

Prêtre eudisteJe suis enchanté de cette nouvelle mise à jour du iBreviary. Je l'utilise tous les jours pour prier mon office. Bravo.aux personnes qui ont pris cette initiative d'informatiser la Parole de Dieu..Version: 1.0

A godsend to me.It's a godsend to me - for travel and also because I can adjust the size of the print. I wonder though about the text in this new version. For me at times it is a bit too shaded. Perhaps the sub-title and text formats could be inverted ?.Version: 3.2

Thank youI'd been using iBreviary for the past years in my iPhone and succeeding iPads. It's very handy in the ministry especially whem you're mobile. I used it when we had a pilgrimage to Egypt, Israel and Jordan. I'm still using everyday. I highly recommend it for those who value the Catholic liturgy and the like and anybody who loves to pray. Thank you very much for sharing this application and improving it to make it available for people on the go. God bless you!.Version: 3.2

RaftingFantastique Guy.Version: 3.2

Wow!This app really delivers. I use it to follow along during weekday services Everything I want to look up is available during mass. Before I go to mass I make sure I've loaded up the day's prayers and readings then I head out the door. That's all there is to it. It's all there when I want it and I don't need a wi-fi connection at church. Thanks for a great app..Version: 3.2

IBreviaryI don't usually write reviews, but this App should be rated. Every Catholic should have this App to help guide them in their faith. For a free App it is very comprehensive..Version: 3.2

Fantastic appI love this app. To be truthful I use one of two apps for praying the office daily. This one is my favorite because of two reasons, 1. I can download a whole weeks worth and 2. It offers alternative commons and offices. The last point is really important because when you pray the office of the day there are regional differences. Keep up the good work. As one of your future projects maybe an audio component..Version: 3.2

One of My favorite appsUse it every day, love it. This version downloads faster, even when I download the entire week. Keep up the great work!.Version: 3.2

Greatly amazing applicationI am a priest and have been using this application for quite some time now. This is greatly amazing and superbly useful for it saves me from tagging along my thick breviary..Version: 3.2

GREAT APP!!Love, love, love!! This app will make the breviary more accessible to all. No more trying to figure out what season it is in the church calendar and no more page flipping. I've been praying the Liturgy of the Hours for years and it has been life changing. This timeless, universal prayer of the Catholic Church is a wonderful way to bring people closer to Christ. If you've never tried the Breviary (The Liturgy of the Hours) now is the time because with this app, it is easier than ever!.Version: 3.2

Just keeps getting better and betterI have used this app daily for more than two years--primarily to pray the Liturgy of the Hours. It has improved steadily over this time, and I want to thank those dedicated programmers and typists who obviously care deeply about this ministry. Aside from the rare--and getting rarer--typo, the occasional but rare omission of a reading, and the fact that the songs don't always agree with the ones published in the U.S. printed edition, there is nothing about this great app that I don't like..Version: 3.2

FatherAs I Priest of fifty one years, I find the large print available of great value, also as a Cruise Chaplain it saves me brining many books for Services, again great help.,.Version: 3.2

Prayers for all occasionI have had Mass in a remote part of Colorado, 23,000 feet above sea level and using the Roman Missal was out of the question because the wind was so great that I pulled out iPad, as to save the day! After a funeral I was rushed to get to the cemetery and again the iPad came to the rescue. Seems to easier carrying the iPad with the individual prayers need for the occasion, including my daily office. Thanks for the App. Fr Mike.Version: 3.2

Great Library that helps with becoming a saint dailyThere is lots to love with the content, so many facets of the faith are included like Missal and prayers. I have made this my go to app for morning prayer!!.Version: 3.2

IBreviaryAs a Catholic Deacon, I am privileged to pray morning and evening prayer each day as part of the prayer of the Church. This is by far the best app I have found - easy to use and entirely consistent with the GIRM. No development by consensus; no struggling to pick the parts I need and skipping what is neither needed nor can be used. If you are used to the 4 volume Liturgy of the Hours, this is a seamless transition. I am delighted to have found it!.Version: 3.2

Yup.It is very fine..Version: 3.2

Really good appI very much like the app and would have given it 5 stars except it is missing many of the rites for the extraordinary form which I need at times. It is great that it has both English and the Latin in the new rites which is handy for some people who like a bit of Latin..Version: 3.2

A great way to pray while travelingA great way to pray while on the move. All the prayers from the Divine Office, including the Commons, and the mass readings and MANY other prayers. And it's great that you can turn audio on to hear another voice praying too. The audio is clearly automated e.g. "Saying, right double quotation mark" when there is a " in the text! But, overall it's a great app which I use nearly every day..Version: 3.2

AmazingLOVE this app! It's easily one of the top catholic apps out there. It's come such a long way, too, I remember downloading it back when it was all Italian... I liked the idea then but now it's better than I would have ever expected. Really beautiful interface and very easy to use. I would love it if there was a way to input personal prayers to the prayer section. Also, more of the Franciscan propers would be awesome! There are so many beautiful feasts and the prospers are hard to find..Version: 3.2

Best Catholic app out there.As a deacon this app has been the most helpful in keeping up with my obligation to pray the office when on the go. I even use it for the updated prayers from the new translation of the missal that are used in the loh during the special seasons of the church year in conjunction with my printed breviary. Highly recommended for anyone who wishes to deepen their life of prayer with the church and personal prayer. Great prayers section and readings for the day from mass has always been a plus.. Excellent..Version: 3.2

Wonderful app?This app has it all! Having tried many apps for the office of hours and the readings of the Mass, I tried this one. Nothing else compares. New changes have been made to the interface and they are amazing! If you travel to Europe often it's wonderful to be able to bring the readings to Mass with you where often times the language is not familiar. I love everything about this app!.Version: 3.2

Student priest in RomeA wonderful resource for all the catholic liturgies one might need but without thirty books in ones briefcase,,, clearly presented. God bless the designers and the first Christian community of the holy land.Version: 3.2

ReviewThank you so much for creating this wonderful App! I am a beginner in praying daily office, I've been praying daily for 6 months or so. I tried using the prayer book, I never thought it was so complicated. A friend told me about this App, and I really enjoy praying daily, thanks to you. I highly recommend this App to anyone young or old (I'm 62), it's so easy to navigate, even for an old guy like me! God bless!.Version: 3.2

Love, love, love this appIf it came in Dutch also, it would have been five stars. Especially with the newest update, it is SO easy to use! Thank you. UPDATE - can't download a week at a time anymore, which has made this app useless to me! I got this so I'd have the Liturgy on my iPad when not around WiFi. Now, when I try to download anything, it crashes. PLEASE FIX!!!! FURTHER UPDATE -all fixed, back to five stars- thank you so much!!!!!.Version: 3.2

I have been looking for this in print - and this format is even betterWhat a great app. All the prayors, readings, lections, and orders I need plus the orders of service and blessings - all in one place and easy to read and review. If I were to have one cmplaint it woudl be that i can't get every day of the year - poor me. The app is mrvelous and does days in advance so this I guess my issue is for the wish list. I can find no falult in this app. If you are religius and have an iPad and don't have this app, you are really missing out. I am extrememy impressed . 5 stars all the way!.Version: 1.0.2

Outstanding app for the Divine OfficeI was looking for an app to pray the Divine Office (Liturgy of the Hours). There was one that couldn't use exact wording due to legal issues...weird! This one matched my hard copy set of books. It makes it extremely easy and you can also download a full week at a time so you do not need to have wifi connection for access after downloading. In addition, lots of extras! Highly recommended!!!.Version: 3.2

Great AppThis is a great app for priests..Version: 3.2

An amazing resourceI use this all the time. I like that there is a variety of languages. This is especially handy when traveling..Version: 3.2

Excellent, just a few little things that could changeIf it was possible, I would give 4.999 stars. There are a few little things that are quirky, ... but as you will see, they are not major. Occasionally, when swiping up to display more text the side bar from the left appears. I know that it’s my fault for swiping sideways, but maybe they could choose a different gesture to display the side bar. I wish I could turn off the “pinch to zoom”. Every time I use the four-finger swipe left or right to switch apps, iBreviary resizes to a smaller font size..Version: 3.2

WonderfulIts has a new features by costumizing the mass. And even you can write your homily. Its a wonderful innovation but i believe it can be made more better, if the Entrance Antiphon, Collect, etc are in their exact place. Sometimes I need to scroll down more to look for it. Likewise, sometimes the readings or Gospels are not the exact for the day. But this is already a wonderful app for me especially for the ministry..Version: 3.2

Love itThe only problems I've had is it locked up once and I had to delete it and download it again. It's worked great since then. Also, for some reason, I don't always get the right morning prayer even though the date on the top is correct. (I didn't get the Feast of St. John today until I re-opened it.) Otherwise, I love it and it's so much easier than my single volume book which could get pretty aggravating; that's not so good when trying to be prayerful!.Version: 3.2

Excellent AppI am happy to have been introduced to this app. I have been using it on a daily basis since my introduction. Very helpful in keeping me close to God at different times of the day. I am impressed of how the LORD has inspired the developer to put it all together. Thank you. May I do a humble request only if it is possible to put an audio of the hymns in the app, I'm sure it would be nice to sing the hymns instead of reading the hymns as not all of us know the tune of the hymns. God Bless you all.Version: 3.2

MUCH IMPROVEDNow that the new version of this app is working properly I have returned to using this on-line version of the Liturgy of the Hours to pray the Office daily. I very much missed using this app after recently installing a "flawed" upgrade which failed to work properly. I had to go back to flipping ribbons in order to pray the daily prayers of the Church. Bottom Line: if it's not broke, don't fix it. Now that the necessary corrections were made this app, once again, truly is divine!.Version: 3.2

Excellent appThis is one of the best app for anyone like me (as a Catholic) it has made me find my inner peace and always encouraging me, To pray. Thanks a million times for bringing such an app to the iPad..Version: 3.2

Used to love this appIBreviary used to be my favorite prayer app and accompanied me to every Mass. But I have had difficulties the past few months with downloading specific days. I still love the fact that it is very user friendly, especially for those of us who find flipping through an actual breviary a bit time consuming, and that it does list the commons and rites, which no other Catholic prayer app seems to carry, but if I'm going to take my iPad to Mass to follow the readings and the prayers, I want an app that is always reliable..Version: 3.2

Wonderful resourceI use this app daily to study the Mass readings and to pray the Liturgy of the Hours. It is visually attractive and runs smoothly. I like the feature of being able to download a week at a time so you have it ready when you are on the go. Night mode is also very helpful as I often find myself reading or praying in the dark while getting kids to bed. God bless you for this wonderful app!.Version: 3.2

The BESTSimply the best ever application for iPad and iPhone ... Congratulation Fr. Padrini..Version: 3.2

Use this throughout the dayThis is a wonderful app. I am a lay Dominican and I appreciate not having to carry the heavy books for the Divine Office everywhere. I have it on all my Apple devices, so especially portable on my iPhone and iPod Touch. I use it very unobtrusively during Adoration, and pretty much anywhere I go. It's great to be able to download a whole week's worth of daily prayers and readings before traveling. Sometimes wifi is not reliable. I, too, would love to see the Dominican order of prayers added sometime. Keep up the great work. I would like to see a place where someone can donate to the Holy Land, as well as the developer to help out. God bless!.Version: 3.2

New Mass Editor is a Nice Addition.The app is a great tool which I found invaluable on my mission trip to Africa. I was able to download 2 weeks in advance which gave me access to the liturgical texts I needed without packing my books. This is a big advantage over the other apps that I am aware of as they need Internet access on the day when I want to use them. The rites, prayers, and blessings present have proven very useful as well. I like the addition of the Mass editor but it is only a first attempt for that so it needs work. I look forward to seeing the improvements on that as they are rolled out. For my purposes as a permanent deacon, I would like to be able to choose which parts of the Mass to include. This week I am collaborating on a communion service as part of a retreat we will be doing in a prison. Since no priest was available we cannot have a mass and I would have preferred to eliminate the Eucharistic Prayer which will not be used, as I emailed the liturgical team for the retreat..Version: 3.2

Great appA compact way to carry my missalette with me. It doesn't hold all readings for the year, but I can download a week at a time and, although I don't know whether it still works, used to be able to keep previously downloaded days' readings as long as there was storage space on my device. My only wish is that it had lectionaries from other English-speaking countries. In Canada, for example, we use a different translation of the same readings from that used in the U.S.A..Version: 3.2

Great!Works well and saves bringing extra books on the road. Also, everything is there so no flipping from one part of a book to another. This makes for a smoother prayer time. Three hundred year old hymns need too be replaced as the language no longer means anything to most Christians. God bless your work..Version: 3.2

The best -and easiest- way to pray the hours.I love the ease of use, my print breviary is only used on counted occasions. If you pray the liturgy of the hours, this is THE app to get. I've used it for around a year and a half. I also love that they keep improving it with every update. I would really love to have an "automatic download" for the next X days and download at H time or every time I open the app or something. (Or at least a download week button on the home screen) I would also LOVE to have the latin-american texts and calendar so I can use iBreviary for community prayer. (I've only been able to use it for personal prayer for the past year and a half that I've had the app—which is ok since only Vespers are communal for me.).Version: 3.2

Great for daily use!I prefer the four volume set, something about turning pages I guess. But, this is so much easier to carry around during the day. Even more important is that it includes the new translations of the prayers from Holy Mass, which I find to be more beautiful and meaningful. They better link the Liturgy of the Hours to the Mass..Version: 3.2

Perfect appBest breviary app out there, and it's free! Thank you franciscans!.Version: 1.0.1

Excellent!I use it daily and is very useful even if I know haven't explored all the advantages. Thanks to Terra Sancta, my family and I have a really important app..Version: 3.1

Great way to learn to pray!This app sits in pride of place in the top left of my home screen on both my iPad and iPhone. Beautiful design, intuitive interface, PLUS all the astonishing riches of the Church's way of prayer right here in my pocket all the time. That's hard to beat. I'd been following Christ for over 20 years, a devout Evangelical. S Catholic friend Introduced me to the Liturgy of the Hours and it turned out to be one of the most significant gifts that our Lord gave me, ultimately drawing me across the Tiber and into full communion with His Body. So be careful!! if you start using this app these prayers will likely change your life ;-). And really, how many apps do YOU know with over a thousand ratings of which MORE THAN 90% of reviewers give it 5 stars??it tells you something when there isnt even not a single reviewer who rates it less than 4 stars... Just get the app already! Now!.Version: 3.2

AmazingThis is simply amazing. Thanks to those made it..Version: 3.2

FantasticFor what this app does and the information it contains, I can't honestly imagine why anyone would not give 5 stars..Version: 3.2

A great help to prayerGreat to keep me praying regularly, especially when travelling!.Version: 3.2

You deserve a halo.Would I say my morning and night prayers EVERY day if it weren't for you? I doubt it. Everywhere i go the iBreviary goes with me. It's my first port of call in the morning, the last at night. Tomorrow, Easter Sunday, I will send you a donation to keep on with your good work. The more people who know about the iBreviary the better for the world..Version: 3.1

ExcellentGreat app. Use it daily they keep up on little fixes so the app keeps getting better!.Version: 3.2

BreviaryThe best companion on my travels, the reliable friend in times of difficulty and the daily recourse for my spiritual needs..Version: 3.2

Great App, has a bug.I love this app! I pray the morning, evening and night prayers everyday. This app is really helpful as I always have my mini iPad with me and can use it at any time as compared to the hard copy of the Liturgy of the Hours which is too big and bulky to carry comfortably (although the Shorter Christian Prayer is convenient but doesn't have all the hours I want). I, like the priest in another review, would like to be able to turn the pages rather than scrolling through the prayers. Also, it would be nice if the date changed automatically instead of having to press the "today" button, which I sometimes forget to do. Nevertheless, I would recommend this to anyone who is interested and in fact I have--most have downloaded the app and love it as much as I do..Version: 3.2

Well laid outI love that the makers of this app included the asterisk on each line where there are to be the intentional moment of silent within the prayer. This silence is so key for me, as I am wont to rush through the prayers in a quick and sloppy fashion. The visual reminder is another reminder to help me to slow down and enter more consciously into the prayers of the Church. I would like to see a portion of the app designed to help me enter into Confession..Version: 3.2

ExcellentA great app, especially helpful is the ability to change to various languages. Wonderful help with my daily prayers and meditations..Version: 3.2

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