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Total 175 Positive Reviews

The Cheetah: RPG Simulator App User Positive Comments 2024

The Cheetah: RPG Simulator app received 175 positive comments and reviews by users. Can you share your positive thoughts about the cheetah: rpg simulator?

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The Cheetah: RPG Simulator for Positive User Reviews

I like game a lot.Fun! Please add a friend system!.Version: 1.1.7

Best game EVER!I will now play this game for about 20mins a day! It’s so fun and I think you should make another game what’s just like this! I would love to see you make more games what are just like this ,with the co-op mode! I’d love to play other games like this ! You should make one with tigers! I think that would be awesome!.Version: 1.1.4

YeetBoi I love this game thanks for making it and its soooo fun.Version: 1.1.6

FriendingPlease make it possible to friend people! I met this awesome person, and now I can’t find him because I went into a diffeerent room... please fix this and make it possible to friend! Besides that small problem it’s a great game.Version: 1.1.4

Hello it’s me again, ❤️So I left a review on this a while back and a lot of people have stated a lot of good suggestions such as a friends system um and new cheetah types and new maps plus much more... Anyways I wanted to give y’all a heads up if you consider any of the suggestions people leave, just don’t add a VIP SYSTEM mainly because I play the wolf and tiger simulator and I see people constantly complaining in game about how stupid the vip system is, and I understand them, unlike the wolf and tiger simulator the cheetah simulator doesn’t have a VIP SYSTEM and leave it that way PLEASE adding VIP would most likely drop the rating to a 3 STAR OR BELOW again [BE CAUTIOUS, DONT ADD VIP].Version: 1.1.4

Amazing but could have a little work 😅This game is so awesome! I love it so much and it is so much fun. It could use some work such as:1. It would be nice if you could change your cheetah’s skin COLOR. Ok now number 2. If you could make an update to jump , because you can only “jump” if you run over a rock and just....no. And number 3. If you could make more cheetahs to choose from , because the only you can choose from are Ticked,I think King, and African Cheetah. But other than those three things, it’s pretty good and perfect animation. I totally recommend this game!😃😃.Version: 1.1.4

Mother of dirt 🤯This is mind blowing the graphics for a part but more skins please also fix the game lagging a bit it’s a bit annoying..Version: 1.1.6

It’s a great game but....The cheetah is a great game but it also needs some work, it would make it an even better game if you have friends on it! I have played one of your other games The Wolf and it has friends on it, also it would be good if there was some different places to explore too!.Version: 1.1.4

I love this game !!I cant explain how much I luv this game !!!! I have all your apps and they are great make other the ... simulators can you make a the kingfisher online simulator please or a lion online simulator 😁😃😃.Version: 1.1.4

OᗰG ᗩᗰᗩᘔIᑎG GᗩᗰE!This game is cool but I recommend that there should be more skins, like on SwiftApp's other games, also, can u allow people to make clans!! That would be so awesome! 😻.Version: 1.1.6

Hoiii!!!!This game is really good but, not as good as The Wolf and The Tiger because, you can’t friend people and in P.V.P it would help to have the blue and red dot symbols that represent the other teams cave so that you know where you going. And you know how in The Wolf and The Tiger there are groups of levels like 1-10, 10-20, 20-30, 30-40, etc. this would be nice if it went on in the cheetah, as well. :) <3 Thank you for reading Sincerely, Hailee..Version: 1.1.4

Player 6666 6666He sent 100 death dates and threatening messages to me and my pack..Version: 1.1.7

Great app!This is a wonderful app, I would totally recommend this app! You can chat with other ppl, and have pvp. But could you add more skins, I would like to have a better choice than three. But apart from that great app!!.Version: 1.1.4

RequestEven though I only just started I was wondering if you could make it so the cheetah and wolf in the other game could mate, have children and eat the food.😀 Also can you make more simulators like that so lion sims, tiger sims elephant sims Yours sincerely Sugarsweet P.S that is my name on the simulator (cheetah).Version: 1.1.6

Cool!I really like this game and would recommend to other people to play it. One thing I would like in the game however is jumping, and maybe a few more maps to play in. Overall this game is AMAZING!.Version: 1.1.4

Play this is your a cheetah fanSo I'm a cheetah fan I was looking through some apps and saw the game so I downloaded it and saw the ratings I was amazed by the ratings and it was downloaded so I played the game and it was so realistic I picked the rarest cheetah and then picked the mode I was on lvl 0 now I'm on lvl 3 it was so quick to get on lvl 3 if I got to lvl 5 or past I could fight other players but i couldn't yet but I got used to their players and they were helping me and I was helping them.i fell in love with this game! Bye guys and zizzy fans TwT.Version: 1.1.6

.w.Is a fun game to play .w. Play it .W..Version: 1.1.6

ReviewI would definitely recommend this game, it’s really easy to get the hang of. I give this a 4 star as it has all the fertilities you could ever wish; however when you are getting attacked by 3 animals it makes it a bit hard to get away from them, it’s not a big deal but just my personal reference. If you have any children who don’t know if they want it or if it’s good enough I ensure you it 100% is. I installed this game about 2 months ago and can’t stop playing it, what a load of fun!!!.Version: 1.1.6

Narly game,butHey guys I love the game and the graphics are amazing, but there should also be missions and multiplayer modes.aside from that,it’s awesome!.Version: 1.1.4

Soo goodI love this.Version: 1.1.7

Great game but...This is a great game like The Wolf. There are a couple of problems though. The game all the sudden will get really laggy and then crash quite a bit. Never have this problem playing wolf. Also while doing the tornado ability the cheetah stops attacking and just stands there. In The Wolf during tornado The Wolf continues to attack inflicting more damage that way. Other then that it's overall a pretty fun game! I am playing on the iPhone 5s...please fix the crashing problem as I can never maintain alpha status because after it crashes I start at the bottom again....Version: 1.1.4

OMG SO GOOD!I love it can't stop playing but badgers don't live in Africa lol I recommend wolf and tiger sim to! This game is a good way to see your friends and meet new ones and you can't say bad words so it's a great game for kids.Version: 1.1.4

Amazing gameI love this game but you should add the friend request and chat like the wolf and the tiger.Version: 1.1.6

AddictiveI love this game and I am addicted to it. I love how you can become a cheetah (customize your look) and either hunt animals or work in a pack to conquer your world. it is a 12+ but there is no blood or gore only the dead animals just slowly fade away..Version: 1.1.4

How this game is goodSo this game has good graphics having good texture within the game and the thing is that this game lets u know how animals look and how they are spelled in the game but there’s one thing.....and that is that there are fake dumb powers in the game and for some reason it helps out the game a little?but the thing I’m saying is that this game is worth it and u can play with friends or battle but the bad thing is it has ads that stop u when u leave the match which is a bad thing for the game.i wish ads never existed but they do but the point I’m saying is that u should go and to the AppStore search up this game and download it so u can play with me.Version: 1.1.4

Simple yet addictiveReally enjoy this game, good graphics and enjoyable gameplay. Love the social aspect of hunting together or Pvp. I would love an option to add friends or choose which server to be on. When it disconnects and you end up on a new server without players you know it's less enjoyable. Otherwise spot on, thanks!.Version: 1.1.4

Maybe improve the graphics a bitAlthough the graphics are already very nice I think maybe look at the wolf game you made and try and make the graphics more detailed like that. This game (like your others) is extremely addicting and I love how you progress but once again like the wolf and the tiger, add friends so you can send requests and all that. Other than these this game is amazing :).Version: 1.1.4

An Amazingly Crazy Good Game 👍🏻Such a great game, I love how there’s the hunting arena and the pvp arena, and the good thing in the pvp too is that you can still hunt, All the skills are great and I like how you can upgrade speed, stamina and strength, and to add to it you can upgrade your skills. I love the game as a pvp game, although parts aren’t realistic, like the fact cheetah don’t roar and have powers. But still a great game. 🐆🐆.Version: 1.1.4

TheCheetahTHIS GAME IS SOOOO FUN!!!! I LOVE IT!!!😍😍😍.Version: 1.1.4

Almost 5 Stars...Okay, this is AWESOME, but I have a few complaints; First off, WHY DO I GO SO SLOW?????!!!!!! Cheetahs are known for being very fast, but in this CHEETAH game, I'M LIKE 50 TIMES SLOWER!!!!!! Please, I BEG YOU, in a future update, add faster speeds for players, or at least, add a button for a speed boost for 60 seconds. Next, WHERE'S THE JUMP BUTTON?!!! I have tried EVERYTHING, but no jump!!! WHY???!!!!!! CHEETAHS CAN JUMP, SO WHY NOT IN THIS GAME?!! And finally, CHEETAHS DO NOT ROAR!!! FACT: Cheetahs DO NOT ROAR, and instead make HISSING or CHIRPING noises. In this game, when you attack, you make a roaring sound, but that is NOT what cheetahs do!!! Trust me, I'm a cat lover, and I know a lot about both domestic AND WILD cats; Cheetahs hiss and 'chirp', but they don't roar. Also you should add a button to make a chirp noise, and a button to hiss. Well, that's all I have to say about this game for now, and if you could fix just these small things, I would REALLY appreciate it. Thank You! P.S. sorry for all the screaming/caps.Version: 1.1.4

It's a great game and all but a few things… :'3 3':Sooo it's good but we sould have baby cheetah's to care for like aww a baby cheetah 😺 sorry I'm a bit catty today haha get it catty sorry but I was reading the reviews and all and someone said we need pups and kittens so I was like yes I love that ideas it's perrrfict hahah sorry I'm 😺😺😺😺😺 sorry 😐 and there sould be family's who else thinks that review saying you agree with me if you do please anyways back to the game you should actually customize your own character so it's not as boring that's a big snooze fest 😴😴😴 ok bye - white rabbit.Version: 1.1.4

Very AddictingI love both of these games, but I must admit that The Cheetah is easier and way better than The Wolf. I really love doing the PVP because Im getting better at it! This game is seriously a must-have, and Im pretty strong too. My cheetah's name is Swala. However, there's one problem. Some people on the game think that they can say bad words so since they know they can't say the words all together, they say it like t h i s. One time when I was playing PVP, there was a cheetah on the blue team named "A s s". Could you make it to where people cant even spell out bad words they are trying to say? Well, words like Dang and God and stuff like that should be allowed to be spelled. Thanks! -Swala.Version: 1.1.4

Nice and could be betterYou could add more options on the look of the cheetah and add more modes, for example, not just in the Savannah, maybe in the jungle and so on. Looking forward to see this getting improved! :).Version: 1.1.4

Can’t get my eyes of my iPad because of this game but...I love this game but add these following things… -add friend invites so we can join our friends just like in the tiger because I always miss my friends and so on this goes with the wolf... -let us eat because it’s a waste when you can’t eat also same with drinking I really want to drink water in this game because animals survive with food and so on this goes with the wolf and the tiger... -can we be able to report because I’ve been bullied around so on this goes with the wolf and the tiger… -new updates please for this game... -can you guys please stop bringing us out of the game because it’s so annoying so on this goes with the wolf and the tiger… -also can we get cubs with other people and have a single player mode so on this goes with the wolf and the tiger… THANKS FOR LISTENING!! 😋.Version: 1.1.4

Great and fun needs updates though!As the title says. More updates please the game is great!.Version: 1.1.4

Nothing is better than this gameThis game has no issues what ever I love the game..Version: 1.1.6

Amazing!Amazing... I recommend it! 😃.Version: 1.1.4

The best gameI love cheetahs and wolves but u should make The Tiger.Version: 1.1.4

I Love It but there is one problem....I love this game it’s so cool and fun I know lots of friends who would love this too. The one problem is it glitches I check wifi and it seems fine I don’t know why it glitches?.Version: 1.1.6

Please read this.So it’s an AMAZING game and the graphics are so realistic. Also there is two different game modes. 1 where you fight lots of other animals like hippos, bulls, giraffes, snakes , monkeys, water hogs , ... and so much more. The other game mode is where you fight other cheetahs . But when I fight other cheetahs there is so much hackers that have 100,000 health which isn’t possible unless you hack. So plzzzzzzzzzz could you patch that up. And the other thing is please add more cats onto the game like tigers , lions , panthers and so on. Or if you can’t do that then please an UPDATE it’s been so long until you’ve added something new to the game. Thanks for reading.Version: 1.1.7

This game is to good for wordsSo hi I’m Berkeley and I’m writing a review for your game .now when I was nine I had a great interest for cheetahs but I only found one good game and it was called cheetah family sim but I scrolled down further and found this game I logged on and the graphics were awesome the game play is to good for words the physics are infinity out of 10 thanks for marketing my child hood better love Berkeley.Version: 1.1.4

It needs an UpdateThe game is honestly good, but it requires an update since there are a few certain errors, ie lags when you use the powers and suddenly this glitch appears where you can't see the animals on the map in cooperative mode. Otherwise it's a really good game..Version: 1.1.4

I wishI wish that you could buddy people and why do you die so fast.Version: 1.1.6

Amazing But PLEASE ReadIt’s Amazing. I Haven’t had any issues so far. But u could add some things. I want more Cheetah Variations. Like maybe not different cheetahs but maybe more textures. Also Can You Make The cheetahs faster? They are just barley faster than the other animals. I mean I know it would be to easy to be lightning fast but can they at least be faster? And one last thing to change. Can you make lvling up faster? I’v been on 33 for a week and I play almost an hour a day. The process is way too slow for me. Ok I lied. Another thing. Pls make weather and day cycles!!! I Love night but in these kinds of games it’s just BORING OLD DAY. Pls change that!! Im sorry but another thing xD. Pls change the chat system. Pls make the texts longer and less #s. Ok so ALSO XDDDD. Pls make it where the lower lvls and higher lvls are separated on pvp. When I was on lvl 5 I got put with 30 lvls. That was a big problem. Pls change that as well. Now I want to say everything I LOVE About the game. The graphics are great. Sounds are great. Characters are great. Locations Are Great. Everything is great! Love The Game!!!.Version: 1.1.4

💙BEST GAME EVER💙I love this app so much! THISS IS THE BEST GAME EVERR!!! and I love that u can chat and u can respawn and u can do multiplayers!.Version: 1.1.6

GoodI love this game but I think u should look back at my wolf review and add some ideas and please update to the standard of the wolf and tiger, I’d love that so much as I adore this game, I’ve played it longer then all of my other games. Thank u!.Version: 1.1.4

This game is so addictingLove playing this game with my nieces and nephews in the same room in the house when we get to go into the same server.Version: 1.1.6

Needs workCan u have friends on it like the wolf and the tiger it needs more places to play(worlds) and I think some more modes what about one that u can kill hunt and have to be in a group or something like that and one thing when u go on it and u have low battery or turns it of or disconnects it but it is great and u can not wait for the new update.Version: 1.1.4

Keep me in the same room as tin tinThis game is fun but internet glitches are annoying and I was talking to tin tin and it happened I wasted 1000 hours trying to find him please keep us together pearl and tin tin.Version: 1.1.6

GoodLove it.Version: 1.1.6

Could use some workI love this game, it is soo addicting, but there are also some issues. First, can we make a sneak attack? It would be soo much better to hunt and level up! Like actions, to cause a sneak attack, or a button just for sneak attacks. Second, if we’re going to have a sneak attack, at least put a night and day cycle. It would be really cool if you had a sneak attack at night. Third, please save the progress of killing, for example, if you want to kill a hippopotamus, and die, it might be far away from the spawning place, and it might take a while to get there, and by the time you get there, the hippopotamus will already be fully charged up. And all that killing and hard work and using all that power and energy would just go to waste. I really hope that this review helped you to think about some of my plans for this game. I love this game. Thank you for reading🤗🤗.Version: 1.1.4

Cheetahs go!I think this game is amazing and my favourite animals are cheetahs, I think that there should be more places that the cheetahs can hunt and not just the savanah. I also think that you should be able to add friends. And there should be a code on each server and some way for people to type in a code so you can join a certain server with your friends! But otherwise, this is an amazing app and I love it!.Version: 1.1.6

Plz read my ideas and great great game!Ok so..... first of all I would like world’s interest the game that u can choose kinda like the game: the tiger online simulator. And a few dens in the world for the players ok next: I want to see new skins like this one: The sun cheetah the Sun Cheetah would be light yellow And normal yellow in most places it would have the simble of the sun ok next: is the moon cheetah the same as the sun cheetah but basted on the moon instead and I have more idea that is: clans or packs players can make and join and I think the game is already great but if adding these ideas I’ll rate it a five star ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ and I’ll never change it be if u add this maker of the cheetah I’ll be so happy! Hope u add and.................................... GrEAT GREAT GREaT GAME!!,!!! Sorry if bad spelling btw 😐.Version: 1.1.6

ONLINE DATERSThere seem to be lots of online daters I see 10 a day.Version: 1.1.6

GREAT APP I LOVE it!!!!! But.... just one small problem.Ok so, you know when you reach lvl 40 and you basicly can't get gems at that point, yeah that's what bothers me about the app a little bit. I would really like it if you could add a way to get gems even if you're at lvl 40(max lvl). I would suggest adding a mission/quest that you have to take. For example, you're mission could be to defeat 3 ostriches, 5 desert rats, etc. So this game overall is just AMAZING!!!! Words can't express how much I love this game , I would really like if you could add the gem update I'll talked about above^^^ Plese comment if you agree, SwiftsApp (and others too).Version: 1.1.4

Could use some workI think you should add a daylight cycle. You should also add a sneak attack. You should also add a jump button because if you are trying to get up a hill it is very hard, so if you add a jump button it would be a lot easier. You should also make is so if you are trying to kill a bull or something and you die, you spawn close to the animal, because if you die and you spawn far away from the animal, by the time you get to the animal they are already full health. You should also add a friend button, so if there is a person that you want to friend you can friend them because if you want to play with them you can’t because you are not friends in the game. I hope this review helped. Can’t wait to see if added anything the next time it updates. I ❤️ this game!.Version: 1.1.4

Nice App!This is a really cool game, but I also think that you should add like a snow cheetah or some other cheetahs to unlock, otherwise, I have nothing bad to say about it! From Chloe Gentile..Version: 1.1.4

Fun game to playIt is very fun to play.Version: 1.1.6

It’s good! But..There are online daters, and people being toxic and bypassing filters.Version: 1.1.6

Awesome!This is just an amazing game, the best animal simulator I’ve ever played. The music, the animal, the place, awesome! And here are some suggestions that might can make this game ever greater! 1.I will be happy if there’re more cheetah kinds, and maybe you can decorate your own cheetah, like colors, patterns, eyes color. 2.If the cheetah can add friends and have group chat it will be good, like in pvp maybe we need to discuss a plan and not to be noticed by the other team. 3. Maybe you can do a new game, I’m thinking about lions (I’m a crazy felines lover), like males have manes and females don’t , stuffs like that. Look forward to it!.Version: 1.1.4

This game is the best I ever playedThis is the best game in the world.Version: 1.1.6

Just a few thingsSo I have a game called THE WOLF and it is amazing but there are a few things I wish this one had ok first you can’t send a friend request and I found that really annoying it crashes a lot and sometimes can take a long time loading please add more maps and skills etc the graphics are awesome but apart from that great game also make sure to check out the wolf I personally prefer it to this one PS. cheetahs actually don’t roar 😅.Version: 1.1.6

Nice! 🐯Hi! I played this game and i like it. I have played lots of your games. I enjoy playing it but I wish that like when you type words that beep thing keeps beeping. It’s annoying me 😑😐😑😐 but. otherwise it’s amazing! It’s easy to lvl up and you don’t hurt other players. It’s also easy to get gems 💎 and coins. So far I have 90 gems and 100 coins from hunting prey. Can you do a warrior cat roleplay one where your a cat in a clan and you have to have a warrior name? If you reading this ty!! If you know Warrior 😺’s you might think I do too. Of corse I do! I do warrior cat roleplays in animal jam everyday lol 😂 hahah I’m so funny lol 😂 yes i play animal jam. I do laptop version and phone version I’m crystalwonderworld on it.Version: 1.1.4

Amazing but one problem…So.. it’s like the game I love out of all the games I have but one thing, they removed chat. I liked talking to my friends I liked making plans about how to kill blue team. But now I can’t do that stuff. Pls read this and fix the problem pleaseeeeeeee 🙏 The chat is helpful but other than you deleted the chat the game is awesome.Version: 1.1.7

WowHow I love this game and I love cheetahs I like to kill in the game.Version: 1.1.6

SuggestionsI have a couple suggestions for you first off on the cheetah game I noticed there’s only three skins so I was thinking maybe once they reach level 20 they can go to custom and on custom there will be. Change eyes change skin and change age and size. Also I think they should go for all the games does not have to be the same skin eyes. And maybe you could make a couple more games like the gazelle or the fox or the dog just a couple different ideas since you already have the wolf the cheetah and the tiger also I really love all your games that you have I’ve had literally every single one of THE. And I really love how do you have packs for the wolves and more skins also I think there should be a VIP custom a regular customer VIP I think VIP should cost $5.00 a month and maybe make some more powers and more worlds for some of the games but that’s what I have to say please read my review soon I also rated this a four star because there is only three skins and no chat maybe there’s only no chat because I’m on a lower level but that’s what I have to say please read my review very soon..Version: 1.1.7

This is so good!!!!!!OMG I can’t take my eyes off the screen this game is so good you get to chat hunt have these powers to help you hunt you get to level up and sometimes you get to be alpha we’re you cam call others and they teleport to you!!! This is such I good game I totally recommend it 👍🏻😱😆😆😆.Version: 1.1.4

Great game but ban 666 666He sends death dates to people But I love the game.Version: 1.1.6

I loveHi buddy I love the game.Version: 1.1.6

Love itI love the game so much. But can you make a non- multi player mode.Version: 1.1.6

BEST GAME EVER ❤️😘🐣❤️😘🐣❤️😘🐣Awesome game great job on creating this. But 1 thing When you but the game you start on level 1 but it’s so hard to attack the animals but you get powers witch are awesome some of the levels you get to you get a new power and yeah I’m level 40 witch is the highest you can get. But there are 4 things you need to upgrade 1. Speed 2. Defending 3. Health 4. Power And you can go on pvp or coop When you don’t attack other players and it’s awesome I would recommend buying this game THANKS!!! BEST GAME EVER!!!!!!.Version: 1.1.7

Love this gameThis game is the best so far I Love games made bye this creater.Version: 1.1.4

The best game in the world!This game is absolutely great and I love the amazing power ups! Even though I’m not 12 I’m 7 I still love it! I can’t believe I haven’t rated it! And also thanks for adding chat, it makes the game a lot more great. I would even recommend everyone in the world gets this game! SO, PLEASE PLEASE GET THIS APP AND PLAY!😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸🐆🐆🐆🐆🐆🐆🐆🐆🐆🐆🐆🐆🐆🐆🐆🐆🐆🐆🐆🐆🐆🐆🐆🐆🐆🐆🐆🐆🐆🐆🐆🐆🐆🐆🐆🐆🐆🐆it’s like literally the best game in the world but also I love all of the other apps you have made including you! Or you the person that is reading the text that I just texted! I love the wolf and tiger game that you made! But actually I like this cheetah one the most even more then the wolf and cheetah game! So, GET THIS GAME AND PLAY!.Version: 1.1.4

The cheetahA great game I would say though I could be better by a better more realistic background and If you come across predators and different levels.Version: 1.1.4

I love this gameYou should add some more animals.Version: 1.1.4

Love ittttBut I loveee it..Version: 1.1.6

Loving the game so far!!!!But could you please add: 1. Single player 2. Cubs to take care of/play as 3. Den 4. How do I eat and drink? Am I missing something? 5. White cheetah, cheetah dragon, and over all just more skins 6. FLYING?! 7. Swimming 8. Bigger world please! 9. Sleeping 10. Emotes! P.S. Please consider adding some of these, even if you don't the game is still awesome. Love the graphics!.Version: 1.1.6

My opinionAll round the games great but if you could make a way to communicate with others but other than that the games great and you did an awesome job.Version: 1.1.7

666 666So basically this is a fun game But everyone is saying there is this 666 Person Idk If he or she was banned long ago And I’m In august 31 But if he is still or she Is still here Ban him or her Reason:Death dates.Version: 1.1.7

Everything is great except... (Developer please read and respond)This game is really cool and realistic! You can talk and compete against other cheetahs in Co-op and P.v.P! But there is a problem. Sometimes if you delete the game, or try a hack, (like I did) You and you get the game again, You loose all of your progress! I was a level 32 and had to restart 😭😭. It made me really upset. A suggestion is for you (the developer) to try and add something to the game so you can get your progress back. If you can’t, that’s ok! Thanks for your time in reading this! Download Now!.Version: 1.1.6

Best Simulator Game EverI absolutely love this cheetah simulator. I love everything about it and how you can have an online family and hunt to get stronger. This game totally deserves a five star rating! Some thing I suggest is a big map where you click the little map and it turns bigger so you can see everything. A friending system should also be added to the game so you do not lose the friends you have to much fun roleplaying with. This is overall an awesome game! I think you should install it now. Thank me later..Version: 1.1.4

Amazing, one thing to add to graphics please! 😎😅😌Amazing game, pretty good graphics. Just needs some more foliage, more thicker, waving, realistic grass. Some more trees and bushes maybe, please make it a bit more realistic! Thank you for this game! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻😁✨.Version: 1.1.6

Love da gameLove the game PLZ make more about different animals lick bears or sharks and stuff other than that LOVE!!! The game soooooooo much make some more.Version: 1.1.4

StunnedThis game is amazing I’ve only been playing it for one day and I’m addicted. The graphics could be a little better but the game itself is astonishing, I can’t get my eyes off this game. 5 stars..Version: 1.1.4

Yeah pretty good game 😎Great game LOVE it but the graphics could be better and it’s sooo annoying u can’t send friend request pls change that -pugzie B.G.Version: 1.1.6

Amazing!This game is great. The cheetahs are realistic and the landscape is amazing. But what I like most of all is that there’s actually African stuff. Like there isn’t a wolf in Africa (ok I forgot we’re cheetahs live) but yeah In most animal games like for example Wolf Online in the snow wolf zone there’s elephants and tigers those don’t live in the snow lol. In this game there is all the right animals for the game. Also I love the caves and termite mounds. Also can u make it so we can climb termite mounts because cheetahs actually climb on them to look for prey. Tysm if u do. K bye! :).Version: 1.1.6

Amazing but could be better with one thingI love this game I feel like I play it for 24 hours 7 days long but I wish there was a button to press and you will run faster.Version: 1.1.4

Really good game, looking forward to new updates!This game has some pretty good features, and can be seen as one of the best games on the AppStore in future terms.Version: 1.1.4

Good job!!!👌This game is my favourite I love everything about it but there is some updates what I would like to be done I like the skins but maybe add more like the wolf they can be any couler and some cool 😎 patterns and u can add friend on there I love all the powers and I’m nearly lvl 12 on there Ps:my name is xXLaineXx on there so if u find me we can play Edit:me and my sister thought 💭 maybe you can add different animals like horses lions dogs that would be really cool Ps:I absolutely love this game and I recommend it to you If you see come say hi and we can play together and fight bosses.Version: 1.1.6

BEST IDEA EVER PLZ READOmg I just had an amazing idea! What if there was a third mode instead of just co-op hunting and PVP arena you could join the cheetah and the wolf animals in a mode called "Confluent Animals" when the wolves and cheetahs go against eachother and the environment could be like a volcano or like a jungle or even a wolf environment turning into a cheetah environment like a gradient! Everyone would enjoy that and could you should add in "[]" for clans/ pack bc everyone on both games are pretty much in a clan and it's hard to fit in their names. 5 star best game ever plz read and do this because everyone and I mean EVERYONE would enjoy it!!! THABK YOU SO MUCH!.Version: 1.1.4

A childhood dream come trueI have loved the beautiful cheetah for as long as I can remember, drawing pictures in elementary school and reading about them later. I had always pictured being and running around like a cheetah. As hilarious as that is, this game is a dream from my childhood come to life. After watching a documentary about Africa yesterday I was inspired to see if anyone had created a game, and was not disappointed. I hardly ever download games but this one is close to the heart. I am still figuring out how to use my newly acquired cheetah skills but heck this game rocks. Thank you to the developers because as a fellow cheetah enthusiast this is fabulous..Version: 1.1.4

This is the BEST game EVER!Buuuuut....... can you make new skins..... plz. BUT STILL THIS IS THE BEST GAME EVER AND ITS EVEN BETTER THEN ROBLOX!.Version: 1.1.6

Dear,maker of the cheetahCan u make these sills? Please if u said yes .... yay first skill fire blast it can make fire balls shoot down at you with fire all around it second skill : please make poison shoe everywhere casting every enemy around do you poison for 10 minutes last but not least skill: Ocean waves please make ocean waves that way water can drowned all enemies around you and then they diethe levels u have to get skill: The first one flyer blast you can get that at level 30 next one poison shoot everywhere you can get that at level 29 and then last but not least Ocean waves you can get that level 40 now we are moving onto skins please make all of the skins first skin lava cheetah it is the most powerful of them all and it comes with A skill called lave blast next skin can you please make fire cheetah fire cheetah is the second most powerful of them all it does it come with no skill but it comes with 20 more XP last but not least the ocean cheetah the ocean cheetah does not come with a scale or XP it comes with HP thanks if you maybes and also I love your games he for now👁👄👁.Version: 1.1.6

Great gameGood game.Version: 1.1.4

AmazingThis game is awsome but needs more skins.Version: 1.1.6

Review✨So, um...I LOVE IT the games great in every single aspect except the update category. There MUST be another way to earn gems! It’s ok for newbies because they have a long wayyy to go before they realise you stop getting gems at after lvl 40 but even then they’ll spend it on crap skills and only spend coins on health so like they’ll have: (2987 HP but then like their attack is only 69. U can’t fight with me 4,403 HP 172 attack) with just 69! So please can you update (add ways to get gems! Aka maybe 20 every time u do a quest or something) and also maybe make add a section on the loading into game screen, were it gives you tips and advice and also websites and apps for people obsessed with The Cheetah so that I can talk to someone abt the same interests? Thank you IM OUT😃✌🏻🌝✨.Version: 1.1.6

Wow ^_^ ❤❤❤Hey it's me again that I reviewed you on the other game the wolf RPG. I just want to say that this is a awesome game, and it has some of the stuff people requested, but it still need more in both of the RPG animal games like... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mates you know and having a pup(baby cheetah is also called that too...)But anyways can we also, eat and drink , add events like killing a boss and you get something from killing the boss, I know you also have a den but can you make it a little better just saying :p. But I want you to add those in make sure to add different seasons in the wolf too, hope you add those in thank you for reading this and also anyone who is reading, this also bye ❤ Sincerely Caunou Y..Version: 1.1.4

Good funMe and my girlfriend play together all the time love it.Version: 1.1.4

Good but the graphicsGreat but make the graphics better.Version: 1.1.6

FunThis is a fun game I just download it today best game ever.Version: 1.1.6

YOUR GAMES ARE AMAZINGYour games are just amazing and cool and so well made :D.Version: 1.1.4

You rockPlease update the game add new maps and make a freinds sistem Thank you.Version: 1.1.6

Hey, it’s meh, agreeing to stuff.So I love this game so far and I haven’t had much trouble, but I read so of the other reviews and I seem to agree. I think a “The Fox Online RPG simulator” would be cool. I really like the world names and world bosses they recommended. On the plus side, I really like foxes so this sounds like it would be a very good game. The names of the foxes you can play as are cool, but I think you can add one called “Alpha Fox”, witch is a grey fox with red, glowing stripes all around it’s body. I also agree with the fact that it’s kinda boxy. There should be more cheetahs to play as, since there is only three. I really like this game and the graphics of the world, but I think there should be a few more worlds, like “The Meadows”, witch is an abandoned city that’s overgrown with plants. Thank you for spending your time reading. 😇🦊🌱.Version: 1.1.4

GoodIts good but the cheetah skin’s are to few and there kind of on natural make the skin’s better please ty🐆🐆.Version: 1.1.7

Update🐆I love this game but can you please add costumes with a power that you can unlock. Ps please add a pug costume with a pink tutu.🐶❤️❤️❤️❤️And please make a Jurassic park with dinosaurs and cool stuff with Jurassic park cars that you can drive!🐊🦎🚗🏆🏅🎺🎯.Version: 1.1.4

I love this gamePlease don’t ever remove this game I love it I even put up five stars.Version: 1.1.7

Cheetahs!I love cats bug and small but there is a few changes I would really like you to do. 1 I would like you to add friends into the game so you can see what you’re friends are up to and see them again. 2 Able to click on the map 🗺 I can’t seem to click on the map on the top right hand corner I can’t press it and have a closer look at it. Well I think that’s all I have to say , have a good day..Version: 1.1.6

ADD THE CHAT PLEASE FOR RP AND MYTHICAL SKINSHi im wilduna I play WildCraft,the tiger 🐅 and im wondering if u can add chat and mythic skins please thanks 😊.Version: 1.1.7

Awesome GameI have played this game ever since I was 5!.Version: 1.1.7

Great game but...Games the nuts but if low battery message even comes up it disconnects and if you click off it for a second. Other than that well decent..Version: 1.1.4

So good!This game is sooooooooo fun ! I am so glad I got this game! it’s amazing and so fun ! Everything about it is so well thought out it , it does crash a few times but I can easily overthink that because of how fun it is! If it didn’t crash it would be my ideal game and I would of given it 5 stars. (it is a shame it crashes ). Also I would like to ask if you could update it so there are more types of prey and please please please make more simulators..Version: 1.1.4

Needs update!!There should be other skins you can unlock at different levels in the game.You should also be able to have friend lists, but otherwise it’s great 👍🏻.Version: 1.1.6

I love this game just one problem.I love the cheetahs but there is one problem about it. I think you should have a button that people can press that makes the cheetahs run really fast to escape predators and get to prey quicker. One more thing there should be a eat and drink button a circle of day and a sleep button. I love how there are three different versions of the cot color. Also xD is i have the wolf and it is like it and really fun i love how you can play and talk to people and you can find friends. Also how there are two different genders..Version: 1.1.6

UpdateThere should be a new update on new animals to attack otherwise :) it is so good.Version: 1.1.7

LevelsSo whenever I play I reach certain levels right? But every time I join the pvp mode they people im playing against has level 40 when I'm only level 20 . It's not fun when you have to be in your base scared to go out and fight and continually die over and over again. Whenever I'm in the hunting game I'm always paired with the low levels and low prey: which doesn't help me gain more xp. Maybe the certain. Level you could be joins a server where everyone is around that level. Because I want to face and compete against People that are my level as I grow become stronger. Not go against people that are very weak or too strong against u . Thanks for your consideration 🙏.Version: 1.1.7

New skins free gems pleasePlease get free gems that would be amazing the best game ever I play this game all they and changed my name to WindStar I am now lvl 39!! Thank you from WindStar you can find me on YouTube too!! bye this is a alwsome game new skins to please!! Bye oh almost forgot you should make a cat version of this game and dog bye!!.Version: 1.1.6

Idea for a new game! 🐾So..... my idea for a new simulator game is.... the fox RPG simulator! You have a few fox breed choices.. fennec Fox, Arctic Fox, kit fox, sliver fox, red fox, bengal fox, cape fox, culpeo, pale fox, hoary fox, and island fox. Their are 5 different lands you can play in. Wicked forest, and for that land the boss is a evil hunter. next land is a island. the boss on the island is a pack of cougars. (each cougar boss goes to a different player, and the alpha fox gets to fight the strongest cougar. The strongest cougar has a scar on it’s face.) the next land is called flowery fields. The boss for that land is a angry Gardner who wants to kill you and your fox friends. And the last land is the most dangerous...the dangerous desert. for the last boss is the strongest boss, a GIANT scorpion.... I really hope swift apps reads this and decides to make this idea a reality.....Version: 1.1.4

So fun and cool gameYou are going to like this game because it’s so wowed.Version: 1.1.7

This is amazing!Ok I love this game! (The Tigger and The Wolf are awesome too!) But I have some good advice I hope you’ll consider! (1. Please make more skins! Maybe albino and/or black! I think everyone playing this game would really like that. (2. New maps. Don’t get me wrong... I love the map we have but... I think you should make more maps just like The Tiger! (3. This is cool! I think there should be a single play option where you can find a mate at lvl5 and have a litter of 5 cubs forming a pack when both you and your partner are lvl10... maybe even go through a stage of pregnancy for the female! And you should like grow the cubs up say goodbye and have new cubs at lvl20 and lvl30 etc! (Play ur mate and even babies on multi too but strength Lower on babies!) (4. Be able to make bios and/or bigger chat messages! Have a good day/night! Thanks for reading 📖 Sincerely, Puppy!.Version: 1.1.6

Hmmm....I love it but updates hopefully will improve it. I love the wolf version. I would like it if there was a feature to have a cub or cubs with another player. Also being able an o eat the pray would make the game a bit more exciting. But in the end it's a great game.Version: 1.1.4

Amazing game!Ok, this has to be one of the best cheetah games that I have EVER played! It has excellent graphics, its really fun, it’s super addicting, and in all, its just AWSOME!!! I love this game but I would love it if you added these three things; being able to friend people! (Like in the Wolf) and being able to add someone as your mate, daughter, son, etc. And also dens! It would be really cool if the player could own a den and share a family in it. Also I was thinking of another thing: if you stalk your prey, the prey wouldn’t see or react to you! Like the worth hogs wouldn’t attack you and the ostriches wouldn’t run from you. It would be the BEST thing ever if you added this! Thx for reading!!!! Byeeeee!!! P.S you are literally one of my fav developers ❤️.Version: 1.1.4

Good butCan you please make a black cheetah, and put more animals, also make it easy to get diamonds after lvl 40, and can you also put a new map.Version: 1.1.4

Great Game But.....Hello, this is my review about The Cheetah. This is a brilliant game and I would recommend it 100% but what would make it great is more things to do on it, more worlds and animals to hunt and most of all get friends. These are my update ideas: More worlds: The Jungle, The Prehistoric World, with dinosaurs and all that, And maybe a world with all the climates, sunny, snowy and rainy. Friends: Just like The Tiger And The Wolf there are friends you can get, this is really sad that you can’t have friends because there are a lot of nice people on the game and you may never see them again. A Ban/Report Button: Just as there are a lot of nice people on The Cheetah there are a lot of bad people too, for instance people who swear and call you rude and threaten you. This would really help those who need it. More Attacks: More moves/attacks would be brilliant because we can use more verities of powers. It would be fun to get some new ones. More Animals: More animals such as birds, fish and much more would be so much fun and expand the game a lot. Thank you so much for making a brilliant game for Cheetah and animal lovers like me. Brilliant game, keep up the great work. My name for The Wolf, The Tiger And The Cheetah is Xx Forrest Gump xX. XXX.Version: 1.1.5

I like it a lotCheetahs is a really good game and it’s awesome to be hunting with other people online and communicate with the chat about which targets to kill. Like snakes, baboons, giraffes, hippos and loads more. The only problem is in the PvP, where you get put in matches with much better players and you don’t stand a chance. I would suggest some sort of fair matchmaking mechanism. Other than that, an awesome app. 👏 👏.Version: 1.1.4

JumpOnly a tiny issue, I’d love to be able to jump and this would be very useful as well as fun. I’m not sure if it is an unlock able ability I have not reached yet, but if not it would be a great addition to the game..Version: 1.1.6

Great game but...When I tried to buy gems it didn’t appear but it said I had bought them. Then the next morning I went on to see if they had come yet but instead of getting the gems I got sent back to level 1..Version: 1.1.6

Suggestions you might want to here☺️☺️☺️I love the game it’s just, what if there was a sit mode and a alpha female and alpha male and you can press mate and it’ll ask the person that you ask it’ll be a button and can there be day and night a hunger bar and a thirst bar an after three days of you hunt enough you can have little cubs and if you join there will be a button before you play you can play as a cub or adult and you can customize your cheetah to be black white or the other colors in the game that’s all.Version: 1.1.4

Do not download for you childrenThought the game was for kids... after what my son showed me i had to delete too man perverts playing the game asking my child for their personal info like address and number and telling him to follow them to go and mate... so disgusted!!!!.Version: 1.1.4

You need to ban someone named 666 666He loves to send death dates to people.Version: 1.1.4

Love itI really love this game it is amazing!! First it has one on the best graphics i have seen on a animal sim, secondly Playing online with others and being able to team up against bosses is great, but what i would love is make more simulators like theses ones.Version: 1.1.4

Hey please read this it's really importantSo I do love the game it's awesome and all but it's just that my account has been hack and I am not the only one here plus in the wolf and tiger there is this friend or mute thingy in the score board and some people are being mean and I really wish there is a mute thing like the tiger and wolf and a friend request so I can send one for my brother so we can talk and also can u do a quest like in the wolf so we can earn gems because there is no other way to get gems which is why I get really board and I really want to level up my skills but I can't since I don't have anymore gems...there anyway to get rid of the hacker in my account and the other people's as well?but one question can u make a new update in the cheetah having friend request or mute thing and having more than 1 world map like about 5 in coop and 5 in pvp cuz that's what the wolf has and more cheetah skins options and a quest where u can earn gems and u reach level 50 for final level cuz that's what wolf and tiger has I really want these stuff like in the wolf cuz it's getting really boring and I can't mute mean people. I hope you can make the cheetah a bit better like in the wolf but it's ok if not I do love the game but it's just that it doesn't have a lot of things like the wolf I hope u get my message Love this game 💝.Version: 1.1.6

Oh my... this is the best game everI thought the wolf online rpg was the best game but it turns out this is even better!!!! Love ❤️ the game but you could add more cheetahs. (I don't know how many types of cheetahs there are but don't blame me if there are only three I don't read books on animals often I like science better) And more modes... I could use those modes... 😁 AND I have suggestions for new games... Alligator and 🐦 Bird simulators I love birds that's why I am suggesting it plus on the alligator one (if you make it) I would say it would be nice if we could swim underwater 💦AND... I think you should add more stuff... I still love this game tho it's my favourite.Version: 1.1.4

Love the game but...Love the game but you need to ban the player 666 666 because he is sending death dates.Version: 1.1.7

So the SU word is allowed for user name?So there was this player had the SU word that is a rude word towards people some nicknames should be not allowed I’m happy that you remove the chat. Lol this game might be better than wild craft more realistic and safer but what I hate is the SU word it’s like so rude maybe you could ban The user name SU6 level King cheetah please banthis user name this game helps me so much with finding a multiplayer game before Ialways get bullied but i found this game It’s so much better than you can imagine you can play with real people but you can’t talk to them it’s also hard and tricky making it a good game thanks for reading!.Version: 1.1.7

Awesome gameThis game is awesome however an update like the wolf online would make it even more addictive and fun. I always play thi game and love it so much.Version: 1.1.4

CHEETAHI love the game soooo much and I really love cheetahs cus there my favorite animal especially the king cheetah Keep up the great work.Version: 1.1.6

GREAT GAME but I have some ideasI LOVE THIS GAME A LOT But some ideas maybe u should add some more skins and more than one map but really good game Ty:).Version: 1.1.7

Can be improvedThe game is awesome but can be improved like you have a choice of having cubs/cub with another player but other than that I really do like it and I like the wolf and tiger version as well..Version: 1.1.4

Good startIf this game had equal updated to tiger and wolf sim it would be my NO.1 but at the moment the graphics are better and there are less glitches. The only problem is that people need to stop asking others out..Version: 1.1.4

I love this game but.....I really want to have friends on there I mean that’s same with the tiger and I wish you can have Cubs with other people also I really want you to update it it’s getting a bit old and reporting I’ve been bullied on this game so much and you can’t do enything about it! So please fix this game up a notch will ya?.Version: 1.1.6

I don’t like it I LOVE IT please give more appsI just like it’s the best app in the history of the world and have lots of cheetah mayhem and lots off friends so I love hunts to but there hard Bye.Version: 1.1.7

Amazing game!!😎😎I love this game it’s literally a cheetah role play game and I LOVE cheetahs! The graphics are amazing and I love the skin types there really cool! I have an idea for another game you could make called the lion:online rpg so yeah it will be like this game like axactly the same but a lion instead but the world will be a bit different like there will be wetlands and grasslands and more trees and a really big water hole and then other animals like in this game the cheetah!😄😄 so that’s all I wanted to say again amazing graphics and amazing game please consider making this game that I thought of and yeah that’s all. Bye😋😋.Version: 1.1.4

Love This GameLove This Game.Version: 1.1.6

Please fixThis game is great though, it keeps crashing, please fix this! Overall, this is a great game. OOPS.Version: 1.1.7

Why I love The CheetahI love this game because it has battles and fighting. Not only that but it has leveling up and skills to equip, like dude that is amazing! Did you know that cheetahs are endangered, meaning there are not many left in the world. There is approximately 50 cheetahs left because of the habitat loss, the hunters killing them, and they get taken away from the wild to be put in zoos! Please stop hurting cheetahs y’all, I am too worried! Cheetahs are rare creatures but they will be extinct soon! If you love cheetahs, I am very grateful you are playing this game. If you read this or are reading it, then I appreciate you! Please stop hurting cheetahs, because s lot of people love them as much as I do! Thank you for your time! Peace! 🐆✌️.Version: 1.1.7

Love itLOVE IT I recommend it for everyone.Version: 1.1.4

This is the best game everThis game is really good I have only played it for 2 days when I started playing it was bad then I really liked it but its really hard to level up I think at the same time u can put a update like adding birds in and we're aloud to pounce so can u maybe do that and also pls pls do a "the panther" game and that's it for me.Version: 1.1.4

CheetahsI am a good fan of this app but I am not sure 🤔 I know what everyone else would do with this app. Please make some more levels and more quests. My English 🇦🇺 name is Leandra and my Albania 🇦🇱is Andra..Version: 1.1.6

Love the game:))I love this game but can u add more sling to the cheetahs please but I also I love it:))) ❤️❤️❤️😍😍😄😄😄😁😁😃.Version: 1.1.6

Please read this!PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE UPDATE THIS APP!! I played this game about 4 years ago or so and decided to re download it again the other day. It is wonderful as it has always been but I have to say, it badly needs an update. I would love it had the same concept as “The Wolf” and “The Tiger.” (both very lovely games) More cheetahs, more maps, better graphics, more features, and better CO;OP and PVP. Those would be amazing in an update. More gems and coins would be bought as well. This game is amazing my it’s self, but it would be even more amazing with these updates. 😃.Version: 1.1.6

Wow!What an awesome game you have there.Version: 1.1.6

666 666There’s this person named 666 666 and he keeps sending death dates to people.Version: 1.1.7

Cheetahs can’t roar 🐆🐆🐆🐆🐆🐆🐆🐆Add more skills plz and more skins plz and maps and quests and rairity like WildCraft for the skins and clothing and hats and eyes plz ok up be very happy also make a different noise that the cheetah makes plz cheetahs can’t roar like 🐯 and 🦁 so yeah but great game I love it 🥰 oh and yeah make the max level to 200 so you have a use for all of those new skills and cheetahs make chirping noises by the way.Version: 1.1.6

A Note From ❤️Cheetah Fan❤️Hello/прпвет. I want to tell you what I think about this game. 1) The cheetah skins are very beautiful. 2) The skills/powers are unique. 3) The 2 modes (co-op hunting and PVP) are great. And that’s the 3 things I like about the game. People/players who are reading this, you must play this game or the cheetahs will eat all of your pizza. >:3 Written by ❤️Cheetah Fan❤️.Version: 1.1.6

My mum says no but i still play itIt is a really fun game because you can customise your cheetah the one thing that is bad is you have to attack and kill cute animals.Version: 1.1.4

It is okI love when your a cheetah especially in co-op mode. People can team up and fight the big animals such as the Hippos and the Monkeys. There is only one thing I would change since your a developer making other games, I've already played your Wolf Simulator and Tiger. I would like to have another game mode such as Free For All! Instead of teaming up killing other animals you could kill your own specie type (The Cheetah) and have a time limit after the time finishes you could see who got the most kills and get free coins for that..Version: 1.1.4

Developer please read this!!😇Ok so..,. this game is honestly amazing! It’s a really fun game where you can kill animals, and even other players. The one thing i am upset about is how you removed the chat😕. I do understand why you removed it, but i have a small suggestion. I’m thinking you could add a report button to the chat, to report people who are saying inappropriate stuff in the chat. And once you report them, they can be banned for a few days or something. I’m just really sad bc now i can’t talk to anyone. Also, another suggestion, can you add a friends list? Because i remember becoming friends with people and never seeing them again. This would honestly make this game so much better!! Also is there any way you can block Game Guardian? People with androids can use it to cheat. tysm! Update: On my previous review i talked about how i lost my account because someone hacked me. I’m glad to say i’m working my way back up to the level I was at before. I was a level 32 before, right now i’m a level 18..Version: 1.1.7

Amazing work 👍👍👍This game is great and all but I think we should be able to talk to other players and be able to make friends🙂 so you can join them and say if I was in the non fight map I can tell them to join the battle map sounds good a😎😎..Version: 1.1.7

Put the chat back and update the whole game itselfWhy did they take out the chat option in this game?! I had this game last year and was able to do it but now it’s not fun that you can’t talk to other players 😾Also the game is now starting to glitch and lag and kicks me out every time I open the game up. I even tried to restart my phone and it still does the same thing. Please fix it cuz I can’t play the game I keep getting kicked out and I’m at a high level already I don’t want to restart the game from the beginning..Version: 1.1.7

Super coolThis game is totally awesome sad though. I expected more lvls and more powers and making friends sad. THIS IS REALLY THOUGH ITS REALLY AWESOME. Though I am lvl 32 I am really looking forward to be lvl 40 . Really excited 🧡💛🤍💜💙🤎🖤💚❤️love it . The hacks definitely should be removed see ya and I would love it if you make the rhino sim that would be fun! See ya.Version: 1.1.6

FriendI think you should be able to add friends.Version: 1.1.6

PLZ READ!!! AN EXTREMELY UNFAIR PVP HACKER!!!!!Hi so I was just playing pvp and I saw someone that was really fast way faster than everyone else his name was KoB and he had a ring around him sorta like the ring that goes around you when ya use the ‘increased damage’ power but more like fire and he will just run up kill you (even if you are THE SAME TEAM and ur not supposed to be able to kill each other 😑) and he doesn’t even have to be that close to attack he can attack 1 foot away (in the game) and he can kill anyone in 1 hit with his insane power and insane health there’s no escaping him so if ur in a game with KoB LEAVE IMMEDIATELY!!!!!!!! And if u ARE KoB then QUIT BEING A HACKER!!!!! NO ONE WILL EVER LIKE U UNLESS THEY ARE INSANE!!!!! And Swift Apps z.o.o. Etc. Plz try to make a un-hack system. Otherwise great game (P.S. ban KoB until he stops being a hacker) Sincerely, Zori the King Cheetah (Game self).Version: 1.1.7

CheetahsGreat game it cool how you can attack other animals in the game and level up your powers and kill stronger mammals and reptiles.Version: 1.1.7

ᔕᑭOT-Tᗩᑕᑌᒪᗩᖇ game!ᔕᑭOT-Tᗩᑕᑌᒪᗩᖇ game Swiftapps! This is a very well made game that has developed a surprising amount since it's release date. Although the updates, it needs a lot more work, and Swiftapps should start off by upgrading it so it has the same options at the current version of The Wolf and The Tiger. It's been an honour to call this game on of my favrioutes. The graphics and models are decent compared to most games.. Yeah sure, it's not as detailed as some simulation apps, but you'll barely notice thanks to the beautiful environment and kind people you will meet. you're in for a treat with this one no doubt! Have fun and stay safe, (there can be a chance you'll meet an online predator! Although I assure that you won't because of the careful moderators that secure the chat.) Bye! Birdovoo. ((sorry about the weird email. i made the acc with my mum when i was 6.)) XD.Version: 1.1.4

Good but it needs updating a lotOk the cheetah game is really cool but I think it needs to be updated like the tiger and the wolf one cause they get updated a lot and I think the cheetah game should get cooler and better and it is a really good game pls update it then people might even play it more but anyway good luck!.Version: 1.1.6

Good!It's a great game graphics are stunning but can u please add a feature where u can add friends to ur friends list because u make a good friend and u have to leave then do that would be a really cool feature. Other than that I thought this game was amazing keep up the gσσ∂ work!.Version: 1.1.4

Love it but-Love love game it’s really fun with all of the other players but I don’t know how to chat and I really wanna friend request people so I can keep in tonight with em.Version: 1.1.7

SuggestionsI love The Wolf, The Cheetah, and The Tiger. They are amazing games with stunning graphic, the best simulator games out there. I have some suggestions that I feel would improve the experience for a lot of players. 1: Accessories and More Skins The more the merrier! More customization would make it so players can make their tiger, cheetah, or wolf look beautiful in their own way. 2: Hunger and Thirst I am confident that animals drink and eat. Hunger and thirst would make this more of a simulator game. For players who want to do more roleplaying, there could be a special mode for that, in which they don’t have to eat or drink to survive. 3: The Ability to Jump Self explanatory. 4: More Maps Not all species of wolves, tigers, and cheetahs live in the same habitat. More maps would improve the gameplay, giving players more habitats so they can find one that best suits their animal. These are all my suggestions for now, and thanks for making a great game!.Version: 1.1.4

HORRIBLE GAMEIn this game it doesn’t have maps you can choose . You can’t even add friends 👎👎👎.Version: 1.1.6

Amazing, just one thing though...I love the game and it’s whole development! Just one thing; I wish you could join people and your friends server!.Version: 1.1.5

666 666He’s Keep Giving me DeathDates Ban Him 😐🙂.Version: 1.1.7

Greatest app everThe first thing I would do on my iPad is this app.Version: 1.1.6

Too many glitchesThe game is pretty creative and fun, but there is way too many glitches. Sometimes when I enter the game I just die immediately. And it’s just not fun. Or I will get poisoned as soon as I enter the game. Even in the middle of playing either co- op or PVP, I’ll sometimes just die even when no one is around me. And it’s not like there’s an invisible power or anything. So please fix these glitches. And sometimes I am attacking an animal or another cheetah, their points don’t go down. Please fix these glitches cuz it’s honestly just getting annoying now..Version: 1.1.7

YayIt’s awesome I love the skins but can you add more I have a new game you can create it’s called mountain lion rpg we can be in mountain lion life can you also make so that if a player tries to attack you they just start doing a random dance I know it sounds weird but it’s also funny piz add it 😎😎😎😍😍😍🥰.Version: 1.1.6

I love it 🥰Omg I love the cheetahs! I’m getting EVERY simulator you made. I started playing this app on the 6th of April 2019. I haven’t spotted a giraffe yet. The hippos are so powerful that every time I try to fight the hippopotamus he kills me. I have fought a bunch of cute animals that I feel so sorry for them. I adore this game. All the animals, I mean just... THANK YOU!!!!!.Version: 1.1.4

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