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Total 42 Negative Reviews

央视新闻 App Complaints & User Negative Comments 2024

央视新闻 app received 42 complaints, negative comments and reviews by users. Have you ever had a bad experience using 央视新闻? Can you share your negative thoughts about 央视新闻?

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央视新闻 for Negative User Reviews

It disappeared!What was happening? I downloaded this app, after it was dsone, the icon was disappeared!! It was never shown up!!! Please tell me what I could do, or may be you could help!!!.Version: 1.0

Cannot load video.Cannot load video..Version: 1.0

Worst appThe old app worked ok, but this "updated" one does not work at all in US..Version: 2.0

What's wrong?..I installed but app doesn't want to stream anything at all.. I was really looking forward to this app as I am having China withdrawals.. Spent some time in China and was hoping to watch some familiar Chinese programming here in the USA... Wahhhhhhh I'm bummed... Please fix app!.Version: 2.0

根本不能用下载后app显示打开图标,点击后什么也没有。回到桌面也看不到这个app,好像没下载过一样。想删掉也没法删。想重新下载又显示我已经有这个app了.Version: 5.1.5

No sound on iOS 5There is no sound from this app on iOS 5.Version: 1.0

最近突然闪退了,希望有更新RT.Version: 8.1.0

求你了别搞宣传了共产党很牛逼吗?.Version: 8.0.7

太失望了!还国家电视台'软件做的这么垃圾。慢也就算了'cctv5还看不了'我就是为了NBA才下的'失望啊。还是把这个软件升级升级再拿出来吧'别丢了我们中国的脸。.Version: 1.0

什么也看不了Please fix it ASAP..Version: 2.0

Do you have it in English?I downloaded it anyway, but I can see if there's an English option on the site..Version: 6.1.5

Only load headlinesThe new update hangs when loading the actual page..Version: 5.2.0

央视新闻什么时候能学习一下人民日报和参考消息选取的新闻和消息打开方式要接地气啊央视新闻.Version: 8.0.9

垃圾垃圾.Version: 1.0

Waste of time - nothing workedNot one thing played - useless app - waste of time rubbish.Version: 1.0

绝望IPad 2的app广播没有声音,按喇叭无效.Version: 5.1.0

Please bring an English version thanksPlease bring an English version i enjoy watching it in English thanks.Version: 5.0.2

??It'd be nice IF I COULD READ CHINESE!!.Version: 1.0

Review没有上一个版本好!不能看节目,支持改回去!.Version: 4.0

闪退自从更新了新版本,每次打开电视功能都会闪退!.Version: 5.2.6

无法连接?无法连接?.Version: 1.0

This version is poorly designedThis version can't display programs continuously. You will have to manually tap into the next news/show. Please run more test and collect feedback from testers before publishing new version..Version: 4.0

始终不推送试了各种方式,重装、关闭打开推送,但始终不推送,非常影响使用。望解决.Version: 8.0.3

New version not work升级后基本看不了。一直在loading...。 北美区,iPad3, iOS 5.1.1.Version: 2.0

为什么总是窜到法语台新闻看着看着就会窜到法语台.Version: 5.1.1

差评经常闪退 反复看开头广告 央视很穷?.Version: 7.0.2

How can I find my CCTV news channel!!!!It had been good until recently watching CCTV news becomes watching CCTV 1! How can I find my CCTV news channel!!!!.Version: 2.0

央視新聞!!!央視新聞!看不見的新聞!越更新越差! 沒有最差 只有更差! 啥都不能看!加蛓中......Version: 6.0.1

更新bug更新之后王牌栏目无法观看我提示网络异常.Version: 7.2.0

这也是官方的东西?用着丢人,不是点不开,就是五秒钟就卡,界面加载巨慢………不说了,就这么个app,心凉.Version: 1.0

Mr.新版本不如以前的版本,最好不要更新。.Version: 5.0

我从没见过比这还卡的,根本是等十分钟看十秒.Version: 2.1

No loading videoNo loading video.Version: 1.0

听电视的功能根本不能用既然在美国区提供下载,那就应该提供相应的功能.Version: 7.0.1

北美load不出来北美能load出新闻标题,点击后load不出内容.Version: 5.3.2

CCTV English, notI hoped that this was an English broadcast. As CCTV already broadcasts in English and many other languages, I guess I was overly hopeful. Chinese language only alas..Version: 2.1

网络速度很忙啊为何不不错 国际外语版的!都是中文老外有人看吗!.Version: 2.0

Trying to give too much?...The channels offered freeze after a few seconds. After some seconds more, it starts over again and then freezes again. Maybe you are trying to transmit a picture with too high a resolution, but something is wrong, either the streaming or the app. Alain Brodeur.Version: 1.0

没人做适配吗?!IPhone11发布多久了,顶部功能一直没人管,看看人民日报客户端好吗?竞品不研究的吗?时间拿去干什么了?.Version: 8.0.3

Huge bug not fixed在“听电视”功能中,每播半个小时它自己就会停,即使什么timer都不设置。应该是app的code错把30分钟当成default了。.Version: 5.2.6

慢的猪一样毫无价值.Version: 1.0

Useless applicationNot working at all..Version: 2.0

🙂 央视新闻 Positive Reviews
Is 央视新闻 not working?

央视新闻 works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or contact 央视新闻.

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