3.09636 star

Total 158 Negative Reviews

百度贴吧-聊兴趣,上贴吧 App Complaints & User Negative Comments 2024

百度贴吧-聊兴趣,上贴吧 app received 158 complaints, negative comments and reviews by users. Have you ever had a bad experience using 百度贴吧-聊兴趣,上贴吧? Can you share your negative thoughts about 百度贴吧-聊兴趣,上贴吧?

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百度贴吧-聊兴趣,上贴吧 for Negative User Reviews

很恶心全是广告 还暂停播放器.Version: 12.24.3

最近浏览的贴吧无法删除目前12.0.5,之前的版本可以在最近浏览的贴吧里长按其中一个图标,然后进行单个删除,新版不行.Version: 12.0.5

狗屎!最无良的垃圾软件,没有之一.Version: 12.13.1

Can’t register, can’t reply.It forbidden you to reply any messenger if you don’t have a chinese ID. So ridiculous!.Version: 12.24.3

海外用户无法使用请勿下载,海外用户浏览受限制,程序有BUG.Version: 12.22.1

SB软件WTH do the developers of BAIDU is doing? If you wanna change your phone number once ur original number is not reachable, they will not alow you to do so. At least in UK, the number they offered to text is not accessable. Dumb app..Version: 9.1.0

强制要求下载才能看贴吧全部回复流氓软件一个,能打0星,我绝对不会给一星.Version: 12.1.2

闪退原来的版本没事。这个版本闪退。.Version: 12.53.3

拉胯广告满天飞没有点脸 什么水平不用我说了吧.Version: 12.21.3

垃圾贴子审你老母臭比,审一个星期,账告还要绑手机,诈骗吗?.Version: 8.8.13

强制下载app我不用你的网站,就不下载!!!.Version: 9.9.0

太多广告呵呵.Version: 10.3.11

黑白界面本来彩色的挺好现在整个黑白界面.Version: 12.32.1

垃圾妹的Safari不让我看全文强制我下app 下了app之后也不能自动跳转 还是让我下app 这种垃圾东西产品经理全家都死了!.Version: 10.3.16

不错没之前版本好用了.Version: 6.6.3

封号狂魔公狗帮凶.Version: 12.24.3

身在国外不是人是吗?在浏览器上要我下app,我下了,要注册,我用Apple ID注册了,还要手机号绑定是什么意思?还锁定在+86了我上哪找+86的手机号啊?.Version: 12.55.1

Worst app u can ever imageFull of ads. Cant receive message for years and the product team dont care. The only reason to use it is that u get no choice.Version: 8.9.0

介面也太醜了廣告又多~~能不能學一點其他app的設計。.Version: 6.8.5

垃圾垃圾.Version: 12.13.1

Chinese government is controlling this appThey’re tracking the user..Version: 12.25.1

脑瘫封号你封牛魔酬宾.Version: 12.26.5

Ads everywhereThis app is atonal trash. Forces you watch tons of ads. There are a lot of frauds in the posts, comments, and massages, and the platform itself doesn’t seem to care if people fell for that because it is too busy showing you ads. Hope companies like you shut down asap..Version: 12.13.1

呵呵哒 :)把那种纯粹恶心人的吧天天推到我的个人页面,贴吧的algorithm:you know what you’re doing。一帮没见过女人的sî肥宅incels,你们就在键盘前面troll吧,反正真出了门啥也不敢,even your mom hates your disgusting incel a**.Version: 12.28.7

广告推送无法关闭只能全关通知,流氓公司名不虚传.Version: 12.4.2

Yea sureThats what will happen when u force me to rate the app..Version: 6.5.5

求站内私信功能还需改进啊.Version: 3.3.1

Baidu is a jokeIt’s the product of a lack of competition.Version: 11.4.1

广告好多每两条信息就有一条广告.Version: 8.8.4

海外手机不能注册上架你🐎呢爪巴回国蛆就完事了.Version: 11.7.4

Stupid security management & customer serviceMy account was permanently forbidden, I didn't do anything and those idiot customer service didn't check and reply to me. It's BAIDU weak for security control while user suffers. I'm looking forward to seeing your broken down. Never see you again~~.Version: 12.26.5

强制下载否则看不了贴吧回复是真的恶心强制下载否则看不了贴吧回复是真的恶心.Version: 12.4.22

Worst picture interactionSlide off when accessing top of picture. Donkey design..Version: 12.10.1

不下载,不注册 你就不能用好讨厌中国现在这个软件文化,你不下载我们的APP你就不能看内容,一下载你还是不能看 得先注册个帐号 很垃圾不管是bilibili,youku,贴吧 都一样 Forced to download, then forced to login. Why even bother having a website if you can’t view the content? Don’t even bother guys, just baidu wanting to collect more data on you so they can push adverts to your Taobao and other platforms. Trash..Version: 11.4.1

赶紧评分,要不老跳出来让我评分.Version: 7.8.3

Worst uiWorst ui ever.Version: 12.4.2

被废青赶走了反正开会员就是能遍览你全部隐私追着喷呗.Version: 10.3.16

恭喜恭喜你们收获了app下载量+1 以及一个差评☺️.Version: 11.5.3

垃圾垃圾一个.Version: 9.5.3

According to the Chinese regulations. No ads allowed when startupPiece of garbage app. Startup ad never dies..Version: 12.9.1

Censorship to the worstWill delete posts based on random harmless keywords, e.g. the Chinese characters for “長者senior” etc…tons of forbidden words that can account banned…it’s like North Korea in there.Version: 12.22.5

必人做review无耻.Version: 6.5.5

The worst social media in the world.This app will ban everything you post. And it will not let you share anything. It only opens registrations for people in China while it is on US Apple Store. I don’t know why it has to do this. Maybe the managers don’t want people say anything sensitive even about anime. I will never download it again. See u, yanhong lee..Version: 12.3.1

Pm脑子被🐶吃了?垃圾玩意.Version: 12.51.3

A dog of Chinese GovernmentLazy and stupid. I had used many Chinese Apps, none of their sanitations are as bad as this one. I believe the government is sensitive to many things, but I am not so sure they actually ban ‘Xi Jinping’, ‘democracy’, ‘Japan’, ‘government’ and so on. Try to be nice and improve the sanitation..Version: 9.9.5

TrashTotally trash.Version: 12.56.5

LoginIf I do not login, I cannot see the comments.... rlly?.Version: 10.3.11

User experienceToo awful.Version: 12.1.2

Super slow after iOS14 updateI don’t know why but this app has been the slowest app on my iPhone 11 after upgrading to iOS 14. You guys should look into it, or whatever..Version: 11.9.2

Bar for ads couldn’t get lowerFor a forum app like this to be rated 17+ for frequent/intense nudity or sexual content, something is horribly wrong..Version: 11.7.4

手机网页看不了贴吧 必须下载软件真恶心.Version: 11.9.2

越改越垃圾更新没用功能第一快,有用功能像精品贴都翻不到.Version: 8.8.13

被迫下载网页版用的好好的,结果不让显示全部评论了,强迫人下载app,这操作很百度.Version: 9.8.6

不让我发帖系统在我发帖的一瞬间就给我删了,我十分肯定是因为我是国外ip,其他人发卖号的帖子p事没有,就给我删了,发其他的也不行什么都不行,有毛病.Version: 12.53.1

Ridiculous appI am not able to check contents from my browser if I didn’t download the app from my phone, horrible company.Version: 12.5.7

NegativeNot friendly for iPad.Version: 9.8.4

海外没国内手机就用不了伤.Version: 11.9.2

我用不了点击进入就弹出来了.Version: 2.1.0

Disgusting 恶心Making install compulsory to view content??? This is only going to drive users away.Version: 11.5.3

Shameless apps and app vendors!Garbage application, forced jump download installation, shameless to the international up, the international has such a garbage manufacturer is really too hateful!.Version: 12.11.1

🤮这些软件都差不多 逛逛还行 发点什么那些整天无所事事的臭屌丝就发一下傻逼品论 要是是来酸的要么是来抬杠的.Version: 11.4.1

Worst app everBaidu is the worst company in the world. They block you from going to their website if you not using their own app. Even after you downloaded their app and you will still have to register. I don’t want my personal information shared with Baidu since they steal and sell your information. Just want to read some comments from Tieba and they make extremely complicated unless you give everything to them. Greedy and disgusting..Version: 9.9.9

垃圾我在海外为什么要绑定国内手机?! 什么垃圾!.Version: 12.6.6

Do NOT UpdateThey implemented a new type of ad that automatically opens third party software if you slightly move your phone while launching. It’s supposed to be shake to open the ad but they made it extremely sensitive. I have premium membership but it still shows ads. DO NOT UPDATE unless you want your experience ruined.Version: 12.25.1

垃圾软件内部有严格的发言管理系统,建议只能在中国区上架。严重封杀自由的声音,严重封杀自由的言论.Version: 12.2.7

消息推送设置里只开启回复/@我 推送 结果每天都被广告轰炸 毁灭吧。.Version: 12.23.7

0 star, forced to use this App from the web.Can you stop doing this?.Version: 12.3.1

Very laggyThis app is very laggy and makes my iPhone look like a Chinese anzhuo phone..Version: 12.3.6

Worst app everWorst app I’ve ever used. Pictures can’t be displayed properly. Posts are deleted for no reason. Should Reddit be allowed in mainland China, you guys would all be fired..Version: 12.1.2

越升级越垃圾如题所示,最好不要升级,没有意义.Version: 11.3.1

The system is so horrible.Very disappointed and sad!.Version: 9.9.14

Stop forcing web user to appStop forcing web user to app.Version: 12.19.3

Too many ads and very slowToo many ads and very slow.Version: 12.9.1

支持一下越来越垃圾了,距离现在也不能显示了.Version: 7.4.0

Consorship and bad communityThere’s a great chance that your post will get deleted for no reason and the community is full of no life Chinese nerds who re incredibly toxic. Don’t use this app..Version: 8.9.0

Best app for postsDelete your posts without notifications or close a whole topic associated with tens of thousands posts, even for those insensitive ones..Version: 12.2.7

What A Gabage AppIt will slow ur phone down, kill ur phone process and geez freeze issue? All developers should be fired..Version: 12.22.5

垃圾公司 垃圾软件也不知道百度现在是个什么垃圾公司 一天到晚强行跳转APP STORE.Version: 12.16.1

垃圾莫名其妙刷新我的主页 从一个帖子回到主页又继续刷新.Version: 12.32.1

Stay in old versionI'm using 6.6.5 version. It's definitely better than newer versions: no launch ads, no video ads, faster launch and smaller size..Version: 9.5.0

No response to Report12 hours have passed but the replies that harassed me remain unprocessed; While I tried to call Tieba manager to delete them under the comment,it deleted my call immediately. Strange app..Version: 12.18.1

喜欢自作聪明的产品经理,那就好死吧帖子回复先骂人的能完美发帖,回复他被系统屏蔽,这就是你们的产品经理想出来的解决争端的好方法?我只能说好死哈哈哈😁.Version: 12.28.5

更新之后开始故障更新后每次打开都会显示账号登出,找不出别的原因,是否有人有同样的问题。.Version: 12.35.1

The app always stuck!!Developers shall test the app, completely, before it’s publish!.Version: 12.28.7

垃圾越来越难用.Version: 12.12.1

明明点了只看楼主结果还是出来一堆大家的跟贴 书签也不见了 不!喜!欢!!.Version: 3.3.1

ViewPlease give privicy. Some language should be banned. And accuracy locating not good. Human iditification not a positive influencing..Version: 11.6.1

诱导欺骗性极强网页版完全不能用,链接全部是诱导你下载app注册账户。app里面三步一个广告,让你买他们的vip。扒你的ip,没有任何隐私。 A predatory app from a greedy and truly horrible company..Version: 12.32.3

Really slowI used it for a while, it was alright then but now it's loading so slow, you wait 10 mins for it to come up, and the pictures don't come up at all. Really need to solve this problem:(.Version: 4.5.3

Horrible updates!!!The new version is horrible!!! The page is all messed up!!! The replies are not displayed in order of time but popularity, not even readable!!! So regretted updating the app!!! Bring the old one back!!!.Version: 8.5.3

HorribleAlways delete my post without any reason.Version: 8.9.0

别用不知道以前的快乐老家怎么会变成粪坑奥.Version: 12.26.1

从未见过如此废物app1.如果你下载此app,网页打开贴吧会自动启动此app,且并不会跳转到你当前的帖子。自启动也玩到ios上来了,很牛皮鲜嘛。 2.如果你开启了通知会接受到无穷无尽的广告,你都不需要打开它就能就收到广告!界面十分友好! 3.你要登陆百度的时候,这款app并没有骚码登陆贴吧的功能,真是傻逼到了极点。 4.你需要一款花钱羞辱自己的软件吗,请下载。.Version: 7.7.6

Can't open the pageCan't open the page…….Version: 12.50.1

Mr Yanhong Lee软件真的很垃圾,过时的UI,错误的导向.Version: 12.52.3

垃圾广告比内容还多,我就是在刷广告是吧.Version: 12.26.5

Too many adsThis app requires enormous amount of privileges and has many built in ads..Version: 12.5.1

闪退严重动不动就闪退.Version: 11.0.0

流氓软件强制下载软件流氓行为.Version: 11.3.2

什么玩意儿啊我在国外所有发贴都会呗屏蔽 别人了都看不到 20多天了 客服也不上心 说1-5天给解决 一周了 p事没发生.Version: 12.7.7

百度bb作为一个做浏览器的公司非要靠app赚钱本身就已经说明一切有多垃圾了.Version: 12.18.3

智障百度看帖要下app,ok我下了,看回复要登录,ok我点一下微信登录,然后tmd又要手机验证码,ok验证吧,结果没有国外手机可以选,有病吧,国内做app玩这些下三滥的真是世界第一.Version: 12.26.5

Not coolThis app blocked me a couple days. I can't text out my reply and share my through to chat with someone else. Can you please work efficiently? It's very important to me for work in replying..Version: 8.8.13

打不开贴吧任何贴吧都都打不开,无限加载.Version: 12.50.1

私信看不了了升级之后就看不了私信了 怎么回事.Version: 8.8.13

什么死妈玩意想出来的滑到第二张图正中间弹个悬浮广告?x还贼小关不掉 百度真的快倒闭咯.Version: 12.8.1

Not coolThe only reason I use this app is it forced u to use it or you won't be able to browse the website since the website will keep popping the information to inform(ce) u to use this.Version: 6.8.5

Huge problems about I cannot create a account because of my phone numberOk, I don’t know why I can’t use my phone number to create a account, which gives me the huge troubles on logging in, but still, ads were annoying..Version: 11.5.3

Don’t use this App! No user privacy!It directly shows everyone’s IP address. Probably against Data Protection Act..Version: 12.23.7

更新后看不了图片然而广告视频去能看??.Version: 10.0.2

强制要求5星反馈强制性要求5星反馈!差评1星!.Version: 6.9

为什么好多帖子都被删掉了?有病吗?.Version: 10.2.1

Disgusting 恶心Right, so this is basically a compulsory move if you need to log onto Tieba and view more content. I only install this because I have to, not that I want to. This will only drive users away. 强制下载安装才能浏览贴吧内容。我安装这个APP是因为我必须这样做,而不是我想这样做。这样下去只会把用户赶走。.Version: 11.4.1

暗色模式的问题暗色模式下图片也变暗了 和夜间模式冲突了 希望暗色模式图片能维持原本的亮度.Version: 12.34.5

你成功恶心到了我决定给个差评🙂.Version: 8.9.0

强扭的瓜不甜手机不让直接用网页版强制人来装这个app。体验真差.Version: 11.6.1

Really DisgustingPreviously you can add as many accounts as you have, now you can only have ten of those. You can't even switch one from another when you have more than ten accounts before. I can see that amount of users will leave. Hope tieba can be closed one day..Version: 12.11.1

垃圾,图片经常加载不出垃圾垃圾垃圾.Version: 10.3.9

Horrible experienceWhen I try to log in it says you have to get the Chinese phone number I mean what???also the gmail cannot be used as the login mailbox LOL this company really don’t know what they’re doing right now. So wired..Version: 9.7.11

ADs everywhere.Please remove them. So annoying..Version: 12.52.3

优化垃圾能不能优化一下,卡到死.Version: 12.4.22

恶心人第一百度恶心人真的有一手👍 非得下载app才能看贴吧 🐂🍺.Version: 11.9.2

Fxxk the function limitLimit the function Hide the information Unless you download their App Buy their VIP Nice promo ever :).Version: 10.3.16

垃圾唯一一个阉割网页版只为引导流量到app的论坛 做的又很烂 垃圾 强制下载 强制引流 非常难用 这么多年也不整改 这尿性让人觉得app store为什么没有负星级下架的功能.Version: 12.0.5

Trash appLet’s learn how to fascism by this app!.Version: 12.4.22

Keep deleting posts for no reasonKeep deleting posts for no reason.Version: 8.9.0

Full of ads and bugsTotally useless, ugly interface.Version: 9.8.6

Notification spamAds and random post notification still shows up despite turning all in app notification off.Version: 9.7.5

Yanhong Li is just a professional thugFor those commissioned as chef administrator for a topic forum, Baidu never run out of creativity to cause you trouble if you have no history of purchase their VIP subscription.(Why should a general topic forums ever have the privilege to blacklist other user to rely your post as main feature of paid subscriptions?) And you are not allow to delete those unrelated ad in your forum (Like the one Jacky chan dress like a gladiator whose armor is made out of plastic like probs)..Version: 9.9.14

一直一直一直被抽楼反馈了n次每次都说修复了,然后接着出问题。别人给的回复一点开就消失,就当我年费冲了智商税:).Version: 11.5.1

They show your IP without agreementIt is legal to show everyone’s IP in China. So sad..Version: 12.23.7

The use process makes me feel queasy.Makes me sick..Version: 12.39.1

垃圾中的垃圾垃圾软件,把我的旧账号封了。也不允许国外的用户申请新的账号。请问没有账号要怎么使用这些app!在国外的应用商店上架却不准国外用户注册!垃圾! Trash app, they block my old account. They only allow the main land China user to register the new account! Even use email to register the account they still need cell phone number to verify your account. They only accept main land China’s cell phone number. Really trash! They available at US App Store but they don’t allow people to register..Version: 11.4.1

不注册不给看强制下载 一星.Version: 11.4.1

不能粘贴得一字一字打,真麻烦。逼人从手机端往网页端跑。.Version: 11.6.1

Good but slowGood never hang, but picture display very slow.Version: 6.9.6

回复都显示不出来了怎么回事?如题.Version: 8.8.8

Cannot add photo when the photo access setting is “Add photos only”Cannot add photo when the photo access setting is “Add photos only”.Version: 10.3.4

有支国特色的app手机网页端强迫用户下载app,这种强奸用户的事也只有国内厂商能做得出了.Version: 11.7.4

Does not even worth a starWhy can’t I give 0 star.Version: 11.0.0

Why you won’t let us create an account?Like you put the app here but you won’t let us create the account, it is ok if you won’t let us upload stuff and write comment there, but can you just let us browse through the app like a normal user could? So I download it and I literally can’t browse through it just because you won’t let us register..Version: 12.0.5

越來越難用廣告越來越多不說,功能性沒有任何改進,更新後每天還要登陸一次,百度養了群什麼廢物?.Version: 12.35.1

It is not working on iPhone X.Completely blanked out when I open it with iPhone X..Version: 9.8.4

海外党手机号验证不了玩了6年的号废了要验证登录不了.Version: 9.9.5

Do not updateGive you more ads when update.Version: 12.5.7

Censorship is uglyCensorship is so bad..Version: 10.1.0

Can't stand!I never reviewed an app before but I can't stand this app since IOS8 updated. It crashes within 5 seconds! Wish your developers releasing versions with care rather than just competition!.Version: 6.2.2

強制下載流氓又要監控啦?.Version: 12.9.1

改进一下没必要的多余操作我设置里都关掉信息提醒 贴吧非得弹出这样的窗口让你去设置 无视一次算了 就非得设置不成?.Version: 12.2.7

干嘛实名制!考虑过海外党感受吗!呵呵了.Version: 8.4.3

18+18+.Version: 8.8.4

能不能有“关闭神回复”这个选项The "popular reply" function is awful. PLZ give me a choice to turn it off. Thank you..Version: 9.3.7

Forced to download two much adsDisgusting.Version: 12.1.2

垃圾应用每次打开app都要偷剪贴板.Version: 12.0.3

系统误删我发了好几次贴都被系统删了,我也没发违规信息啊?希望修复此bug.Version: 11.5.3

一直提示网络有问题,评论发送不了RT.Version: 9.7.5

Baidu, a shame on you1:Opening the page to get the content 2:Clicking continue button to get the content 3:Downloading app to get the content 4:Registering an account to get the content. I end up there. Sum up: why don’t you fkkker tell me to have an account at the beginning, instead making me doing much useless things. Am I Pavlov’s dog?.Version: 10.3.11

浪费时间电脑都登陆进去账号了,但不下载app不能评论。下载了登录了然后刷完电脑二维码后就直接卸载了。浪费人生5分钟。.Version: 12.11.1

🙂 百度贴吧-聊兴趣,上贴吧 Positive Reviews
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