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Total 56 Negative Reviews

玩吧 - 你画我猜画画接龙 App Complaints & User Negative Comments 2024

玩吧 - 你画我猜画画接龙 app received 56 complaints, negative comments and reviews by users. Have you ever had a bad experience using 玩吧 - 你画我猜画画接龙? Can you share your negative thoughts about 玩吧 - 你画我猜画画接龙?

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玩吧 - 你画我猜画画接龙 for Negative User Reviews

太卡了。英国卡到爆.Version: 9.3.0

This game sucksCan’t play and can’t get the code.Version: 10.21.0

这是一个抄袭游戏合集不要想象在这里能找到对象遇见帅哥,要不就没工作的无业游民,要不就是背着对象偷腥的渣男,要不就是思想有问题的姜太公。所有的游戏都是抄袭其他小游戏做进来的,简单改了些赛制就是原创的!?这种游戏我根本不屑玩!请支持独立正版!.Version: 10.4.5

品质太差了 可惜了好游戏1 各种卡 各种慢,动不动就连接断开 连邀请玩吧好友都要load半分钟 2 搏击王者有百分之七十几率只能瞄一百八十度 而且都是没有人的方向 游戏体验极差,开发人员吃干饭的么? 卸载告辞.Version: 10.3.5

.经常出现BUG 无语.Version: 9.8.0

实名认证才能玩????👎.Version: 10.2.0

垃圾软件垃圾软件 卡的飞起.Version: 10.0.8

这个游戏太烂了充满各色各种的人。充一点钱就以为自己多高大尚,太6啦!而且玩吧的管理员还会根据冲钱的程度进行惩罚处分,冲钱的人如何骂别人都可以。但只要是攻击到VIP大佬的言论全都会被删除。而且在玩语音房的过程中一直被人监听,动不动就会踢人。太6了!体验感极差,如果想交朋友的话还是选其他软件吧.Version: 10.68.0

Don’t downloadWaste of time and ask for too many info’. Extremely slow..Version: 10.4.5

One star.Bug bug bug.Version: 9.9.10

只能大陸身分證才能玩我是之前玩過然後最近突然想起來想玩,後來發想要實名認證才能玩,他給了幾個選項,原本是想用護照綁來實名帳號的,然後要轉接到人工客服(人工客服態度確實很好)但是告訴了我只能大陸身分證才能實名,後來客服給我推了個別的軟件叫Toki,挺好是挺好的,但是主要是沒幾個人玩啊啊啊.Version: 10.47.0

真的烂真的烂.Version: 10.8.0

不充钱玩什么游戏运气都比别人差飞行棋不充钱的玩家永远摇不到大点数,被辱骂被踢了,举报的话,如果是零氪玩家就禁止游戏十几个小时,如果是充钱玩家,只给警告处分,建议大家都去玩会玩app,比这个人性化多了,不搞权利的游戏.Version: 10.61.0

玩吧管理不当/Not good at management经常会因为小事,乱封号,建议不要充钱,不要花心思交朋友,玩吧可以让你交了几个月的朋友瞬间化为乌有,确实很不人性 Wanba is some kind a good app, but gonna ban you regularly for something very small and tiny, with lots of misunderstandings. Not worth for someone who wanna spend time and money in this app. This app is just a robot, scanning all your profiles and data all day and night. Once you were caught, you will never get ur account back. So if u really wanna download just do not pay lots of attention on it. P.S. To any friends who doesn’t use Mandarin as a mother language, search “Wen Zi Yu” on google and you will know what Wanba is exactly doing..Version: 10.29.0

-5星玩遊戲居然要身份證明! 是想騙資料吧。 中國的App也太麻煩, 管太多,連玩遊戲都沒自由。.Version: 10.0.43

垃圾软件进去后加载个不停特别的卡,根本玩不了不要下载.Version: 10.21.0

垃圾游戏完全不知道这是要交友还是玩游戏 明明你画我猜每道题我都认真的答对了 结果判我惩罚还要发照片 什么鬼游戏啊.Version: 9.9.6

没游戏体验游戏还行,玩游戏的大部分人素质太低.Version: 10.0.10

坑钱的,别下了,先听画日历🙁乱封号,里面人素质极低,所有人一直圈礼物,礼物也不能提现。全是各种撕逼,满满的负能量,月薪不过万的玩不起。 大家可以到网易上听听画日历这首歌,专门评价玩吧的 写到这感觉我也要被封了,希望广大群众可以看见。.Version: 10.0.43

游戏有bug时常卡退房间,现在又总是进不去游戏。.Version: 9.8.0

Rude and unresponsive customer supportMy account got locked for no reason; no response from the customer service. Besides, the game is lagging and crashes several times. Do not recommend.Version: 10.0.30

让老玩家寒心83.Version: 10.0.39

垃圾app!垃圾公司!都是盗版抄袭!垃圾公司!.Version: 10.55.0

Its so stupid when u open itStupid covergirl,I can't do anything over there. Whatever how many times I attempted open the app. One stupid cover girl always on my screen forever and nothing I can do..Version: 9.6.0

GoodFun.Version: 7.5.0

垃圾 别下真的垃圾根本没法玩 也没什么说明 垃圾的要死.Version: 10.12.0

管理整个玩吧团队管理不行,文字截图举报很迅速,但是在言语上攻击的呢?没有截图都不奏效.Version: 10.49.0

傻逼游戏傻逼游戏别玩 什么素质.Version: 10.4.1

你他妈是在逗我这游戏进去不到一分钟被拉出来3次 里面玩狼人杀的 不是贴脸 就是他妈的通身份 一大堆滑水不讲逻辑 5、6人一起建房 逻辑讲不过就一起不顾身份底牌的冲票。我也是醉了。 房主没事就踢人 玩个屁啊.Version: 9.9.11

飞行棋骰子被操控我经常遇到一局内连续几次对手的点数都刚好可以踩到我的棋子 飞行棋如果连骰子都不能做到随机,玩家就没有游戏体验 我希望你们可以让骰子100%随机,你们的飞行棋还是很好玩的,只是有的时候骰子被操控的太明显了,输了就会很生气.Version: 10.53.5

Can't even enter the gameAs title.Version: 9.8.0

圈钱狗 goal is to earn money not to make the app better游戏也就那样,主要就是为了在这里认识的人,要不然早退游卸载了。只知道圈钱,我下载的时间长赞的金币多不用充钱,但是新玩儿的人不充钱根本玩儿不下去。我打卡快700天原先每次都给打卡天数加一的金币,现在特么就算打卡1千多天也就83金币。糊弄狗呢?什么东西都改成钻了,钻还必须充钱就是从头到尾就是为了钱而更新。想钱想疯了?玩吧内部网还非常级别的卡。我什么微信微博insta snapchat都能用为什么就你这破玩吧上都上不去?卡的一批已经无语了不想说话了。不建议大家下载。I saw someone commented saying how this app doesn’t have basic functions. I totally agree with that. This app do not have basic functions. Every update is just for earning money faster and more which is disgusting. I’m still playing this app or say using this app just bc of my friends who are still using it. Do not suggest downloading it..Version: 10.0.43

垃圾垃圾游戏,垃圾app.Version: 10.0.15

都是些没素质的人乱骂人.Version: 10.0.19

牛啊监控玩家,窃取数据,社区文化乌烟瘴气,想和朋友玩画猜建议移步Gartic Phone,别拿这个给自己找不痛快.Version: 10.33.6

用户体验差版本更新后无法进入狼人杀,一直显示更新且无法后台运行更新,在线等着更新完毕依然无法进入房间,退出重进重新更新.Version: 9.9.3

故事接龙点打字黄框没反应啊故事接龙根本打不了字什么情况.Version: 10.0.16

垃圾,手机验证码发了N次都收不到什么b玩意.Version: 10.17.0

OK就是法官不知道是谁.Version: 2.5.0

总是闪退 !总是闪退 虽然好玩 !.Version: 8.1.1

什么傻逼游戏这游戏里面什么素质什么文化的人都有 说话的时候逻辑都不能自洽 里面脑壳不会拐弯的人一抓一大把 别下 下了真的是给自己找气受.Version: 10.1.1

系统总崩 游戏好玩一天都登陆不进去!求抢修啊!bug太多了.Version: 9.7.5

Not badStill need to improve.Version: 7.5.0

8383一星不想给!.Version: 10.0.39

不是持有中國內地身分證的人不能實名認證也就是說不能玩我服了 實名認證裡面明明有港澳通行證和護照實名認證,但是我無論如何選都是到那個所謂的人工客服,然後客服跟我說他們現在只接受中國內地身分證的實名認證 好的 就是說我現在無論如何都玩不了這app了.Version: 10.29.0

Hate itI just wanna play normally and it makes me login when I have already logged in to WeChat.Version: 10.4.5

新版本体验太差了请回归原来的版本,各种游戏选择很方便,追寻好友房间也很方便,现在呢?完全不知道怎么操作一头雾水.Version: 10.0.15

刚注册账户还要填身份证?我都不知道你是个啥App就让我提供身份证?你确定你不是那我的个人信息去做违法的事情?.Version: 10.2.3

ScamFxxking scammers. They took your money and then stop u to using the App!.Version: 10.39.0

卡慢呆简直垃圾中的战斗机,朋友推荐玩,结果是个垃圾app,邀请又不行匹配也不行,辣鸡.Version: 10.1.1

You don’t even have basic funcationalityAdd more essential functions like signing out!! Or at least hire a Business Analyst instead of draining your customers’ money and doing nothing!!!.Version: 10.0.18

无聊里面的人素质太低,玩游戏不好好玩,严重影响游戏体验。。.Version: 10.2.1

Impolite minors in the gamesGame experience was horrible. Young boys sound like around 10 yo kept disrupting the game. In addition, when you want to de-register your account, you have to wait for 7 days, and then manually click “confirm” button to complete. Typical one of those companies like Baidu. Further, they are encouraging children above 8 years old to top up. They have even provided how much they can top up in which age bracket. Hence why they are so many children in the game. If you are an adult, don’t even try this game..Version: 10.26.1

BadBad app after i register the app just kick me out and says i cant play.Version: 10.4.5


傻逼软件,一直在后台偷偷录音这个软件只要你不强制在后台关闭,就会一直在录音状态,窃取隐私吗?????什么傻逼游戏.Version: 10.1.1

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