Hatch - GameClub App Positive ReviewsGameClub

Hatch - GameClub Positive Reviews

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Total 119 Positive Reviews

Hatch - GameClub App User Positive Comments 2024

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Hatch - GameClub for Positive User Reviews

Need more updatesI have every rug and background my shop is completely sold out. Can you please release new stuff? It's been ages.Version: 1.3.1

Simply incredibleThe seamless animations and innovative design really shine on iOS. Can't put my phone down. Buy it now!.Version: 1.0.0

Amazing!Really cute - tamagotchi inspired app! Simple, but catchy, I play already over 3 months with mine - everyday! Fugu is like a real pocket pet ;).Version: 1.3.1

I LOVE THIS APP only one insy problemI absolute love this game I also love I think mugs I love that there’s apple trees so it’s easy to get food there’s only one Insy problem I want more like it could be funner if like you can buy a pet as a little helper and you can more stuff like a teddy bear blanket ok that’s all.Version: 1.8

LoveSo ccuuuuuuuuttte! I love the new update. I think you should make the fugu's poo rainbow though, seeing as all he eats is colourful fruits :3.Version: 1.1.0

Charming, but....This has been my favorite app since its launch. I’ve followed it all the way through since the beginning but there’s never anything new. The last update was a year ago, and I’m afraid the developers are abandoning the app. There’s a loyal following and I hope the devs take advantage of it. The lack of new material is the only reason for 4 stars..Version: 1.8

YAY FUGUS!This is an amazin app, it's really cool and really fun. I love how cute they are, and that you need to look after them. I do have a problem though. With the new update, you get little houses for your Fugu to go in. I'm having trouble purchasing said houses from Max's shop, and I don't know why. I have iTunes credit, so that shouldn't be the problem. Can someone look into this please? Thanks. :).Version: 1.5

I love my little fugu!My fugu does feel like a real pet, and I've become quite attached to it. It's true there's not much to do with it, but it isn't a game, per se... It's an artificial pet. Spend a few minutes with it every few hours or so, and it will really grow on you. It's sweet how it comes running up to see me. I forget it's an app sometime..Version: 1.8

Love it, just one thing..Love the app, just one problem.. When I'm trying to buy an upgrade on a house, it's saying something about PayPal not working..!? I would love to upgrade my little fugis house :(.Version: 1.5

AwesomeSimply outstanding..Version: 1.1.0

Just the cutest thing everI love this app it's my favourite game ever cheaper than tamagotchi classics and 10 times better I can't turn it off Good bye I need to check on my adorable little fugu pup😃😃.Version: 1.3.1

More thingsNo more updates anymore?.Version: 1.8

Virtual Pet For The 21CenturyExcellent animation. Might get boring if more interactions aren't added but its still early days..Version: 1.0.0

Bag problemsHello new app owner, could you please fix the storage bag please as I cannot scroll down to my egg plants or scroll around in it at all any more.Version: 1.82.8

Love this game ❤Never wrote a review before but I feel like its due. I’ve playing this game for a couple of years and absolutely love it. I see that it’s been taken over by a new developer and that makes me happy. I really hope to see future updates. There is so much potential here. Would really like for more decorations and activities to do with your fugu! Maybe players could own more than one fugu at a time? Thanks for bringing this back :).Version: 1.82.7

Great game!, please update!Hi I have just bought this app and I was not disappointed, it was VERY hard to get this app, the only way you can get it now is by searching it on the internet, and when I click your company 'impending' it doesn't show up on your iPhone and iPad page, like you never made this app at all!, I'm worried that you have stopped working on the app and just gave up on it, pleaseeeeeee don't! 😱, I bet there are still a lot of fugu adopters out there! (My fugu's name is bauken by the way 😉) so please, please, please, a thousand pleases, continue you to work on the app 😉, I really like this app, and it would be shame for you to leave it behind, think of the poor fugu's!! 😱.Version: 1.8

Great!I love my fugu so much! It would be cool if we could give him bath or play mini games with him! Anyway it's so fun :).Version: 1.3.1

😭I lost all my data after i updated my phone, all my time and money went poof in me 😩 back to square one..Version: 1.8

Tis a good appBut allow us to buy acorns and star coins or something.Version: 1.5.1

No update for the iPhone X?Please update and add more stuff. I love my fugu and when I first purchased the app it was my go to. Please update and add to this amazing pet 😩..Version: 1.8

Fun but buggyI’ve had a play with it & my little girl (8yrs) loves it but she keeps bring me the iPad as the game frequently gets stuck. The shop often can’t be closed & the only way to fix it is to crash out of the app. As another user said the birth certificate won’t go away, you have to crash out of the app’ then too. Considering how long they’ve been in pre-production with this app for I would have thought that such conspicuous bugs wouldn’t be there..Version: 1.0.0

Miss the old features!I’ve been taking care of my Fugu, Newman, for 9.5 years! I love him and still check on him everyday. I have to say that I was sad to see so many items drop out of the store. I miss the homes and decorations the most. The thing I miss most are the Moon Cookies and the way a fugu would howl when you fed them one..Version: 1.83.25

Sweet -- and bittersweet. Please add seasonal items back!Though the pet is virtual, it's easy to become attached. On rough days, your little fugu running up to greet you definitely helps bring a smile. I understand, however, that no further updates are planned, and lovely, previously designed seasonal items were removed from the game, such as Easter decor and egg house, Halloween decor and haunted house, beach decor and sand castle, gold temple, etc. Please, please, please add these back--I'm sure there are many people still playing that want to add these and would be more than happy to pay, for what would likely be very minimal coding cost to the developer..Version: 1.8

AMAZINGLY AWSOMELY CUTEBest game ever.Version: 1.4.2

IOS 9.0.2 seems to have broken somethingNow I can't see anything inside the app, the screen is just black..Version: 1.7

Yes super cute but buggyI love the photo feature! And the fugu is just adorable with super cute sounds, but it definitely needs more activities or events otherwise everything is quite repetitive & can become tedious. Also I keep loosing my star fruit! Not happy :-( And I can't change my setup for Facebook sharing so I can't post photos, please fix! Thanks! ;-).Version: 1.0.0

SuggestionHey loving my fugu and everything you can do with it :). Little suggestion though, how's about being able to sell the things you buy for acorns or trade in or something :D.Version: 1.6.1

Game clubGame club ads are really annoying but game is so cute.Version: 1.83.22

I really like this app but there's a problemI like the app a lot like a lot but I received 3star coins and I bought an orange rug with them and then it crashed when I can back my rug was not there and it had said that I hadn't purchased it :(😢☹️.Version: 1.8

Love the new update!This new update has added a whole new dimension to the game! I've had my Fugu for about 5 months and it's cute and everything but it was getting really boring since I'd trained all 3 tricks. Now with the game added in my enthusiasm is renewed! I'd like to see the infinity pack hold more fruit in future updates and I'd definitely like to see more games added in where you can play as your Fugu. You got this update spot-on! :-).Version: 1.4

Super cute and funLove this app and my fugu. Although I would like to be able to choose NOT to play ooga jump, because I tried it and then deleted it and now the toy takes up a spot in my store everyday..Version: 1.4

Love itI love this game, I love playing with my fugu, feeding him, teaching him tricks and taking photos with him. The only thing is that I had 112 star coins saved up but when I went on it today and had a look I only have 12 star coins and haven't bought anything with then :( please can you sort this for me? Kim.Version: 1.3.1

AwesomeI'm Bought the game but at the stars I've been feeding the pet for ages what do I do?.Version: 1.0.0

The cutest little virtual pet you’ve ever seenI LOVE my Fugu and would totally give 5 stars if there was an update with some new mini-games or customization! I used to play all the time but gave up dreams that the game would ever add more content. Please can we have an update with new features?!?.Version: 1.83.10

Great AppI love this app so much and love my blue fugu Cubby but there could be some improvements. •Costumes in Max's Shop so that you can dress up your Fugu •More Colours of fugus •A gym where you can exercise you Fugu and earn acorns/starfruit •A Fugu city where you can walk your Fugu and buy special items •More fruits different scenery In conclusion this is a great app and my Fugu is adorable, but these improvements could be added. Thankyou :).Version: 1.0.0

Google play storeI really LOVE this app or 'pet' in this case but could you please release it on google devices because I can't get an iPhone for 3 years and I can't live without my fugu!!! :) please release on google play!.Version: 1.3.1

Amazing, just one small thingI love this game, I've been playing it since the launch! But the same thing that's used to happen with the star fruits is happening with the egg fruits (never really coming regularly) I've only ever had two egg fruits! I love the new house upgrade, will be buying a lot soon!.Version: 1.5

This is incredible!I've never had a pet so this is as close as it gets for me! It's a real treat to take care of my fugu and see him explore the world! I'm so happy that the app finally launched!.Version: 1.0.0

LOVE THIS GAME!!!!I have had my FUGU (Fluffy) for 2302 DAYS! That is a long time! I HAVE NOT MISSED A SINGLE DAY OF TAKING CARE OF HIM! The developer at first, was okay. Maybe from time to time there would be an update. Now that this game is in your hands, can you PLEASE PLEASE consider a really great and huge update! Maybe some new fun fruits, I WOULD ABSOLUTELY LOVE TO BE ABLE TO HAVE A CUTE PET FOR MY FUGU!!! How about more and cute SCENERY! I would like to see my fugu be able to TRAVEL to different places!!! WAY WAY MORE INTERACTION IS DEFINITELY NEEDED!!! Maybe scenery with MOVING WATERFALLS, or really beautiful GARDENS, something new, PLEASE!!!!!!! Thank you for your consideration with this..Version: 1.82.8

OutstandingWith this latest update, wow! I couldn't be with out my fogu. Simply brilliant..Version: 1.3

AMAZING SO CUTE!!🤩🤩Amazing game really cute u don’t have to pay for anything apart from the game, it does take a while to be able to actually do stuff but I’d still rate it a five star!!!!!🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩.Version: 1.8

I agree with scifigirlMy Fugu is 1600 days old now and I still enjoy him. Aside from everything SciFiGirl said buying acorns with coins would be nice too. Also I see there is a cityscape background that I’ve never seen in the store before. Its a little sad seeing bare shelves when I go to the store..Version: 1.8

A fun pet to have on your phone!My Fugu is over 2 years old at this point, so that's gotta count for something, right? :).Version: 1.7

Good butThis game is great but you must update it and my fugu ran away 😭.Version: 1.8

AmazingThe fugu is so adorable..Version: 1.4.3

Love itIMPORTANT- in app purchases previously mentioned are NOT with real money but with acorns and star coins you collect as you go along.Version: 1.0.0

AwwwThis is one of the best apps i have downloaded and believe it will get better with updates x.Version: 1.0.0

AwesomeI love this game its so awesome and cute its the best game i have my pet is so cute i love the game and everything though i have a suggestion u could maybe change the weather like raining snowing and a like mini house that would be awesome for like the next update otherwise 5🌟:).Version: 1.2

This is genius- entertains both myself and my 2yo!A superb app... Totally loving my fugu (called Earl ;-) ) it provides refreshing little escapes moments from looking after my 2 kids ... Plus my 2 year old is already proficient at feeding Earl by the end of day 1!! Thank you... Welcome to our family Earl.Version: 1.0.0

FirstNo one does that anymore.Version: 1.0.0

Put all choices backSince you are not adding additional items, can you just put back all the seasonal items that have been removed (like Sandcastle, Halloween House & Pastel Egg Fruit). I still enjoy playing but want these options back.Version: 1.8

Absolutely love it!It's so cute and it's a really good time waster!.Version: 1.0.0

😢Please ReadDon't get me wrong, this game is great. But I accidentally deleted this app with all of my memory with my fugu. This app doesn't have a feature that saves it all and I'm really depressed. PLEASE. Make it so if the app is deleted, it's okay! Because you can always get your fugu and memory back. Kinda like how Pokemon go works with a email or something! This app is great but now I gotta start back at square one 😢😢.Version: 1.8

How do I play Ooga JumpI heard that if you get the Pygmy plush from the workshop you can play Ooga jump U have waited for days but I never got it the Pygmy plushie so how long do I have to wait.Version: 1.83.25

This used to be a fun gameThe developers have said they made no money, even though they did...and that they won't ever be updating the game again. So if you have a problem, which you will, you're screwed. Shame as it was a cute game!.Version: 1.8

Crashing!!! :(Love the game just sooo cute. But it keeps crashing then i hav to sort it out again. Plez fix this in the next update and before u no it u will get 5 stars from me:D. Plez fix this. Thanx !!!.Version: 1.2

AMAZING!!!Well worth my money. I love my fugu so much, and I know that she loves me too. Just a suggestion, Max, if you see this, maybe add a bathtub for 10 star coins so you can wash your fugu? Other than that, amazing game..Version: 1.3.1

PLEASE READI have had the app for 3 years and it is great and all. However it needs an option to change your Pets color permanently. Because after awhile O got tired of the pink that I picked 3 years ago and I am sure others have and will to..Version: 1.8

Cuteness overloadIt's the cutest app I've ever owned and even though the current version doesn't offer many things to do, there's much more to it than can be seen at first sight. Fugus are great virtual pets and I'm sure in the future updates they'll become even better..Version: 1.0.0

SuggestionsNeeds a bath tub so I can wash my bestfriend.Version: 1.3.1

Love the game, but one problemI love this game so much, this is the best virtual pet game I’ve ever played, I played it before the whole game club was a thing and when game club DID become a thing, I hate that I could only play it for like 20 minutes and be forced to do a trial if I wanted to still play it. I wish you guys could maybe let us play it for a bit longer. Thanks for reading this..Version: 1.83.22

Fun!Super cute app, but I think it's overdue for an update! The store is always empty and it's kind of plateaued in terms of items and development..Version: 1.3.1

Need cloud backup optionI play this on my iPhone 5s. i am now using 7 plus. but i cannot give 5s away because of Hatch. i really need to backup and restore in 7 plus. it must have backup feature..Version: 1.8

140 days strongGet job with Hatch- it's a fun app to idle away moment of each day. That said, I'd love to be able to "pause" it, so I can go on holiday and have things be the same when I get back! Keep up the awesome updates!.Version: 1.3.1

I love this gameThe game is really cute and graphics are amazing but i think the fugus should sleep during the night to prevent build up of rotten fruit etc.Version: 1.0.0

Fun & CuteCan't wait to see what's to come in future updates! App is adorable and the artwork is stunning!.Version: 1.0.0

Love this app and dislike ONLY 2 things about itFirst off, I absolutely love my little Mishoo (my fugu) He is my second, As a very depressing thing happened and I lost Mooshi....I cry when I think about my black and purple eyed Mooshi, Obviously I become attached to my Fugus as they are cute and so sweet. Though the downsides to the app are: 1.) No cloud saves, So if you lose your phone or delete the app well. Bye bye Fugu :( 2.) No real support or help is offered for this app, So troubleshooting is near impossible on your own...Really wish that these 2 things were fixed. Otherwise this app has the power to wipe away all depression as these little fugus are bundles of joy..Version: 1.8

Ok...It's ok I guess but please add some more things! My fugu is 39 days old and there is nothing left to do! Can you add something like taking it for a walk or teaching it things maybe a rag doll part something just please it is a good game but has so much more potential thank you please add those things!.Version: 1.2.2

HatchThis game is ok it's not the best game. Graphics are amazing and cute. And if you want to know yes it is like a tamagotchi popular in the 90s. Also I think it's worth $2. And if the developers are reading this sometimes it crashes and for some reason when I pick fruit from the tree I see a grape or some kind of fruit I try to pick it but it won't come off the tree please update. In my option great game hope you enjoy it too..Version: 1.2

A Fugu FriendI've been playing this game for just over a month now and I love it. My little pet (called a Fugu) keeps me company at work, on the bus and at home. It's very simple and doesn't require constant tending, and the charming animation and sounds mean that you quickly feel that your pet has a real character. A charming app that gets extra points for no in-app purchases and for sheer sweet joyfulness..Version: 1.3.1

Love this app!I love this app. Sometimes it’s hard to remember that Boo (my fugu) is virtual. Im in love with the graphics as well! But some updates would be nice...I wish I could explore and expand my fugu’s play area and his world....would be nice too to have a save option. But all in all, 5/5 stars!! Love this game!!.Version: 1.8

☆ Cute and fun! *◕ 3 ◕*This app is really easy to play and has great graphics! In the next update it would be great if you could dress up Fugu and also add little animals for Fugu to play with. So far I've had no problems and I would recommend to anyone who is thinking of buying it😊👍.Version: 1.2.2

HeyThe update has problems:( please fix.Version: 1.4.4

Amazing!!! A must haveWow, this is so much fun, so cute, the way my Pet purrs when I pet her, or barks when I tap her, the animation is outstanding, the opening story is so cute and well, I can't get enough of it. I just love it... If you want a fun cute absorbing interactive pet... You must get this, and the price is perfect!! Ongoing I've been away from my pet to long... Buy this and you won't regret it..I'm off to see what cute things she's done now!!!!!!.Version: 1.0.0

Very cute!!Cutest game ive ever played. very fun too..Version: 1.2.1

AmazingThis is a really superb game. I have searched so long for an iPhone pet game that is up to this standard & finally we've got one. Great game guys & really looking forward to update.Version: 1.0.0

Great graphics, cute fugus!So far a wonderful app. The graphics are amazing and the fugus are super cute. Some little bugs here and there buts that's understandable right now. I can't wait for future updates and new things to do!.Version: 1.0.0

Make it for iPadI love it I'm so obbsessed but could you make it for the iPads? Please.Version: 1.0.0

I love my Fugu!I'll never get sick of this. I regret the name I gave him, but I've had him since the app started. Never deleted, and I'd like to think I have a special colour since I "adopted" my egg before the app even was available! This is way better than a tamagotchi!.Version: 1.6.2

Money sucking app and ridiculously unfairThis is so unfair. I spent time with my pet and now I have to pay. This is so ridiculous I want my pet back. I am so heartbroken. You could have made the game free and make us pay for extras I miss my pet. This is a money sucking company who has no care for its people. I would have given this a five star IF I STILL HAD MY PET..Version: 1.83.7

EntertainingGreat game, fun and so life like. It would be cool if you could punish your fugu when it's bad and see when it's hungry or it's mood in the notebook. It could also use with - Clothes for the fugu - More chances to get stickers, acorns and star coins - The chance to own multiple fugus'.Version: 1.2

Cute and fun 😊Such a simple premise but very enjoyable, your Fugu's cuteness will ensure you come back for more..Version: 1.4.4

Make virtual hatch a real game!I just got the virtual hatch wallpaper and I love it because I love the old school tamagotchi! I wish it were a real thing! Please make that a real game!.Version: 1.8

Wonderful updates!Another great update! Thank you to the fugu team for continuing to add new delights to this app! I am still 100% delighted with my little fugu. Thanks for such a lovely app :).Version: 1.4.1

It’s worth the waitI’ve been waiting three years for this and every minute was worth it!.Version: 1.0.0

Sad ownerPlease please fix the store and his happy dance.Version: 1.83.25

Cute new tricksOnly one problem so far, when opening bag to get fruit, if a banner notification shows, the bag cannot be closed. Had to kill the app to restart before it is dismissible again..Version: 1.3

GreatLuv my hatch. Thanx 4 a great simple game..Version: 1.2.1

Third time’s a charm—NOT!!!Wait a daggone minute!! You mean to tell me that something you paid real money on is a lost cause if you upgrade your phone? That’s all it takes to lose your pet whom we were told to love, nurture and take care of? Psshht! Second time fool, third time-uninstalled. Bye!.Version: 1.8

Awesome but after update...This game is amazing and cute. But after the update it lags and crashed only 3 minutes into my session :(.Version: 1.2

BESTBest game I have EVER played on my phone. I've had this app since the day it came out, I NEVER get bored of it! I love my little girl, "Buttons"! Great graphics, cuteeeeee!!!.Version: 1.4.1

Cute but not much to play withGreat game,but there's nothing to do other than feeding then sell the fruits then buy a carpet....Version: 1.0.0

BeautifulIt's expected that the graphics are this beautiful considering David Lanham was the illustrator behind them. Amazing job! Not sure yet if these fugus will evolve but hoping so! If not it would be a great feature to add! Great work to the whole team!.Version: 1.0.0

New update is a bit brokenUmm... I updated and now there are green and blue boxes everywhere. Aside from that excellent game <3.Version: 1.6.1

Love this gameThis is the longest iv had a virtual pet, i would love if you added more stuff to the game, the different colored fruits are awesome , i love that they turn the fugu different colors, also love that it keeps a step calcuater which is pretty neat, i hope it comes out with more different things in the store for him to interact with as well as more interesting things for him to sit on , maybe even a fugo friend, also maybe some type of program or daycare if people go on long vacations with no reception, i dont want my fugu to die when i go on a cruise eventually :( ..Version: 1.83.12

Battery issuesGood app but had to delete as I think it was draining my battery???!.Version: 1.0.0

Was better beforeIt’s pretty much the exact same it used to be (before game club took over) except now you can’t use stickers like you used to..Version: 1.83.25

Holds up through the yearsIt has been such a long time since this app came out, yet it doesn’t feel like it has aged a bit. It still competes in quality against modern apps. Wish it got even more love, but it’s been two years since the last update!.Version: 1.8

Accessories? Toys? Please?I love hatch and my Fugu, but you should be able to buy accessories for your Fugu like a hat or moustache or a coat, and some toys to play with like a tug of war rope, or a frisbee. I would love that to happen and so would Duck I think. Thank you Gals and Guys at Impending for making my Fugu a real thing! Me and Duck.Version: 1.7.1

Awesome!Great fun. <3 my Sparky lol.Version: 1.0.0

CuteWas really enjoying game but since I turned my phone off/on I have lost my ooga toy. Please help..Version: 1.4

AwesomeSuper great game and cute although u had to restart when I restored my ipod wish there was a possible login where after three days instead of running away it's trust in you goes down and it unlearned tricks maybe.Version: 1.3.1

Ok appI have been waiting a long time for a tamagotchi type off app and the graphics on this app are good. Only thing is I wish it did more than just feed it like the old cyber pets. Maybe I haven't worked it out yet.Version: 1.0.0

FuguI really like this game. To bad haven’t been any updates after all these years. I still take care of my fugu. For some reason he doesn’t have bowel movements anymore to clean nor does he cry when hungry or if we don’t check on him for a while. The sticker sms option also doesn’t work like it used to. And the steps option leading to a white box gift doesn’t work either. Please update this lovely game!.Version: 1.83.25

Love this game.I got this game probably over 12 years ago and I just re-download it. Amazing idea! I am still in love with everything about this game. It’s so cute! I was just wondering how I’m supposed to walk my fugu!!!.Version: 1.83.25

My PetI've always wanted a good app on the store for having your own pet but none of them have ever really cut it. This is so well designed with great graphics and polish which I'd highly recommend to anyone wanting a pet on their phone or if you don't I'm sure your kids would love it. I'm 27 and keep checking in on Dagon all the time..Version: 1.0.0

Really is just a petThis is a great purchase if your landlord won't let you get a pet. But it definitely isn't a game, with minimal advances Hatch is really only good for us lonely renters.Version: 1.1.0

Kids will love itHow ever the birth certificate is stuck on the screen blocking the view now? Any suggestions on a fix?.Version: 1.0.0

Adorable and simple virtual pet!I've been watching the development of this app for the past year...and it does not disappoint! Gameplay is simple and animations are simply adorable. Push notifications are a little frequent for my liking, but overall this is the virtual pet of the 21st century we've been waiting for!.Version: 1.0.0

OMGI have been wanting to get this game for ages and now I can yay! I HAVNT EVEN PLAYED IT BUT IT DESERVES 5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐.Version: 1.4

CuteIt's the most cutest thing ever!.Version: 1.1.0

CrashingMost of the times when I come on here, it crashes. My fugu may run away because of that..Version: 1.83.19

Intro keeps replayingAfter years of using this app, I wanted to reinstall it a play it again on my new phone but there is a glitch. 😩 when I open the app, the intro keeps playing again and again and won’t go to the actual game. I get notifications and all but the intro is the only thing I can see. Please help!! I would love to have my fugu again 🥺.Version: 1.8

Wishing for an update!Although I rarely ever play this game nowadays, this has been a fun app and was the only game I actively played for about a year. Do wish the developers hadn’t given up on this one and continued with updates. Any opportunities to pass onto new developers? 🙋‍♀️.Version: 1.8

CuteThe cutest game ever😋❤️😃.Version: 1.4.1

So cute!Devs that quickly address game bugs = awesome. The wife and I are hooked on this game..Version: 1.6.2

Love it... but there could be moreOverall love the game. It’s very cute. However, I wish there was more to do, such as going places with your fugu and maybe even having two fugu. The game has a lot of potential to be amazing!.Version: 1.82.12

Great Game...butLove my fugu...everyone of them...when I have to start over every time I get a new phone. Please make a save function!!! That’s allot of effort out the window..Version: 1.8

Pleasant surpriseI have this app since it’s launch day and I have always redownloaded it to new phones. I had a notification today regarding an update and I wasn’t disappointed! No more additional purchases so actual playing the app and looking after your fugu is now endless fun! I held off purchasing my fugu’s first home hoping that a better one would come up soon! I am looking forward to playing this game everyday again..Version: 1.82.5

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Pinball Breaker - GameClub Positive Reviews, comments
Pinball Breaker - GameClub Positive Reviews

It is the world of the future. You can tell because everything is neon. First contact has been made with extraterrestria...