Amber's Airline - High Hopes App Negative ReviewsGameHouse

Amber's Airline - High Hopes Negative Reviews

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Total 94 Negative Reviews

Amber's Airline - High Hopes App Complaints & User Negative Comments 2024

Amber's Airline - High Hopes app received 94 complaints, negative comments and reviews by users. Have you ever had a bad experience using Amber's Airline - High Hopes? Can you share your negative thoughts about amber's airline - high hopes?

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Amber's Airline - High Hopes for Negative User Reviews

Actual Gameplay is fine butI’ve had this game for a while now, and whilst the gameplay it’s self is absolutely fun and innocent, there are parts of the storyline which are NOT suitable for children. There are character designs which are not appropriate for young children and obviously the story line does talk about aspects of love which I don’t think is necessary to expose children to so early which can lead to unhealthy and potentially dangerous curiosity. I have seen quite a few games of this kind where the gameplay is very innocent but the storyline is definitely not and it gets advertised as games for children which is not ok. I know in the day and age we live in opinions like this get looked down upon but exposing children to stuff like this too early causes more damage to people lives later down the line than people realise. I think it’s important for game developers to be very careful of creating games with such story lines in the name of making things interesting and keeping consumers engaged. Thank you..Version: 2.3.0

Price :(I played this game before, finished it and loved it. Wanted to play again but $15 now and can only play 4 stages before having to pay. Saaad..Version: 2.2.0

Rip offSorry good game but you should not have to pay after a certain level . Deleting ..Version: 1.9

DeceivingIt seems a bit sneaky and deceptive to have the price of the game put you at an impasse after the first 10 levels. Come on - be upfront that your game isn’t free. While I enjoyed the game, it’s not worth $10 and now I just wasted my time. And edited to the developer’s response: I’m well aware that this is a quality game that your team needs to be financially compensated for. However, you fully know you are not being 100% transparent in hopes to “ensnare” more buyers. Firstly, there is no notice in-game about the first 10 levels only being a free trial until you’ve reached the pay block. Secondly, you have to read nearly to the end of the game description in the App Store to read anything about paying a cost. Thirdly, you placed the pay block right after a story cliffhanger. It’s a sneaky marketing strategy - if you want to argue otherwise, at least add a notice in the beginning of the game that the game is NOT free, nor is there an option to watch ads instead (as I know that used to be an option for other Gamehouse games.).Version: 1.9

Too easyI remember when the games were difficult to play, and you needed to use your points you’ve earned to get the upgrades. It didn’t cost extra money like a lot of the games do nowadays, but you did need those upgrades to pass a level. These games have gotten so easy that I don’t even have to buy a single upgrade and I’m already on level four. I want to play them for some kind of challenge not just it I have nothing better to do. This will probably be the last game of them that I purchased. I have sadlyEach time anyone has come out hoping that they would be a little bit more difficult but they just seem to get easier and easier. Being able to complete on the first go through, not needing to upgrade the store or a restaurant. The reason I did not give it less than three stars for playability, was because once you pay for the game you don’t have to turn around and pay for anything to upgrade it which to me makes it a better value..Version: 1.8

Game IssuesI have been playing GameHouse for years now, to the point those are the games I play most of the time. I play them in order as well. This time around playing the Amber Airlines game is a bit different due to the freezing up. I’m not really use to that. I have installed and reinstalled and I can’t get the game to come up at all anymore. I even paid to play all of the levels but it won’t even open up. 🤦🏽‍♀️ I’ll keep trying, hoping it will open back up sooner or later!.Version: 2.0.2

DisappointingThis game is great! I remember I used to have the Emily game made by this app producer and loved it so much that I payed for the full version of that game as it was a reasonable price. The issue with this one is that the full version is £10!! Now I can understand a price to play the full game but £10? That’s just greedy and I think you will lose a lot of potential customers this way. I would be happy to pay £3.99 and maybe consider £4.99 but no more. Very disappointed, hope you will change the price in the future, only constructive criticism here. T xx.Version: 1.9

Great game - too expensive to playI love these type of games but it’s such a shame these game companies have got so greedy. In the past formats of these games, you had to do well to unlock past levels and pay usually a max of £1.99. Whilst you have to do that for the next level up, for the level following that, it’s a minimum of £4.99. I don’t mind paying £1.99 each time but I draw the line at any more. I am not prepared to pay a subscription either. The game is brilliant but there’s an unreasonable level of expense here. Be warned that if you download, you’re going to be expected to fork out a cost to continue enjoying it..Version: 1.9

DeceventCe n'est pas juste, arrettez de faire payer les gens pour jouer a vos jeux!! Le chapitre 1 était formidable et je me suis dit que j'allais réussir tout les niveaux et j'étais déterminer, mais j'ai juste 14 ans et l'app store est sur le compte de ma mère. Elle ne veux jamais payer pour des jeux alors que le chapitre 2 coute 14.99$!! S.V.P. , veuiller elever les couts car vous allez perdre plein de clientele, dont moi... merci..Version: 1.9

I got scammedOk I’m freaking out right now because I did the first 10 free levels and loved the game so much! Sounds great right? Well not really. I asked my mom if I could buy the full game and she said yes, I was ecstatic! I bought it, and waited, nothing was happening. I checked my purchase history and found the game purchase and it said, “pending”. I waited about 5 hours, it still said pending and I couldn’t continue the rest of the game. What are you doing GameHouse? I gladly paid $10 for this game and you scam me? I checked my balance on my account and it went down by $10. I’m hoping I either get my money back or I get my purchase because this is unfair and I’m very upset. If you’re thinking about purchasing and of this game, DON’T! Unless you want to scammed..Version: 1.9

AnnoyingDisappointed as I was really getting into the game, and enjoying the storyline. But you have to pay after 10 levels and I can’t afford what it’s asking a month! Nor do I want to pay to unlock the next 20, only to be disappointed when I can’t go any further again. I wouldn’t mind if you could just watch ads to unlock the next levels or something similar. Very good game and I could definitely see myself playing it often but just not at the price it’s asking for..Version: 1.8

Won't stop crashingIt keeps crashing can't play the game.Version: 1.7

GoodIt’s good game but I don’t like the fact of paying for the game after completing first 10 levels..Version: 1.9

WHY!!!!I like this game a lot but I’m not going to pay for a game which I believed to be free I hate when people get you hooked on games only to get you to level 10 and then say you have to pay to continue playing - no thank you NOT HAPPY!!!.Version: 1.9

Wish I would have read the reviews before playingStick to in-app purchases. Nobody seems to like having to pay a subscription for a game that most other developers give for free. It’s a shame because I really liked this game and could have seen myself buying coins or something to upgrade stuff, but absolutely not paying a subscription..Version: 1.9

Why do you have to payI thought it was a really good game and I would have rated it 5 stars if you didn’t have to pay for all the levels after 10 I think it’s a ripoff and shouldn’t cost money to continue playing so now I think it’s awful. I would expect you to do something about but I know companies like yours, they only think about the money their earning and not about the people playing the game. If you think this review was to harsh then comment back but keep it in mind that this is a 11 year old writing this comment say something rude and that is extremely disrespectful..Version: 1.9

SubscriptionI paid for the monthly subscription and it said that this game was included and it is not because I had to pay the game which I have no problems of but it is not included it needs to say that instead of paying for the subscription and having to pay for the monthly subscription for this game also, I feel that’s a problem, might as well just pay for the game in all of that was the case.Version: 1.8

3 stars because...I totally love this game and I’m addicted but as soon as I was getting really good, I found out I had to pay to continue? Like WHAT? Why do I need to pay, I would understand it more if someone could explain it to me but i don’t know if I want to spend $10 of my own money to buy the whole game I just don’t think it’s worth it. In the future my suggestion is that you get an update that allows you to continue without paying because you get people like me who love this game and then are shocked when we have to pay. Very disappointed in this game after all... something needs to change....Version: 1.9

Not bad...Not a bad game but doesn’t compare to the ‘Emily series.’ Certain character moves seemed to lag or ‘stick’ (for example, the levels with the henna mini game. To do the circle henna, took me a couple tries because the circle would get halfway around then stop). Some levels took me a couple clicks to get a person to an area. I’ve been playing Gamehouse TM Games since the computer days & have always enjoyed them. I will say, the price is a bit steep. I have watched review after review, game after game, of price complaints. Is a price reduction ever a thought? Even if it’s a couple dollars? There are so many QUALITY games just like these that are much cheaper. You have many loyal fans but I’m afraid to say, the steep price chases many away. I’ve gotten numerous friends to play your games & truly enjoy them.. until they see the price. By the way... Please fix level 16! You can’t click on the post card rack to send customers..Version: 1.9

CostWish it was free with adds like other games like this. over all i really enjoyed what i could play. only downloaded cause i thought i could play the whole game free by watching adds..Version: 1.9

RidiculousInitially, I was completely enthralled by this game, really enjoying it. Until I finished the first ten levels... Then it was a case of cough up 15$ to gain access to the remaining four levels. Huge disappointment, to charge such an excessive amount for what essentially is a game not unlike many others on the market. It's a shame the price was ridiculously high otherwise it would have been worth it..Version: 1.9

Fun....but not free.I don’t write many reviews, but something about this game stuck in my craw. It’s not even the game...I really liked it. Time management games loose my attention pretty fast, but I was liking forward to more levels. What got me was that after the first level of 10 episodes, with the cliffhanger in the have to pay to continue. I don’t mind paying for a game, and I understand that it takes a lot of time and talent to make these games. What I don’t understand is the $9.99 price point, when it seems that other time management games on this level are cheaper....or “Ad” driven. I would suggest keeping with the “Ad” game play, with the option to pay for “Ad” free. I will keep this game on my phone with the hope that an update comes my. Until then, it will sit unplayed, because $9.99 is a little steep for my blood..Version: 1.8

Froze my phone 3 timesI reinstalled this game recently and as soon as I opened it, my phone froze completely requiring it to shut down completely. I reinstalled it again, same problem. I’m giving it two stars since I played it 2 years ago and the gameplay was excellent..Version: 2.0.2

Great game but force you to make purchases to continueI like this game a lot. Good story and gameplay but it really gets on my nerves that after the first chapter, you are forced to purchase. This is it a free game as advertised. Only free up to certain point..Version: 1.9

...Didn’t excepted to pay more levels to play. Should it be free? I like the game where u don’t have to wait for more energy to play and it’s only online. This is an offline game and no waiting for energy. But once u play the first stage then going to have to pay to play more. Nah not for me now. Waste of download.Version: 1.9

Cancels out tooCan't believe after waiting so long. On my iPhone the game works (it's great by the way) but on iPad it just won't open. Keeps going black and cancels. What is with that? PLEASE FIX THIS. So many people are unable to open your game but you still haven't fixed? I don't understand. And I followed your direction and uninstalled and now cannot install again. Argh.Version: 1.7

Waist of time unless you want to buy the rest of the levels after the first 10Loved the first 10 levels but ones you comply them you can’t carry on unless you want to pay for it... this is meant to be a kids game but yet they have to pay to continue to use it. It’s not like it is cheap either you should just make it so you have to watch a video to get on to the next lever. Waist of time downloading it for it to get deleted after completing the leaves and mini games if you don’t want to purchase the next leaves Completely disappointing.Version: 1.8

Dissapointed,Love this game, after finish 10 levels, after that have to pay to unlock the next game. Really dissapointed.Version: 1.9

Purchased but still getting ads!!Love the game and big fan of gamehouse games, especially Delicious I purchased and paid $14 for the monthly subscription. Why am I still forced to watch ads every start and finish of every single level?!?! Isn’t that what is the whole point of purchasing the game? I really want to write a great review.Version: 1.9

Could have been greatThis is a really good time management game until you finish level 10. Then you either have to fork out $15 or get a subscription. I don’t mind paying for games once I know I will keep playing it but this price is ridiculous! Most other games I end up buying are around $5 which is a fair price. I would have given this game a five star review if not for the price..Version: 2.2.0

DisappointingLike others, I am quite disappointed in the fact that, after level 10, you had to pay and annoying amount of money to continue the game. I ended up getting the free trial.... that was my first mistake. The game caught me, and dragged me into the hole. I loved it though, and that was why I got the free trial. I later found out that there was no way of cancelling the subscription and it kept on going even though I got the free trial. Do every month, I’m having to pay $15, for a game I’m already finished with. I also don’t recommend anyone paying because it’s not worth it..Version: 1.9

FreezeMy games freezes now recently I can’t touch the supplies to restock or even to pick it them Up I can only touch the passagers but with nothing ... help.Version: 1.9

So, so,I got this game and got really into playing it till the tenth level. The game is great and the graphics are fantastic. At the end of the ten levels I had a pop up saying to play he next twenty levels I could pay £2 but for the full game I had to pay £10! I’m sorry but I’m not going to pay £10 for a game on my phone no matter how good it is. I would have got the next 20 levels but then I will be told I have to pay more to continue again! Great game but don’t love it for the price 🤨☹️.Version: 1.9

Can’t watch adsI’m fine with watching ads to play every level but it kept saying that I don’t have wifi connection to play ads when I do.Version: 2.4.0

Great then horribleYou get past the first ten levels and then you have to pay to play and the worst thing is it leaves you on a cliff hanger. I did like this game but not anymore 🤨.Version: 1.9

Why the costI was enjoying the game so much then it said I had to pay and I’m not paying 13 bucks for a game so yah... guess I might as well delete it.Version: 1.9

Several glitches passed level 34I am using an I Pad Air, 2 issues have popped up since level 34. One is that the game is unresponsive and can not perform actions. And the other is that the Signal Minigame lags and their is not enough time to complete enough to gain the Diamond for that stage. Hope this issue is fixed soon, love all Game House Games.Version: 1.9

It won’t let me serve the customersI’ve been playing this game for the past three hours until I got onto a certain level ( number 34). When I got to the level I forgot I was playing the game and I was distracted by a video I was watching. When I realized I was playing I decided to restart the level. When I restarted the level it would let me move to the customers but it wouldn’t let me click on any of the items used to serve them. I have refreshed the level and exited out of the game and it still hasn’t worked. I am hoping this is a little glitch? I would not like to know that I wasted those three hours without beating the game..Version: 1.9

Seriously ?As someone who started as cabin crew and is now a senior instructor for the same airline I think it’s dreadful that this game which could be aimed at and downloaded by so many teens that you feel the need to portray the crew as walking around with their chests exposed - really disrespectful to the people who are trained to get you out of an aircraft within 90 seconds. Would have been a really good game if you didn’t feel the need to have the characters portray promiscuous girls..Version: 1.9

Should be ZERO starsYou guys make such good games! But such a downfall when you have to pay for levels!!!!.Version: 1.9

Pay to playIts an amazing games such a pitty you need to pay to go past level 10.Version: 1.8

Really enjoying the game...Until you wanted a subscription to continue. Sorry, I can’t stand having in-app purchases at the best of times, but a subscription for an app game? No thanks. Shame really, it was quite a cool concept with lots to do....but your greed got in the way. I get that companies have to make money somehow, but a subscription is not the way to go about it. Please change this, and I may reinstall..Version: 1.9

A bit disappointedI thought this game was really awesome! It’s unique(rare to find time management games with an actual storyline) it’s engaging, and it’s just the right amount of difficult. So you can imagine my disappointment when I learned that you can only play the first chapter for free! I understand apps needing to make money, but I am 14, without my own credit card, and I know we can’t afford to pay that anyway, so it’s very frustrating to not be able to continue. Instead of not allowing you to keep playing at all, I would suggest just having some in app purchases to put you ahead, or a few ads. Overall, it’s an awesome concept..Version: 1.9

Great Game, but pricyI downloaded the game because it was “free.” I loved the story and totally got addicted to the game. Disappointed to find out it’s actually not free and you have to pay a pretty high price. Given the graphics were great and the story was addicting I decided to purchase the game. Extremely disappointed again, but this tome to find out there is only 60 levels. Three stars because the game was very addicting and great story...but not more than that because of the price. I feel taken advantage of and I will not entertain another app from the same company. NOT WORTH THE PRICE $9.99!!.Version: 1.9

Great gameGreat game, but having to pay a monthly subscription to play it has put me off. Make it free or with in game purchases like normal games and I would continue to play. You have lost my game play!.Version: 1.9

The game Shuts me outI'm excited for this game! As soon as the game was installed, it keeps locking me out the further I have gotten is the loading sign. It's a shame because I wanted to play this Game. Please fix ASAP Thanks.Version: 1.7

Anti-Anxiety shamingReally not cool! That Amber shames her coworker for taking anti-anxiety meds and suggests she takes a lower dose!!! In what world is that ok?!? A change the story line is a MUST and I have deleted the app..Version: 1.9

Great game except having to pay after first 10 levelsHi there, I love this game and the storyline my only downfall is having to pay after the first 10 levels ;-;.Version: 1.9

Amber’s airlineI can’t get into level 41..Version: 2.0.2

Good, but unfortunately have to pay for moreI really enjoyed this game a lot. I liked the storyline, and the game levels didn’t go from insanely easy to crazy difficult like some other games. However, unlike other games, you have to pay to get passed level 10. I don’t get why this game does that, I feel like more people would keep it downloaded if that wasn’t necessary. I even looked ahead at the future levels and got excited, only to be crushed by having to be forced to pay, like, $10 just to keep playing. It’s a really great game, but it’s not worth it to pay..Version: 1.9

Love the first 10 levelsI absolutely adore the games from GameHouse and this one for the first 10 levels I knew I would also love. But... you have to pay after this level. I have spent my summer break playing the versions of these games (Parker and Lane, Emily in Italy, Hospital Heat with Alison Heart, the first Dr Heart one, Miracle of life etc) with watching the adverts and I don’t think it effects game play at all. Hoping an update of this game will eventually have this feature. Fingers crossed..Version: 1.8

Stupid should be freeWhy pay money I am no longer playing until this changes who pays money for this game silly.Version: 1.9

Paying and not getting chapter 2Just payed 3 bucks for the first 20 levels which I thought would open chapter 2 game 11 but It hasn’t and form what it looks like people have been having trouble with this so silly I have to to pay but when it doesn’t work!!!!.Version: 1.9

Not worth my timeWas a great game until I realised you could only play the first chapter and then had to pay 😡.Version: 1.9

I wish there was a better ending regarding David and ClarkI like the game though I do wish there were different difficulty levels. For a $10 game, I wish there was a little more to it so I could go back and play it and not get bored with it. However, it is clear that a lot of work went into the game, given the graphics. So, I’m not very upset with the price. Since I do read the stories, I am rather annoyed that there was no resolution with David and Clark. They were woven throughout the entire story and there is no resolution with them at all. After looking at the other reviews, I am probably the only one annoyed with this..Version: 1.8

Pay $13 per monthNow you games are per $13.99 per month. Not interested sorry. I am disappointed as I have paid for other games at 13.99 and now half of them don’t work on my newer version iPad this company has become a disappointment. Let me know when you use ads to pay for the game. I will gladly pay or pay a one time fee but monthly you are out to lunch..Version: 1.9

Well below parI’ve bought all of the Game House games. This is well below the standard of the previous ones. I hope they go back to their previous developers. Won’t be buying this..Version: 1.8

Keeps crashing, please fix!I just downloaded the game but as soon as I tap it it just crashes, therefore I can’t get in the game at all, and it’s especially annoying then this game has such good reviews, and so I want to play it. But I can’t. Please fix this!.Version: 2.0.2

What a shameAddictive and perfectly planned out game, until you have to pay for the other levels. What a shame, just as I was getting really into it..Version: 1.9

This game should be a 5 starThis game is great till I got to level 33. Half way through the level she just stops doing the tasks so I fail each time. I’ve sent the developer and email. Hopefully they can fix this problem!.Version: 1.9

ReviewYou should not have to pay $14 per month to play a game you’ve already brought. If I knew I couldn’t get the full version, I wouldn’t have brought it in the first place..Version: 1.9

Absolutely disgusting!!I’m so annoyed because this game is so fun and addictive but after completing 10 levels you either have to pay £10 or subscribe £8.99 a how do those two totals add up!! Don’t get me wrong I’m more than happy to pay for a good game but £10 is an absolute rip off! Why do you companies do this? A poor child or adult could love this game but you deny them access because their not willing or simply cannot afford to buy it! You should be ashamed of yourselves!!.Version: 1.8

Are you kidding meFun game, but Jesus who would pay 14$ to play a few more levels... this is like a 5$ game at the most!.Version: 1.9

Won't open up on iPadHaving trouble, won't open up it is just a black screen. Please fix.Version: 1.7

Addictive but one chapter than have to payThis is a very addictive game. But once you get past the first chapter you would have to buy a monthly subscription £8.99 or buy the game for £9.99 or buy each chapter or apparently have one month free. Even though I only got 3 days free trail. I not worth any of them amounts for a game. I could never justify paying that much for a game when I completed the full game in less than a day! I get the developers should be paid for what they have made and sure I agree. But the amounts offered is a joke. I would probably buy this game if it was around £1.99 to £2.99. I feel sorry for the parents out there when a child gets additive to a game like this, as they would feel pressured in getting chapters/the full game. I personally couldn’t recommend this game to anyone..Version: 1.9

Very upsetThis was game surprised me with the good graphics and exciting storyline and I was looking forward to hearing the rest of the story once I reached level 10. I was extremely disappointed to see that I had to pay a stupid amount of money to continue. I honestly wouldn't mind watching a couple of ads just to keep playing this game. Definitely not worth paying money for though. Again disappointed in a game that had high potential..Version: 1.9

I bought this game...Why is it not letting me play the rest of the levels???.Version: 1.9

Not letting me on level 2This is a problem that is stopping me from playing and getting on further into the game, it’s not letting me get into level 2 whenever I press it it just goes like “please check your internet connection” or whatever I deleted the game and downloaded it again but it still didn’t let me in level 2! This is a two star from me because this is making my game less enjoyable, thank you for taking your time to read this..Version: 1.9

Don’t downloadIf You download this game it only takes u to like few chapters then after that it tells u to purchase if you see this game in an advertisement it doesn’t show that u have to purchase until when you get to a certain level I wish I could give this game a zero star.Version: 1.9

You have to pay?I honestly don’t like the fact that we have to pay to finish playing the game. I got really into the game and actually quite enjoyed it, but when it told me that I had to pay $9.99 to continue, that’s what ruined it for me. If you’re going to make a game, at least make it with ads instead of making the people buy to play. I understand how some people always complain about the ads and how they constantly show up (I am one of them on some games of mine), but ads would be better than spending $9.99 on the rest of a game. Maybe you could look into that and possibly change it. And maybe you’d get better reviews (Yes. I read the reviews). Who knows? I know if you changed it to where there were ads instead of making us pay, you’d get a better review from me..Version: 1.9

Great game needs improvementI love this game however I have reached the point where I can not go further without a payment. When I downloaded this app it said you would have to pay after a while of continue free with ads . I can't find the option to continue free with adds. Does anyone know how to help ?.Version: 1.9

A bit dullTowards the end of this game, i was so bored. That mini game where you do the emergency instructions thing is so annoying, literally so the same three things over and takes ages to go to the next one. Dull. Need more exciting things to achieve stars in every level. I love these games normally and was so looking forward to this and i just felt bored by it.Version: 1.9

Not hard enough!I enjoyed the game and the storyline, but there was no challenge. Even the mini games were easy, several asking you just to play as another character who functions exactly like Amber. Usually the “find Carl” provide a challenge, as you are playing through a normal level while clicking on the Carl’s, but in this game there are no customers when Carl pops up, making it too easy. Please add the the difficulty levels to the game, and keep them in all future games..Version: 1.8

Unable to load into the game once updated to the latest iOS systemI initially like the gaming experience and paid to unlock the full version of the game. Now get pretty frustrated cuz I am unable to play after I've updated to the new OS system..Version: 2.0.2

Pay 13$8 pay 13$ but cant even see full game 😡😡😡.Version: 1.9

Why?It was good game at first now I have to pay! No way! You could make a lot of money if you let people pay for free then more customers more money! But seriously to pay to continue the game? That’s stupid sorry..Version: 1.9

Good game but...Ok so this games cool with amazing and really fun mini games, but there’s this love story. I really liked playing this because it’s also role play, but at the end I’ll just spoil it for you, she doesn’t end up with anyone at the end of this game and it’s like the only reason I played it to begin with. Dude seriously if you’re gonna give me a love triangle please at least FINISH IT! It ends completely without any closure at all and the only thing that happens is some character development to one of my fav characters, Karen. This game kinda pisses my off with how it ended and I really don’t wanna get another app on my phone just to MAYBE finish the story that I want finishing so badly..Version: 1.9

This game causes my phone to freezeSo I’ve been a big fan of Amber’s Airline for awhile. I even played the first 2 games. I just downloaded this one not 5 minutes ago, and I can’t even get to or past the loading screen without having to completely restart my phone because this game makes my entire phone freeze. I’ve never had a problem with the other two games, but this one is giving me nothing but issues, which is sad because I really wanted to enjoy this one. Guess I’ll have to delete it and wait for them to update it. Really makes me sad 😔..Version: 2.0.2

Wish I could give 5 stars 😭I love playing this game it’s so well written and each level is unique. Amber is such a realistic character but i had to give it 1 star because I’m so frustrated with the major glitches on Chapter 4 (airplane) game #33. I’ve beat #33 several times but when the time runs out the game continues without saving my progress. So I can never move onto the next game!!!! Please fix this..Version: 1.9

SubscriptionI absolutely loved the game, got really into it only to find out that it’s a subscription after finishing level one. would be great if it was a one time payment to unlock all levels.Version: 1.9

DONT DOWNLOADThe game starts off entertaining, but after playing for an hour (10 levels later) they ask you for a MONTHLY subscription of $13.99, not to mention other fees the farther you get in the game. Don’t bother even trying the first levels as you will be left disappointed that you couldn’t move forward..Version: 1.9

Well designed game but…Gameplay is repetitive and tremendously easy to get the hang of..Version: 2.3.0

Purchased gamePurchased game didn’t unlock!!.Version: 1.9

It’s ok! 50/50It’s really annoying how you have to pay for the next chapters. I really like the game it was actually quite fun but then I went onto the next chapter and it was disappointing within the fact I had to pay a lot of money for something that although is pleasurable to play a fun game it is not necessary to spend so much money on something like this. Also I wish the story line would involve us a bit more so we can control her a tiny bit more..Version: 1.9

Not happyI always buy all the games from this specific developer and this time iv has a nightmare ... I purchased the rest of the levels costing me £9.99 the levels did NOT unlock but still took my money - iv spent the last 45 mins on the phone to apple to sort this matter and they issued me a refund that’s gonna take up to 30 DAYS to appear back into my account. I’m so angry about this, and will never be downloading these games again! After reading reviews I’m not the only one with this issue. And the fact that the developer hasn’t fixed this issues is completely unacceptable! How can you take someone’s money when you know you application is faulty!? Stay well clear people! Nothing but headache an time waste on my behalf. Wish I listened to the reviews!.Version: 1.9

Game keeps crashing at level 34I was enjoying this game but now it keeps crashing at level 34. Please fix!.Version: 1.9

EhThis game is great up until you have to pay $12.99 for a “membership” which is absolutely ridiculous. Don’t get it you can only play 10 levels..Version: 1.9

DisappointedI want to be able to play the other chapters without having to pay for it! What’s the point in a free game if it isn’t even free??!.Version: 1.9

13.99 is a little.....I really love all the games that come out that have the same nature but paying 14 bucks for every game is a little much. One the games had an optional where you can pay or go through ads. I would fully sit through ads if I had this option..Version: 1.9

Ads don’t loadAfter you get to a certain level, it requires you to watch ads, which is fine, but it always says the ads won’t load so it’s not really a free game...Version: 2.2.0

Purchased game - nonplayI purchased the game after level 10 ... won’t let me play from level 11 keeps telling me to purchase the game ... do I get a refund 😡.Version: 1.9

IssuesThere are a couple of things wrong with this game. First is the price, far too expensive and I think most people agree on this point. However I bought it anyway - in hindsight I shouldn’t have. Because 2nd issue is the gameplay itself after level 10. So once you’ve forked out the money it’s like the developers gave up. All the levels play almost exactly the same, especially those on board the plane. Even some of the mini games are repeated on different level sets. The Emily games had a bit of variety between chapters and got progressively harder to keep the gameplay challenging. This game isn’t challenging at all, it’s really easy to get 3 stars first time on every level so there’s no real reward for the money you’ve spent in terms of replayability! One I’d completed it, which really doesn’t take long, I just want to put it down for good. Annoyingly the story is left hanging with hints of unresolved matters that will require a sequel..Version: 1.9

Not happyWish there was more levels and I hated that I had to pay!.Version: 1.9

The costs outweighs everything else.I don’t write reviews...well ever. I just wanted to explain the 2 stars. This game is good when it comes to the story telling and when it comes to the gameplay. I enjoy these little time management games. However, after the first 10 levels we are hit with buying the games. I’m not one of those people that want everything free and understand people want to get paid for there craft. However, buying the game for $10? When it comes to games that price it like this I have to compare it to games like GTA which is $7 , Minecraft which I think is $5, and similar free to play games. It just doesn’t seem worth $10 for me. I love how the story is going but don’t enjoy the cost..Version: 1.9

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