San Diego Gas and Electric® App Negative ReviewsSmart Energy Systems LLC

San Diego Gas And Electric® Negative Reviews

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Total 32 Negative Reviews

San Diego Gas and Electric® App Complaints & User Negative Comments 2024

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San Diego Gas and Electric® for Negative User Reviews

Bill MatrixIf you need to pay by credit card, the process is lengthy, confusing, and unnecessarily difficult. You have to find and enter your own account number, email, and billing amount— which requires you to go back from Bill Matrix to the main account page. The back arrow is non responsive and you have to press it a bunch to get it to work. Once you’ve collected all the info you need to give them the money they’ve asked for, you come back to Bill Matrix to re-login AGAIN, only for it to say that you “didn’t properly logout last time and can’t have multiple sessions”. The only way to resolve this is to “wait until your previous session expires”. So rather than just sit there and fume, I decided to write a review in the hopes it gets the devs to DO something about this obvious flaw. The app was doing this last month too and I was hoping it was so obvious it would be fixed by this month but apparently it’s not— you have to take a customer’s time to get it done around here..Version: 4.1

SDGDE Is HorribleCan’t set up autopay because their billing is a mess and they can’t figure out how to make a statement that is accurate and easy to read. Bill , website and app all say different amounts are owed. They apply payments to NEM instead of gas or electric delivery chargers then say you have a past due amount. If they weren’t a monopoly they would be out of business in a second since they don’t know how to run a business..Version: 5.20

Horrible appThe payment aspect of the account is so unnecessarily confusing. I have never had such a difficult time paying a bill through an app in my life. I tried paying by credit card but you have to remember the exact amount because they send you to a third party to process and your account information does not follow you. I went back to the main page to check the exact amount due and was then locked out of the credit card processing portal because I supposedly already had an active session. There was no way for me to go back to the active session, I just kept getting denied access. It is so frustrating that after multiple attempts I had to enter my bank info which I do not trust them with at all. It’s as if they purposely want the credit card payment section to be difficult so they can have access to your bank for direct withdrawals. That is not even taking into account that the credit card portal isn’t even setup correctly for use on a phone. The text boxes you are supposed to fill out are too big for the screen. You have to move the screen around to find where you are supposed to type. When a message box popped up, half of it was cut off and I couldn’t move it to read it or exit out. Overall it’s a trash interface that is beyond frustrating..Version: 4.3

ClunkyWhy does the back button not work? Every time I click into a section I have close out the app and restart it to get back to the Home Screen because the back button does nothing… Also, I agree with others on the new logo. It’s not like you’ve gotta market your brand and work to gain customers, we have no other choice but to get ripped off by you. Does matter if you even have a logo, so why waste the money?.Version: 5.19

Used to be a good APPWhile it is good to be able to see your billing history, the estimated bill feature used to work well. As a NEM customer it is good to see how my usage is doing so Incan work to conserve when my solar isn’t putting out as much as I am using. It used to work perfectly in the old version of the app it hasn’t worked for many many months. The whole thing is so clunky, face recognition rarely works, I have to log in 2x half the time as it boots you off immediately after logging in I also find the layout isn’t very ergonomic. Why can’t you add a weekly usage tab (monthly, daily and ever 15 mins but not weekly?) also, how about a tab that shows usage since my last bill? Bills don’t start at the beginning if the month for any of us so how about adding the usage to date feature? Which is what the usage/estimated cost feature did..Version: 5.26

This app could not BE more frustrating!First off, this app will not show the entire page so you have to scroll back and forth to enter your information. The process to pay by credit card is lengthy and frustrating— the account number and billing amount have to be entered and if you don’t take note of those things before signing in, you have to go back to your account and then you can’t log back in because there is an “open session” —- AND there is no discernible way to get BACK to the open session to complete it. So you just have to wait for the open session to terminate itself. Tonight I was asked to accept the terms,etc. After scrolling to the seemingly interminable end of the legalities, there was NOTHING to click on to show I approved. Or at least nothing I could see because, again, only half the page shows even on the expanded view and there is no way to scroll over to see the other half! Unless I approved the terms, I couldn’t pay my bill! The fact that I have to pay an additional fee of $1.50 to use this abomination is especially galling. This app has not been updated or improved upon in at least the past year— perhaps not enough people have taken the time to complain. But after trying SIX TIMES to pay my bill tonight, and still coming up empty — I’ve HAD IT. Fix this thing, already! If I could have given less stars than one, believe me, I would have..Version: 4.3

Not great(1) There should be a way to set up autopay from a credit card. Most companies have this. With SDGE, they make you go through Bill Matrix and reenter all of your information each month, plus pay a "convenience" fee. (2) The CCA notice that shows at the top of the main screen every single time you open the app or go back to the main screen, even if it was dismissed already, should either be moved to a different place, or stay closed once dismissed. (3) Stop forcing updates every few days. Most apps allow, but don't force, updates. Updating is good but not when the user is forced to update nearly every single time they open the app. (4) Although nothing to do with the app itself, SDGE delivery rates are OUTRAGEOUS. Also, electricity should not be subject to local taxes and customers should not have to pay "public purpose" fees (aka welfare) to subsidize other customers already getting welfare from the government! That's ridiculous!.Version: 5.22

Horrible New App - Went BackwardsThis new App eliminated hourly usage visibility. There is no reference to usage compared to your rate plan. How are you supposed to make any sort of informed decisions on usage to “Reduce Your Use” and conserve power at the right times with this? The PUC needs to look into this negligent use of Capital funds and respond. The old App was way better than this garbage. So much missing information and features. What rate plan am I on? What tier am I currently in? (for those not on TOU). Can’t change my rate plan if I wanted to. An absolute embarrassment..Version: 4.3

Can not loginI have an iPhone 6s+ (iOS 13.1), downloaded the App and could not login using credentials that work for the SDG&E web-app. App complains that my account is locked and I must reset my password. Reset password (and validated against their web-app) TWICE with same result. Rebooted the phone—same result. Called SDG&E and they could only verify that my account was NOT locked and sent another link to reset my password for 4th time—same results. Reinstalled app and rebooted phone—same results. It would be helpful to have a direct link or phone number to developer for technical support..Version: 4.1

Might be good eventuallyWhen trying to pay by credit card, it ports you to another service which is fine, but you must memorize your account number and payment amount. This is not automatically provided for you. Since I planned to use the app primarily for making payments easier, I won’t be using the app and continue to use the website where I can at least copy and paste the account number and just need to remember the payment amount..Version: 4.3

“We’re Sorry” BSI usually don’t write reviews for anything but i’ve just been so fed up with this app. Downloaded it to make everything streamline and have all of my bills accessible with just one tap. Sadly, since i’ve had this sorry excuse for an app, every time i log in i get greeted with the same; “We’re sorry...usage/billing is not available at this time. We’ll be up and running as soon as possible. Please try again later.” It’s been a month much later do you need?.Version: 4.3

Fee to use card as paymentI downloaded app in hopes that the very steep 1.50 transaction fee for card transactions would no longer be a problem. This is frankly absurd, sdge is fully aware that the majority of its customers pay by card. I can only assume the fee for these transactions is nowhere near 1.50. As usual the energy monopoly continues to profit. The only other option is to provide bank information!? Why would I do that for a simple bill??? At least, with these fees the website/ app would be nice to par with the standard of todays apps. This one is stuck in the past and needs major updates/ user upgrades…. But why would they, again, they are a monopoly..Version: 5.16

Over charged $1000’s , no resolutionMy bill for most of 2021 was in the thousands of dollars & no explination. I was told it was a “balance forward” Im frustrated that there is no real resolution. In addition, my bank froze my account for deposit hold & returned my payment- not bc there was not money but bc they had to confirm & hold a larger deposit multiple times. Now SDGE wants to put me on “cash pay” which is crap! I will not “cash pay” & pay fees on top of it & take time out of my day which I dont have. There is no other utility company in my area so I am stuck with over charges & no resolution. Im livid as a customer of 20 years..Version: 5.16

Does not work in ipadThis app is not formatted for iPad so you can still use it on the iPad although the screen will be weird. BUT I ran into a big snag when I tried to pay my bill by card and once it opens the next window you have to toggle the page until you can see the buttons. I ran into the dead end though when it gave me the terms and conditions page and that page does not toggle so I could not reach the button to confirm my payment. When I gave up and went to the website the site said I already had a bill pay session open and had to logout or wait. But I had already closed the app and it was logged out of my session. So frustrating..Version: 4.3

The app seems to be unavailable quite oftenI’m not sure if it’s because I have solar, but access to this app always seems to be unavailable a few days before the end of the monthly cycle. On my last attempt to log on, the data was unavailable for about a week. Frustrating!.Version: 5.23

Never been able to sign inAfter updating the app, even deleting it and redownloading it, I still cannot sign in. I’m 100% positive I’m using the right log in because it works on a desktop. Every time I try signing in I get a message that says: “We apologize for the inconvenience but the service is currently unavailable, please try again later.” I’ve tried signing at different times and days and get the same message regardless of if the password is correct or not. Wish I could actually use the app because it would be way more convenient to pay my bill..Version: 5.10

Whatever SDG&E (us utility customers) paid the developer was too muchThis app is a slow, stripped down version of SDGE’s web page, which isn’t that stellar to begin with (you know things are bad when they have a banner on their landing page that says, “Bills are complicated. Let us explain.”). “View Usage” doesn’t show anything you don’t see on the front page. The app is bizarrely slow. Really high bill from SDG&E’s inability to manage energy demands? Just Click on “how to lower my usage” - oh wait, that just takes you to your usage! Great! This app lasted a whole 4 minutes on my phone before deleting it and replacing it with something more useful, like that kids’ face swapping app..Version: 5.13

The Worst App and ServiceWould give it 0 stars if that was an option. The app and website are absolutely terrible. Here are my two cents: A. Face ID NEVER works. Activate it, turn it on within the app, etc. Regardless, you will always have to enter in your password, leading to… B. The password NEVER works twice. I use a password manager, and despite it, the same password never works twice. Further, whenever I change the password, I need to wait an hour to use it because after one attempt, I exceed the number of attempts allowed. C. This is San Diego, where, because of the sunshine, many people have solar. Why on earth is billing around solar/NEM so confusing? When I am able to access my billing page (which has become increasingly rare), I see 5-different numbers between the website and bill. Because of this, I always have a “passed due” balance which SDG&E says is normal. False. What’s normal is seeing one number that I am supposed to pay and never being passed due. Does it occur to these people that some people use bill pay through their bank which is confused by the fact that there are three different numbers on the bill?? Between the service, app, and increasing costs (which just means extra bonuses for Sempra execs), I find myself wishing more and more that there was another option in town..Version: 5.20

Doesn’t sync w credit cardThere are many reasons to hate sdge (monopoly on power being #1), but it’s also irritating that the third party they use to process credit card payments won’t work for me. They say my account number should 13 digits, and if it’s 11 digits to enter 00 in front of it to make it 13. My account is 10 digits. Nobody knows how to fix this. So I have to pay with my checking account. Not the end of the world, but in 2022 electronic online payments should be EASY. And someone should be smart enough to figure out the problem..Version: 5.17

No Real-time DataWhile vastly improved compared to the original app, the new app does not give a daily summary of energy usage. How much net energy have I used during the current month? I can see yesterday's usage via a nice bar chart...but what are the net numbers? How much net energy did I use yesterday? Data points like these are non-existent which data junkies like me would like to see..Version: 4.1

Payment is in profile but SDGE won’t process itI have had my payment type entered in my profile and for it to be autopay. It worked for the electric side but not the gas. I’ve tried calling with no answer and couldn’t get it to easily show up in the app. The app would not show my past due amount until I suddenly though to make gas a default. Both the electric and gas should show amount due on the app and work when I set it up for autopay. What a pain!.Version: 5.20

Missing HistoryOverall the app works fine. What is missing is usage history, sure it shows the last several months which has marginal utility. Since we are headed into coldest months of course the usage goes up. What is needed is usage for this month for last several years. Only then can I do a fair comparison of usage. The paper bill used to and might still have that information but since I’m encouraged to go paperless I have lost that comparison ability. As is it’s mostly just a billing app but could be so much more..Version: 4.1

Worthless applicationI’m a residential customer and downloaded this app following the old SDGE app suggestions to download this new and improved version, DON’T waste your time, I followed the instructions registered-followed the instructions, tried multiple times to register my account I deleted the old SDGE app that also had some issues but at least was able to schedule my payments, now this worthless new app tried multiple times WONT let me sign in, I get a message saying I’m already signed in, “DON’T WASTE YOUR TIME”.Version: 1.0

Issues paying with Debit CardTo whom it may concern, the option to pay with a bank card through Bill Matrix does not work: when prompted to input my SDGE account number, it requests a 13 digit number and my account is 12 numbers long. There is a disclaimer that if the account is 11 digits, to add 00 to the beginning of the number, but when I add one 0, it doesn’t recognize it, and when I try to use my 12 digit number, it won’t work either. I’m not sure why it’s set up this way, but I’m pretty frustrated I can’t just use an alternative card to pay my bill. Thank you for your attention to this..Version: 5.6

After this long...still needs workOne moment I have the app that works well for the most part then you take down your system for upgrades for 5 days and make it so simple that now I can’t even view my usage. When I click on the usage tab all I get is not eligible! Make your app intuitive instead of making it for kindergarteners..Version: 5.0

New App FailThe app update is really terrible. I hope they didn’t waste a lot of money on it because it seems like a child could have done a better job. Please go back to at least labeling the accounts by type (gas/electric) especially since solar customers only have to pay once a year but not paying the gas bill monthly will get us into trouble. Looks like it will be more efficient to just save a tile for the website and use an internet browser and delete this app..Version: 5.0

One more bad appWhen I try to open app I get following “Exciting news... We're upgrading! While we make improvements and add new features, the app will be temporarily unavailable. Please check back around April 7, 2021 for the updated app. Thanks for your patience.” . And it is today April 24. Plus when you try to upgrade it happens that app requires iOS 13. But my phone 6+ doesn’t accept it. So I could update and as result could not update and use app. Frustrating experience as always. I got THE answer from programming team: “We're sorry that you weren't able to download our new app. Like other app developers, we try to support the devices and operating systems used by most of our customers. It's not possible for us to effectively support all devices." They mean that 38 million Americans using iPhone 6/6+ won’t be able to upgrade and use this app. I think that a team which programmed this app should be fired. It could not be worse then this..Version: 5.0

Vague informationIt’s great that I get these reports, but it would be helpful if the cycle period was defined and non-peak, peak, and super-peak times were defined. For example, my use is listed as “to date”, but it doesn’t say when the start date of the period is. I have no idea when the various “peak hours” begin and end. That should be on the report for reference..Version: 5.27

Confusing and slowNavigating around for simple tasks is convoluted. I just want to quickly see: Electricity consumption in the past few days, compared to my average, plus cumulative costs in the current billing cycle and projected bill for gas and electricity, so I know if I’m doing better or not than my average. Also a cost optimizer, based on my consumption pattern, would help figuring out if another plan works better. You guys have all the historical data, please help me choose the right plan! I just got an EV charging station and I’m paying over 50¢/ kWh while charging between 12am and 6am. How come?.Version: 5.10

Constantly Updating- Required Update to UseI like the convenience of being able to quickly pay my bill through the app. The downside is the app is constantly being updated and in order to use the app, downloading the update is required. I’m not a fan of having to update my apps every month or having to update my IOS version just to use the app..Version: 5.0

SDGE no helpMy highest bill before we put solar in our home was $300 approx. since putting solar on home my bills have been exorbitant. $2000,$1400, $1900, finally getting more reasonable $200…. But I HAVE SOLAR … so there should be less bill then before Solar, correct? Neither SDGE or the solar company are helping figure out the problem… both just pointing fingers and I’m stuck with the bill. SDGE said they see unusual spikes in my bill bout are unwilling to come out to see what the issue might be. We have 2 people in a 2200 sq ft home. Also the app has no contact numbers on it. Can’t easily find people to call.Version: 5.17

I’d need a new phone to use itI’m a senior who has used this app to pay my bills. My older iPhone does not support this app now. I’m not going to get a new phone. Expensive. I still can log in online, but it’s not as fast & I have to be near a computer. This update has ruined it for me. I was able to check on outages & pay my bills from my phone. Now I can’t. Upset. So for me, I’ve given it a one star, because it is useless. Update to developer. I am not able to update the IOS to version 13 on my iPhone 6Plus. Of course I tried that first. This is my second 6Plus because I loved it so much. New phones are so expensive. I note all the glowing reviews & stars for this update are not really for this updated version. They are from a year ago or before this new update. I liked that older one also. I can’t use this version & this one is all that’s available..Version: 5.0

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