Dodge the Prank! App Negative ReviewsHENN Inc.

Dodge The Prank! Negative Reviews

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Total 67 Negative Reviews

Dodge the Prank! App Complaints & User Negative Comments 2024

Dodge the Prank! app received 67 complaints, negative comments and reviews by users. Have you ever had a bad experience using Dodge the Prank!? Can you share your negative thoughts about dodge the prank!?

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Dodge the Prank! for Negative User Reviews

This one addSo I do love this game but just a few seconds ago I saw a horrible tariffing add😭 it was about some girl having I don’t even wanna say it because I’m only 10, ok she was making a man have *** with her and I hope that word is bleeped out🤬. So can the creators please make this game to also be on airplane mode please please please! So I don’t have to see that add again, 😖this game is more like a 20+ with that add in it. So all I’m asking for is for is can the new update please please please be so that people can be on airplane mode✈️. Other than that it’s an amazing game 🤗 so please download it..Version: 2.5

Its okIts an ok game but its annoying how when you lose or win no matter what you get an ad. There are to many ads in the whole game, maybe you can make it so the player only gets ads when they lose instead of what’s happening now. It just ruins the experience of the game when every five seconds I get an ad.Version: 2.5

Could’ve been a whole lot better!The premise of this game is great; however there are more downsides than upsides to this game. The graphic are extremely basic. It is like stop motion claymation. Each episode moves very slow once you have made your selection as the prank has been avoided or not. Ads!!!! If you don’t like ads this is NOT the game for you!!!!!!!!!!!! Even though the episodes are short, there is an ad at the end of each prank whether you avoid or confirm each prank. The time ratio of game vs ad is 1:1 meaning that for every second of play there is a second of ad played. Highly disappointed. I did not find a way to purchase the game to avoid ads..Version: 2.7

Get rid of the addsThere are way to many adds I hope you see this I am deleting the game and never downloading this app again unless you get rid of the adds it is so annoying so unless you like adds don’t play it I suggest this game is good but it has way to many adds hopefully people see this and the read it and think about do the want to watch a million adds and hopefully they don’t download it and then hopefully you get rid of the add after every level.Version: 2.7

Good but..I was playing all the levels but I couldn’t get past to level 18! I don’t know why though I tried so much.Version: 2.5

NonsenseI do not recommend this game and im going to tell you why. so the first thing is TO MANY ADS right after you fail or finish a level theres a add want a hint: ad its so annoying and the second thing is some levels can be more hard than you expect like there are hidden objects but if u dont know what to with it and cant pass the level you need to watch a ad and mostly the first hint is useless so then you need to watch another ad and the second one MIGHT be confusing so you need to watch ANOTHER ad to see how to pass the level. all that i felt playing this game was anger and stress because its so annoying how this stupid boy is just everywhere like its a love story or something i do not like this game and until further due i do NOT recommend this game. Thank you for your time..Version: 2.5

Not bad gameThe game is not bad but short level and the ads is extremely annoying.Version: 2.5

Inappropriate ads of man grabbing womenHorrible ads. Sexually inappropriate!.Version: 2.5

Too many addsI love the game itself but it’s almost unplayable, there’s way too many adds. Levels are short and you get an add after each level no matter what, if you win, lose, or go to menu. There’s probably an option to buy and remove adds but I’m not spending money on a game that’s already clearly begging for money out of the adds..Version: 2.7

GoodLess levels.Version: 2.5

I think there should be a endingIf you add an actual ending to the end game please make it the prankster and the main character getting reprimanded by the cops for these things but mostly the prankster as he probably broke in to multiple places to make the holes he hides in also of the girl lives alone breaking and entering as he definitely has effected her mind where to the point she dreams about him ruing something, games or possibly her ability to see things as real as since she likely also hallucinates about him every time she does something for example the see difference game unless he is a programmer and made the game she is likely hallucinating him being in the game..Version: 2.5


GreatThis is a really good game but has WAY too many adds and ever time the adds are about striping people clothes of and this is a children’s game..Version: 2.7

It’s okIt’s good on the first couple then I get all 3 hints but they won’t work. 2nd TNHER IS SO MANY ADDS it’s so annoying.Version: 2.7

UrghIf I could r up this whole game in two words… it would be ‘fairly boring’. It takes so long for the level to be over and if I’ve seen the adds for it u know what to do for pretty much all of them. Don’t get it.Version: 2.7

:CI tried to download it but it wont and now i cant download anything.Version: 2.5

Way too many adsIf you want to play one round then watch an add this is your game! I deleted this app because it had way too many ads and you can’t even play offline so you HAVE to watch ads. And these so called pranks are BULLYING.Version: 2.7

Very bad at level eight and level 14Well well if you lose and after that you know what the plan is so it’s not a prank OK coming onto the point level 8 is not impossible you just move the chalk so yeah it’s fun but level 14 is impossible if you want a hin the first hint will be move the vending machine so you choose another hint it says move the vending machine until one stuffed toy comes to the middle so you choose 3 hint and it says move the vending machine until The LION comes to the middle so I do that but still the boy snatches it THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME.Version: 2.7

AdsI hate ada.Version: 2.5


If you like ads, play this gameThere’s an ad after every level, win or lose. Often the ads are longer than the level! It could be a fun game, but I’m growing cobwebs watching the ads! I’m deleting it, sadly. There are other games just as good without all the ads.Version: 2.7

Why Adds all the timeVery irritating apps and no content in the app to be used with only internet. Force to play with internet and the adds sucks.........Version: 2.5

:(Too many ads and I cant play off line.Version: 2.5

Way too many ads!!!This game would be fun if there wasn’t an additional watch after every single level. & there’s also a pop up ad that appears on the middle of the screen as well after you beat the level. Over all just way to many ads for me. But the game itself is fun otherwise..Version: 2.7

More ads than normalEnjoy 3 clicks of a game before you get a very long ad.Version: 2.5

MehIts good at first but at a level i tried to get the item and it wouldn’t work.Version: 2.5

:/Its a good game but way too many ads.Version: 2.7

AdsThere’s to many ads🙄.Version: 2.7

So much fun! But more levels please!Ok so don’t get me wrong, the game was absolutely awesome!! But there are only 20 levels witch I was kinda mad about because now you just have to delete the game. And it’s not going to be fun to get it again because I already know how to solve the levels. So please fix that. I just wanted to say to fix that I don’t usually read the reviews so I didn’t realize this problem. And that’s all I wanted to say I feel like my reviews aren’t that helpful.. but I how this was!.Version: 2.7

🙁Bad app it Wouldn’t Even let Me press StaRT !!!!.Version: 2.5

TrashYou know the little ad that comme in the bottom? well it comme in the middle of the screen.Version: 2.5

Ads Ads AdsTOO MUCH ADS.Version: 2.5

Pranks?This isnt ‘pranks’ its literal bullying.Version: 2.5

NoThere’s too many ads and I have to tilt my iPad.Version: 2.7

Ads and moreTo much ads and basically the game means that girls are weak🤬🤬🤬😡😡😡🤬😡😡😡🤬😡😡😡🤬.WHAT THE F**K.Version: 2.5



Great butIt’s a great game but not all of the levels suggest what the add does and there are only 20 levels. When one of those little adds pop up you can’t get of it unless you click one the why this add and then the tiny little cross at the bottom.Version: 2.7

No.Listen, good game and all, and I love the concept! But don’t get me wrong, but there are WAY to many adds. I’m on level three, I’ve been playing for 10 minutes, and I’ve already had more than 5 adds. This really isn’t okay. And you can’t turn off your WiFi to stop getting adds because the game requires internet. I’d be okay with an add every 10 minutes or so, but cmon? And add every minute is way to much. I really don’t understand why it’s so hard to put less adds in the game. It makes the game less fun and less enjoyable for players. If you were to remove some of the adds it would be better, and I understand that this is a free game, and this is the way to make money for it, but the amount of adds is insane 😕 it’d be such a good game without so many..Version: 2.7

Super annoying and boringI can’t even play the game because of ads, and to make it worse the devs made it so you need internet to play, waste of time don’t even bother playing this pathetic game it’s just a cash grab.Version: 2.7

SOOOOOOO MANY ADDS!! GAME IS HORRIBLE.......It is a good game, but there is so many adds. after every level you GET An FLIPPING ADD!!!😡😡🤬🤬.Version: 2.7

It is ok ☺️🤔There are to many ads but it can be a bit tricky and I like challenges. So overall it is a nice game..Version: 2.7

Terrible Game.This is a terrible game. I highly suggest you not download this game. The number 1 problem is that there are way too much ads. When you fail, pass, or go back to the menu, you get a long ad! This is a waste time! The developers should focus more on improving the game than earn money! They are just plain greedy for money! This is completely unacceptable. Do not download the game..Version: 2.5

I love it butThis is a really good game however the fact that the levels are really short and that there are only 20 of them really bring down the quality of the game. Not to mention there are way too many ads, I like the idea of getting hints by using ads but you also get an ad whenever you die or complete a level which just takes a long time. Also, where is the umbrella on level 10? I can’t find it anywhere and it says I’m supposed to give an umbrella to the girl, I can’t give her something that doesn’t exist can I? Please fix this game.Version: 2.5

HORRIBLE GAME TOO MANY ADDSTerrible app way to many adds it’s horrible how can anyone play this nicely.Version: 2.5

Lots of adsToo many ads.Version: 2.5

Gain nothingGreat way to watch plenty of ads. In order to solve challenges you need to lose, no form of brain power involved. Lose, watch an ad, play again and win. Gives you no clue to beating the bully’s pranks on the 1st go..Version: 2.5

I hate itWell, I hate this game because it won’t let me into it. Not funny. Make it better..Version: 2.5

I liked it but...I like this game because it helps you think outside of the box, also I like all the different pranks the boy has up his sleeve. But the only thing I DON’T like about it is that there are SO MANY ADDS! Before and after you do something an add pops up and it’s really annoying, and like 55% of your time on this app is literally adds! I deleted this app because of the adds, so unless you’re super patient, I would not recommend this game.Version: 2.5

Cute game but…This game is so cute. I love the story line and how each level goes along with it. Also tricky to figure out. However, the game ended at like, the peak 😭. It was so abrupt i was desperately swiping the page to find new levels. Im not even kidding i would literally pay for a sequel or an add on and im sure im not the only one🥲. Also PLEASE ADD AN ENDING, any ending will do 😀👍. Finally, bestie…. Those adds….. ain't it. They are bad. Just a warning yall haha, very unexpected… also they pop up almost constantly, so that it’s impossible not to click on them😔. Very confused why the adds r soooo irrelevant to the theme of the game…. Like, isn't that bad marketing? Aren't u supposed to avoid putting in uber s*xual adds in a game about children? Just a thought… But on a serious note: i know you probably made this game cheap and to make a quick buck, but if u fix some of these issues you could actually have a GOOD game, that you could make REAL money out of…...Version: 2.5

Anonymous reviewI’m just rating this one star because I just downloaded it and when I went to play it it just kicked me off, I already tried powering my phone off and then powering it back on though it still didn’t work. I’m not saying that it is going to happen to everyone though I am just mad that it is not working because it seems like a great game has a lot of great reviews and everything, and I promise if I’m able to play it I’ll change my review, that is if I remember..Version: 2.7

AdsToo many ads that it’s not fun to play and u rage bc of the ads.Version: 2.5

This game!!! 😡This game is terrible I downloaded it and when I got into the game I got a cooking add that didn’t close and when it finally finished I couldn’t click next on the tutorial it’s either gotta fix this glitch or let this review stay up I am unable to play this game and I was excited but this really knows I don’t think this glitch was on purpose but I’m gonna delete the app but if you still wanna download this app then good luck and I warned you..Version: 2.7

RatingAt first I liked it but once I saw it only had 20 levels I wasn’t happy.Version: 2.5

Bad gameToo many adds I can’t play.Version: 2.5

Too many Ads! Cut down!Don’t get me wrong m, I like these types of games but this was just straight annoying. After every level I don’t need an AD. It’s adds to the frustration. Also, it can get quite difficult trying to figure out how to stop his prank but I don’t want to have to watch an Ad on top of an ad just to get a little help..Version: 2.7

AdsSo many ads after a level ad if you have to re-try ad.Version: 2.5

"Read""I haven't played the game yet but people are saying there are too many ads. If games have too many ads just turn of WiFi or turn on airplane mode it will stop ads and the you can play the game peacefully." This was my old review but when i started to play, you couldn't play offline so creator please fix this or else not many people would play. I would love to play but I cant because there are too many adds.Version: 2.7

Why’s it not letting me in?Sooooo, i downloaded the game and opened it, i thought it was normal but then when i clicked on “stage” it kicked me out. and i did it multiple times, so if this is just a big bug or my device is not recommended for it then, either if it’s a bug please fix ur game- [NO HATE].Version: 2.7

No.It’s a great game and has a very original concept, but there’s some things that really piss me off. First of all, there’s way too many ads. I know mobile games have a bunch but I myself have not had a mobile app with this many ads. Second of all, it’s very short. There isn’t enough stages to complete and they’re all pretty easy to complete. In my opinion, to make this game better you should reduce the amount of ads and make it a bit longer..Version: 2.7

AdsThe ads are soooooo annoying and you cant play without wifi!.Version: 2.5

Not enough spaceOk soo I’m on lev 16 but when I find the bomb then it says that there is no more space and then I can’t pick up the bomb, the shoelace and the thing I need to light up the bomb!! Pls fix this:(.Version: 2.7

Really fun game but the adds…This game is very fun and I like to play it a lot but there is one problem. It’s the ads, the ads are very inappropriate for a 4+ year old to see also there are ads in the middle of the screen!! I also think if the hints are free and you don’t have to watch an ad, it could be where you can earn your hints like every round you can get a hint. Ty for reading this have a nice day/ afternoon/ night :D.Version: 2.5

Can you not post to much adds-😕Can you not post every add every single time you get it wrong?.Version: 2.7

Honestly, it’s now a 4 to 3 for me and here’s why:Listen, I know you want money but your being a bit greedy with the ads to be honest, Whenever I finish a freaking level there’s a freaking ad RIGHT AFTER THE LEVEL. I gave this a 4 to be nice but the ads are getting annoying 😤 I asked for less ads in my last review not for more! This is getting annoying! Do you not know what less ads even mean 😩 Your making me want to play this less and less. And the more ads there is, Will make me want to un-install this game!!! 😑 And whenever I say that I am serious. LITERATELY serious. So this is the end of my review! Thank you for taking your time to read this, I am sorry if this is rude but it annoys me. Have a bless day! Byeeee 😃😃😃❤️❤️❤️ :))) ✌️PEACE OUT✌️.Version: 2.5

My honest review1. Too many adds I can barely play the game! 2. Adds are inappropriate think about the young kids playing this! 3. Too easy. Please put a game pass so you pay money to skip adds ty!.Version: 2.7

Too many ads.There’s an ad after every single level, and they’re so long and won’t let u skip.. but other than that, the game is okay.Version: 2.7

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