少年三国志2 新马版 App Negative ReviewsYOUZU GAMES HONGKONG LIMITED

少年三国志2 新马版 Negative Reviews

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Total 32 Negative Reviews

少年三国志2 新马版 App Complaints & User Negative Comments 2024

少年三国志2 新马版 app received 32 complaints, negative comments and reviews by users. Have you ever had a bad experience using 少年三国志2 新马版? Can you share your negative thoughts about 少年三国志2 新马版?

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少年三国志2 新马版 for Negative User Reviews

No respect to 99% playersIf you don’t make in game purchase, you could by killed over 10 times per day. Even if you made over 3k dollars in game purchase, you could be killed over 5 times per day. The game only provide good experience for those players who spent over 10k dollars, has no respect to the other 99% players. There is even raciest word used in official game honor/milestone. I can’t believe this game is allowed to be in App Store. Negative 5 stars if I have the option. I will report this game due to using racist word..Version: 1.0.57

You need to spend money to get the gold star character.Decent game but too bad that you need to spend a lot of money to get the gold star characters. Clearly and Pay 2 Win game..Version: 1.0.36

求策划好好做游戏少三2可玩度着实一般,题材玩法老旧,美工简易,阵容局限。由于存在阵容光环,上阵只能上单一个国家的武将,武将品质差距极大,橙将紫将完全就是废将,金将不氪金基本不用想,剩下的红将就那么几个,阵容可塑性不高。阵容压制,越战这些基本不用想,只有你有更好品质的武将就上场,0星金将完全可以碾压满星红将。个人感觉游戏里面真实玩家极少,基本不是机器人就是托,完全就是一个骗氪的游戏。希望策划用点心思,好好做游戏,不要吃相太难看。.Version: 1.0.57

騙人的遊戲說什麼開局送二十連抽,不付錢得vip,都是騙人的。玩了一天晚上,啥都沒有.Version: 1.0.57

Pay for winNothing free.Version: 1.0.57

English option?Difficult to play without it..Version: 1.0.36

Rubish 超级垃圾全要花钱 然后前几名都是托 我想报警.Version: 1.0.57

垃圾游戏垃圾游戏,不氪金没法玩.Version: 1.0.57

Poor customer service and the in-app purchase is buggieThe customer service agent is bad in replying and unwilling to solve issue, don't waste your money on in-app purchase.Version: 1.0.57

不做虚假广告会死吗?哪里来的抽50个ssr你就实话实说 不行?一定要做假的 等着早晚天会收你们 以后只要你们公司的 全部举报.Version: 1.0.57

骗钱垃圾游戏自己出bug就让玩家负责,开发4000+.Version: 1.2.63

The game is BSThis game is a TOTAL pay to win game.Version: 1.0.57

廣告很爛在youtobe上的廣告文案寫的太煩太尷尬 特地下載下來給你一星評論.Version: 1.0.57

No event for Luna YearVery disappointed.Version: 1.0.57

BalanceYou can not play without money!!!!!! I mean big money!.Version: 1.0.57

没法下载没法下载,我吐了.Version: 1.2.11

不課或少課就可以說再見!只有課神才能玩的! 刪遊戲後,仍會自動購買消費,你們這是什麼操作!?.Version: 1.0.57

Trash game. Pay to winAsk u to pay everyday. Trash game.Version: 1.0.36

看来写测评的全是水军啊Youtube天天发广告,这个免费那个免费的。千万别下载,没有任何免费的东西,玩了20分钟,各种充值窗口,再见!10连抽第二天才送?我玩尼玛!剧情,动作,概念全都是这几年手游玩剩下的东西,就是随便找个题材又出来坑一波钱呗。.Version: 1.0.36

垃圾游戏!一个服务器里真实玩家不超过20个?其他都是机器人!玩个毛线啊!游戏模式也是7,8年前那种过时的,千万别下!浪费时间!.Version: 1.0.57

垃圾不就是放置三国,竟然卖广告中大言不惭说比其它三国游戏好,你敢跟守望传说比吗?就套了个香港公司的皮就来装大个,只想着坑钱能有点追求吗,不过就这样了。小心触犯国安法.Version: 1.0.57

没有十连抽 ,骗人的骗人的没有十连抽,还是充钱的.Version: 1.0.57

搞笑如题,开局没十连抽,还要等一天。。 开局也没送VIP,还要等。。 平淡无奇的开局。。。。。.Version: 1.0.57

下载不了这游戏下载不下来.Version: 1.2.63

不是说好开局十连抽吗?骗人!明明说好开局十连抽不得红将不开局的,那个魔神吕布太像王者里那个天魔缭乱了.Version: 1.0.36

沒有廣告的開局10連vip不過大陸人做的遊戲騙局本來就多.Version: 1.0.57

Trash gameAll plagiarized. Don’t try..Version: 1.0.57

不要玩就是骗子 广告说得好 里面根本没免费100抽 垃圾游戏.Version: 1.0.57

闪退每天都要闪退个好几次,战斗闪退,点开闪退,跳过闪退,无语.Version: 1.4.27

登录服务器有问题 退出无法重新登录登录服务器有问题 退出无法重新登录 只能重新安装游戏.Version: 1.0.36

好友送禮連一個好友送禮40個要按40次等40次 連一鍵全送禮都無法做出來的軟體開發 所以我只能給一個星.Version: 1.0.57

垃圾游戏比三国杀名将转还更废.Version: 1.0.57

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