Drug Addiction: Alcoholics & Narcotics Companion App Negative ReviewsMichael Quach

Drug Addiction: Alcoholics & Narcotics... Negative Reviews

4 star

Total 63 Negative Reviews

Drug Addiction: Alcoholics & Narcotics Companion App Complaints & User Negative Comments 2024

Drug Addiction: Alcoholics & Narcotics Companion app received 63 complaints, negative comments and reviews by users. Have you ever had a bad experience using Drug Addiction: Alcoholics & Narcotics Companion? Can you share your negative thoughts about drug addiction: alcoholics & narcotics companion?

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Drug Addiction: Alcoholics & Narcotics Companion for Negative User Reviews

Absolute trashThe people that made this app are completely ill informed on every single thing here. Do not use this for anything but a good laugh.Version: 2.2.5

UselessUnless you were in a coma since age 7 and just woke up, you don't need this so-called addiction app. It's very basic and superficial. Maybe for 2nd graders..Version: 1.1

HaMarijuana is number 1 healer I'm 23 and have my medical marijuana card I was evaluated my legitamate court approved dr.s it heals not kills never 1 death from marijuana I go to dispensary every few days wide selections of many great herb and edibles cali is the best and you can grow your own it's nice soon to be legal for those 21 and up sold in stores everywhere coming this year.Version: 0

Useless information.This application has very little information on each substance, and has little do with preventing addiction. It is lacking direction..Version: 0

LolI'm laughing at this app cuz it says marijuana is not recommended for treating any illnesses... Hmmm, so my doctor is wrong for recommending it for my chronic back, shoulder and neck pains and to relieve my migraines and post traumatic stress, oh and almost forgot to mention my insomnia.. I use to be on a bunch of pharmaceutical meds that resulted in mild liver damage, and medical marijuana replaced almost all of my other meds and my last labs showed that my liver has gotten better, so yeah, you can definitely see why I'm laughing at this app... The info on other hard drugs I can probably agree with, but it's still vary vague and doesn't tell you a lot..Version: 1.1

WorthlessSimple information that is pretty much common knowledge.Version: 1.1

InaccurateI only used the app for about 30 seconds before I found three glaring errors in the content. While the U.X. is semi-decent, the content is unreliable and slanted..Version: 1.1

Childish informationMost information contained was true, at least to an extent. The problem I have is it seems about as informational as a 6th graders anti-drug assignment. Much is seemingly unresearched and common knowledge. I could probably google for better information..Version: 1.1

MarijuanaI think pot is definitely harmful to young teens as they are still developing mentally, physically and socially. This is why we need to legalize and regulate it on a federal level. And no I'm not a pothead..Version: 0

Really?This is one of the worst recovery apps I have come across. Useless..Version: 2.4.0

MisleadingThe "facts" about marijuana are incorrect so I wouldn't really trust any of the other "facts" about addiction to any of the included drugs..Version: 0

I wish I didn't have to give it a star at all.This app will tell you ignorant lies. When it stated that a poison(alcohol) can have medical benefits when it accounts for well over 50,000 deaths due to cancer in the United States every year and a natural herb(cannabis sativa) that has been used medically for thousands of years has no medical use I immediately knew the creators of this app are very uneducated and lack any knowledge of the medical history of the United States prior to the 1930's political corruption leading to the failed war on natural medicine(cannabis)... I mean drugs..Version: 2.2.5

Horrendus....Makes vague statements so it can pass as accurate....sorta.This app either needs to be pulled from the app store or overhauled completely. The information it gives is an attempt at fear-mongering by use of vague statements. It also commits lies of omisson as part of its descriptions. If you expect this information to be useful to medical professionals, let alone lay people significant in-depth information needs to be include. Information like the pharmacology, psychopharmacology, pathphysiology, identification of the substance, how to treat an overdose, typical behavioral symptoms, etc. Without this information as a basis, the app is useless..Version: 0

Not goodNothing helpful about drug addiction at all. Basically tells you that in no uncertain terms that drugs are indeed bad. Which we all know. Alot more truth needed on this app..Version: 0

BadNo decent information and most information is out of date..Version: 0

Seriously, apple?I am shocked that apple would let this app Even exist. It is all misinformed nonscientific opinion void of any facts. This is disgusting. Also those who are disrespecting cannabis, go read some real, updated information and stop listening to what the goverment said in the 50s because guess what? They lied..Version: 0

Utterly valuelessA sad mindless regurgitation of drug war propaganda, in many cases copied directly from US government web sites, which are not known to be a good source of objective and accurate information on this topic. Utterly uninformative..Version: 1.0

An empty applicationThe app is a good IDEA - but there is only a sketchy bit of information here. There are only 5 or 6 drugs even listed, and those only have a paragraph or two of information. It seems like the devs had an idea but quickly got tired of working on it. It needs about 10 times the info to even get close to the app described in the app store..Version: 0

Really? Disappointed.I think there are probably more words in the description of this app than in the whole app otherwise!! This is VERY VERY basic information that is just as easily gotten from a dictionary..Version: 2.2.5

EhI was hoping for more helpful addition support. This app simply provides information on individual drugs and the concept of addiction but does not provide means of support. Information is good but as an addiction professional who suffered from addiction to cocaine and heroin for many years and has now been clean 7 years 8 months 2 weeks 3 days I was hoping to give this app to patients and people new to recovery but do not see the potential for its use..Version: 2.2.5

WeakI'm so unimpressed with this app..Version: 2.2.5

What is this crap?! DON'T DOWNLOAD.Man most of the stuff you put about most of the drugs and other crap is untrue, you sound like that stupid corperation that go to schools and tell them bs about drugs. I'm not for any drug but I am offended at how awful you made marijuana sound. I am a medical user that has a legal medical marijuana card, I go to the clubs all the time to get my weekly doeses for my chronic back pain, because my doctor prescribed it to me. Medical marijuana is an alternative for the pills doctors prescribe to you, which are really bad for you. I hated this app and deleated it right after I looked through it, DONT DOWNLOAD!!.Version: 0

UnimpressedOnly has very basic information and uses the beloved scare tactic. Trying to scare people with false information and deceptively worded descriptions will only further the problem. As for the marijuana article, it does NOT cause cancer as proved by an anti-pot UCLA study. There is also no PHYSICALLY addictive qualities to it. Anything that has any effect at all can be mentally addictive. Just another deception in the "War on Drugs"..Version: 0

Nothing hereJust a few opening lines and links to Wikipedia articles... Not really an app, keep trying... I gave it two stars not because it is useful but just because it can't hurt you, and I was able to delete it..Version: 2.1.2

Pills?Opiates are a huge problem. You don't include them..Version: 1.1

Limited infoVery limited info; some things like smoking could be included in 1 heading, and a lot more info is needed on each one, and lack of variety of actual drugs - eg some of the new legal, dangerousr ones. Otherwise a good idea like the other medical apps!.Version: 0

Blah.The funniest thing is when people say weed isn't addictive. It's not like it's forcing you to use it; it makes you want to use it. That's where people misunderstand addiction. You'll only realize it when you try to quit (if you try)..Version: 0

Idiot.Actually, the most common cause of death is obesity, not tobacco. This guy is jut one of those people that thinks that the way to educate people about drugs is to try and scare them. That is not effective. What people really should tell the youth, is tht marijuana will not give you cancer, it will not kill you, it just takes up time and resources that could be spent somewhere else..Version: 0

Very outdatedThis is not only outdated, but also very wrong in certain cases. Do not use it.Version: 0

Just as well it's freeNot comprehensive, wrong information that has the potenial to cause harm. My field is drug and alcohol research there are many free AOD website that you can refer to that contain current info..Version: 0

NonsenseAs a licensed health care provider for the last 26 years, I am appalled at the blatant propoganda and mis-information presented in this app. Also, using a cannabis leaf as the icon for this "drug addiction" app is just plain idiotic. p.s. "Michael Quach", give me a break. Quack is more appropriate..Version: 0

WowOk this is so American I am Canadian we use weed for so many medical problems like arthritis in severe cases also u are missing alot of either drugs and add more stuff about either countries that ban or use weed.Version: 0

Pre much A rip of WikipediaDidnt do much info really on the drugs.Version: 2.1.2

To badOriented straight mind.Version: 0

Did the DEA wright this??This is so wrong and stupid it's ridiculous. From the marijuana section:"currently smoking marijuana is not recommended for the treatment of any disease or condition"....uh excuse me? How many states is medicinal marijuana legalized or in legislation? Totally biased as if whoever wrote this just came up with it as he went. Not that much information either. Download it so you can vote it 1 star.Version: 1.0

Just awful!The information is mostly false and not informative. I felt like someone had cut and pasted quotes from a 1980's "Just Say No" campaign..Version: 1.1

Info from propagnda ?I took a look at this app and read all the info on all the drugs . Some of the things it says are true . But alot of things it says are not true or accurate . This app is more on the anti drug side , which is kinda good , but this also means it doesn't state the truth about all the drugs listed on here . And at the end of the day you want to know the truth about drugs, which is pretty important . Instead of this app I would use a more reliable/accurate source like erowid which isn't for drugs and at the same time isn't against them , which is good because there is no bias views and the person wanting the information will get te RIGHT information.Version: 0

This app lies to you!First off they shouldnt put a pot leaf on the app cover. i agree that all the other drugs are harmful and bad, but the government has no proof that marijuana is bad. a couple of years ago at the National Center for Toxicological Research(NCTR), they did an experiment with rhesus monkeys and exposed them to daily doses of marijuana smoke for a year. they found no evidence of structural or neurochemical changes in the brains of the rhesus monkeys. marijuana does not lead to brain damage! in 1987, a television commercial, sponsored by the Partnership for a Drug-Free Amerca(PDFA), showed a comparison of a normal human brain wave to what was supposedly the (much flatter) brain wave of a 14 year old high on marijuana. it was actually a coma patient. PDFA lied and thats what everybody goes by..Version: 0

This app is worse than doing drugs.Not really sure if this app is intended to be taken seriously. Mostly misinformed introductions to Wikipedia articles..Version: 2.1.2

Was this written by a politician?From the marijuana section: "…marijuana can result in problems with memory…" Science has proven that marijuana stimulates the brain's electrical functions, improving memory. The memory loss propaganda dates back to the Reefer Madness type movies. I'm surprised the dev doesn't claim that pot makes girls listen to jazz and hang out with black guys. "Currently, smoking marijuana is not recommended in the treatment of any disease or condition." Apparently the dev knows so much about what he's saying that he bests doctors in about a dozen or so states that legally allow marijuana to be prescribed to treat certain diseases and conditions. It looks like the dev is using right wing talking points as "facts" in his app. Apple should remove this recklessly incompetent app for the store..Version: 0

HorribleThis app needs a lot of work. The info needs to be longer but, not too long. Need's more info on what each drug does..Version: 0

Written by a former addictThis app is seriously lacking information. The section on marijuana is completely misinformed and I can understand why so many are so upset over this app, those that praised it are lacking seriously in addiction education. This app states that heroin causes heart infection, I used heroin for 15 years and have been clean for 3, heroin doesn't cause heart infection, unsanitary needles cause infection. There is just to many lazy mistakes in this app, people deserve real information, not the half truths of propaganda, that's what is wrong in our country today, somewhat believeable half truths being sucked up by uneducated masses of people! Some drugs are a menace, drugs destroyed my life but i can't advocate misinformation as a way to stop drug use. Marijuana isn't that bad, I don't smoke it anymore but the medical benifits of it are becoming more and more evident all the time. Just do your research people, just because it's an app doesn't mean it's fact, be careful and please...be responsible!.Version: 0

AwfulDoes not explain alot and Marijuana is not a drug its a dried flower and harmless.Version: 1.0

Gr8Not a bad study aid you left out ecasxty and you should have the others aswell.Version: 0

Far out man.Dude. I juss got it fo the icon. Peace man..Version: 0

GarbageIt's sad how little people know about marijuana. they only know what the media want it to be. it really isn't that bad, go do some research. it should of never been made illegal, go do a simple search on google and type "why marijuana is illegal in America" you'll be shocked if you don't all ready know..Version: 0

Learn your stuffI wish I could give zero stars. After reading just a few it's clear your thoughts on addiction are based on very old studies, and in some cases, drugs were a proper study has never even been done. Marijuana for instance does have known medical uses, it is a prescribed drug, it is legal in some states, there is nothing physically addictive in it. If you're going to make an app about addictions you should at least put some science, and some actual facts in it..Version: 2.2.5

Poor.You missing so many drugs.. And effects add pictures..Version: 0

I agree, free the weed!Marijuana isn't physically addicting! And for sure had a big medical use, class a drug I don't think so..Version: 0

Waste of time.Terribly put together application. Nothing used utilizes any basis of scientific knowledge, everything is just the moronic opinion of the app's creator..Version: 0

HahahHere's a 1 star I couldn't even do a half one anyways it's for the marijuana plant on the cover whoever made this app must be the most oblivious idiot on the planet. If I seen you I would hit you, how many people die a year from smoking ? Get your facts straight, that is all. STUPID worst app I have seen..Version: 1.0

StupidThis is this worst information I have ever read. People with common sense would know most of this stuff..Version: 0

Too little or even inaccurate informationThere are very few included drugs or drug-related terms in the app to be useful, the definitions are far too short to be useful and the information is often inaccurate. It is written like people tried to write something of the top of their heads for a middle-school project, rather than information to be relied upon for the public... And this is a joke if it is to be considered for use by health care providers. There's little to no scientific information in any definition, and this app actually perpetuates myths that MHCPs and addictions workers are trying to end..Version: 2.2.5

"War on Drugs" PropagandaThere's a higher lifetime dependency rate with caffeine than marijuana. So if you're going to call marijuana (a natural herb that has never directly killed a human) a drug, then you may as well put coffee, soda, and energy drinks on your list. The programmer just made this to scare people. Most of those drugs are safer than legal prescribed medications..Version: 2.1.2

DrugsVery little information with no references to real accumulated data..Version: 0

Just google the infoThere's like 5 paragraph on each topic. Not in depth.....just google search the info and save your self some time. There's not any pics. Waste..Version: 2.2.5

RealistThis is an extremely inaccurate application and is no more than opinion based ignorant information, the section devoted to marijuana actually made me want to personally give this app. creator a swift knock on the head and then properly inform the person that not only is marijuana completely medically relevant, it has the potential to replace up to 80 percent of the pharmesutical drugs on the market today. Ladies and gents ignorance is venemous..Version: 1.1

Complete crapObvious misinformation aside(read the other reviews) this application lacks any real information at all, there are only about five drugs listed and the information on them is almost all false.Version: 1.0

BoooNot enough information, you need to study more before you make an app.Version: 0

UghReally. A little research would be nice. Marijuana has been proven to relieve nausea, insomnia, depression, eating disorders. I could go on..Version: 2.2.5

HaMe and my freinds find this crap app halarious because the app symbol is weed and this app is about not doing or representing drugs also the info is way to basic.Version: 0

Ok...for an infant to readThe contents of this app could be printed on the back of a milk carton, read its contents in less than ten minutes.Version: 2.1.2

BiasedThe info is descent, but it's one sided - it's says marijuana has no medical value which is extremely false. Haha, there is a cancer cure synthesized from thc.Version: 0

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