Legendary Wars: TD + RTS + RPG App Negative ReviewsGameClub

Legendary Wars: TD + RTS + RPG Negative Reviews

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Total 39 Negative Reviews

Legendary Wars: TD + RTS + RPG App Complaints & User Negative Comments 2024

Legendary Wars: TD + RTS + RPG app received 39 complaints, negative comments and reviews by users. Have you ever had a bad experience using Legendary Wars: TD + RTS + RPG? Can you share your negative thoughts about legendary wars: td + rts + rpg?

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Legendary Wars: TD + RTS + RPG for Negative User Reviews

Can’t Even Play Full GameAbsolutely terrible that you can’t play the full game, you can only play the first 5 levels. I probably would buy it if I had the option for a single time game purchase but you have to pay for a stupid monthly subscription to play. I don’t care about playing any of the other games with the subscription, I only want to play this game. Absolutely pathetic..Version: 2.4.13

Ridiculous paymentsThis was one of my favourite games as a kid and now that I go back to play it I have to pay 6 dollars a month after beating a few levels. Pretty upsetting considering it was a free game and was open for everyone to enjoy..Version: 2.4.13

SadI recently found this game again after years and was super excited to play, but now you have to pay to play it. Even for monster wars which is weird since I played both games but now it’s behind a paywall. Is there a way to get both without paying because this is very greedy.Version: 2.4.46

IdkTo be honest u guys should take the gameclub account out because no ones gonna buy it except a few people, people would love the game more if u didn't have it u guys would get more money by downloads and not gameclub memberships.Version: 2.4.25

Why would you add a subscriptionWhat’s the point in letting us play the first few levels and then forcing us to pay to play. It wasn’t like this when I used to play on my iPod. Don’t be greedy and let ur fans actually enjoy the game..Version: 2.4.46

Loved this game butNow you have to pay per month to play this! I bought this originally, was so happy to hear it was back… 4.99 a month to play it. -_- no thanks.Version: 2.4.46

A bad featureThe premium special feature in the campaign is stupid which is why I rated the game a 1 star it is forcing me And other players to buy it other wise I can’t and other players can’t play the campaign unless they buy it for 4.99 a month..Version: 2.4.14

AvoidIts a subscription pay to play, not worth it. Not the original developers either.Version: 2.4.46

I want to play the full game no subscriptionIs there any way you can change how it works and just have us buy the actual games or contact you some way to just buy the game/games with no subscription.Version: 2.4.46

A Love long forgottenI used to play this game all the time and I almost beat it a couple times. Now I tried playing it again after redownloading it on my new phone and I got through the first 4 levels before it said I can’t play anymore. This game is 5 stars but now it shouldn’t even be one because of the dumb people who bought the game and who overcharge for stupid games no ones going to play. I’m not going to get the subscription because first I don’t care about any of the other games I just care about this one and I’d gladly buy this if it was just a couple dollars but a subscription to a service with stupid games is a rip off. Change the price and make it so we don’t have to buy the subscription and I’d gladly buy the game again to play it because this has been one of my favorite iPhone games for a long time..Version: 2.4.24

My childhood game ruinedWas a great game when this gamer club want here I play this game 3 time completing it until I have every upgrade and beat final boss I have now come back to this game and this gamer club ruined every thing you can play for free you need pay not once but every month..Version: 2.4.12

Please readI absolutely loved this game way back. The fact that you require a subscription to play the full game is out right annoying and it seems like I’m not the only one who thinks this. I could care less about the other games so why not let people buy the game up front, I’m sure everyone would much rather do that than pay a subscription worth way more than the games original price. Add ads and in app purchases anything you want just please make the game fully purchasable, it would make everyone so much happier..Version: 2.4.21

Childhood Subscription Has EndedWhen this game wasn’t infected with a game company that wanted money for you to play it it was the best but without paying money for a previously free game you can’t progress pass the first level. Why’d you ruin this game?.Version: 2.4.46

Of course you disappointments want money for thisReally? One of the best games and you have to make it pay to play? You didn’t originally own this so I don’t want you saying anything about “our subscription” this could make even more money if you made it free because there would be those who pay and win and those who play to win. But you people have no lives and want money money money.Version: 2.4.31

My childhood game ruinedI had this game for years then I got a new phone and everything was new now I have to pay a subscription, not just a one time purchase, but a subscription! This is actually restarted only being able to complete up to level 4, the developers at game cube should kill them selves.Version: 2.4.13

Why the Subscription / crashing in netherworldThis game used to be free with just in app purchases and now there’s still ads but you have to subscribe for 5$ a month to play more than 4 levels which i think is pretty stupid. Maybe restrict some of the other premium features to the subscription but the levels should be free to play. edit: I’m on the one month free trial and i’ve beaten the whole campaign twice so i’m on Legendary difficulty and my phone keeps crashing on the Netherworld levels. My phone is old so it may be that but I was wondering if it could be the game.Version: 2.4.21

Change the costIt used to be free and good around 7 years ago when it was free, I understand that they may not of got much money from the game before but it should never be 5 pound for a subscription each month! Not even to just buy it. You also say it included wizards , golems And unicorns but everyone had them before but just for free. NEEDS TO BE CHANGED.Version: 2.4.41

Disappointed even more.This was my childhood game. I loved playing legendary wars and enjoyed monster wars but knowing I have to pay a subscription to continue playing this game when I knew back then, I never had to goes to show you can’t enjoy genuine fun games without getting some form of income from it. Honestly, very disappointing and a tainted memory for my nostalgia..Version: 2.4.42

$$$7 for a game that was freeSo annoyed that this game cost $7 a month. I’d be fine to pay for just this game alone once with no monthly membership. I don’t want any other game just my favourite game from growing up. Why does it cost money??? I used to own this game and spent money on this and monster wars and I can’t get it back because I now have a new Apple ID. I just want the old legendary wars game back. Again fine to pay $5 for a one off payment because that’s how good the game was but I don’t want to pay monthly for lots of games and only want the one game. NOT HAPPY!!!🤬🤬🤬.Version: 2.4.12

Man DissapointedUsed to play this game when I was younger on my iPad but it broke now I’m on phone and I just saw this game again I had already completed it got my knight to heavenly armor was always happy with the story I always liked medieval games and I saw it again today on App Store but I see greed has taken over a once fun free game now you have to pay five dollars but with a supscription wish I could’ve kept playing but this game is now just to expensive Wish they kept it the same..Version: 2.4.28

Really?This game use to be free (which was good) but now this???? Like I don’t get it why did the best free game of all time come to paying 7 bucks a month like I’m sure a lot og players (since 2014) would agree that this is just stupid like honestly this is a free app to download and then the second you get you pay 7 bucks a month. Like Gameclub inc really?.Version: 2.4.12

This ruins everythingI’ve been emailing LIV GAMES for a while now and I can’t believe they sold the rights to this amazing childhood game, Game club is a company that is funded by people’s nostalgia. The fact that you can’t even access the whole game and have to deal with ads is unacceptable and it’s sad that this great game is now ruined along with many other titles game club now holds....Version: 2.4.12

Uhh?Why do i have to pay $7 for a game i downloaded years ago and had fun? Same with monster wars? You said people who had the game before can play it for free was that just a scam to get people to download it and buy it?.Version: 2.4.34

Your kidding rightI bought an IPhone 4 charger so I could play this game again yet I couldn’t get into the phone then I came across this and was so happy I started to cry and then I find out you can get up to 1-5 and then that’s it you have to pay to play. This is literally a joke and a scam you could have just added micro transactions instead of scamming people just to play some games literally trash..Version: 2.4.12

Not like it used to beThis game was great back in the day. I remember playing it as a kid. But now that I try to play, I have to pay for it to play the whole story. Back in the day, you only payed for extra gems. The controls also aren’t as good as they used to be and it’s stupid you need a game pass to play any of their games. I give it 2stars for old times sake, but I’m not impressed with how it’s handled now..Version: 2.4.46

Why not just sell the game for 5-10$I had the game when it first came out beat it five times got my family into the game as well. They all loved the game as well since the story, art, and, music all came together. Now to find that I need a subscription just to play it paying 5$ a month just for one game. Even the other games that where in the subscription were not as good compared with legendary wars or monster wars..Version: 2.4.46

Absolute ScamOk so I bought this game like eight years ago and now it’s telling me I need to pay five dollars a month to play the game Ive owned all this time? Completely ridiculous considering I payed a dollar to own it forever and now they want 5x that per month. Y’all are some disgusting subhumans.Version: 2.4.46

Cmon really??This used to be one of my favorite games ever! Nice storyline, fun characters, and overall was super addicting. I was so happy to see it being free and after a few persistent pushes to subscribe to their company, i couldn't advance to the 5th stage. I was so devastated. I was ready to play this game and complete the whole storyline again and seeing that you need to pay $5 a month blows. There is a way to get my old account but the issue is that the device is broken and has been for almost 5 years. Cmon $5 a month to play a game what a scam....Version: 2.4.46

They completely ruined the game that I lovedI loved to play this game but when it went off the App Store I was heart broken, I figured out its back and was so happy but I can only play the first 5 levels because I need to pay 5$ a month. This is so stupid and I think they should make it back to normal but maybe have DLC’s so they can still make money. I’m disappointed..Version: 2.4.15

Loved this game as a kid5.99$ a month for this game is not worth it very upset at the company that owns the rights to it now and there’s an ad every minute also you can only play 5 levels before you have to pay 5.99$ a month to continue.Version: 2.4.46

Epic prankI played this game for countless hours as a kid and to find out they brought it back made me incredibly happy, but now you have to pay just to get by level 4 which I think is kinda rigged because it’s not a one time purchase but it instead has you pay $5.00 a month and that isn’t appealing to me at all..Version: 2.4.16

Great game, bad customer support for long time usersI’ve enjoyed playing legendary and monster wars since it was released around 2012. I had the same account to this day where I completed all difficulties and I wanted to continue my top record waves completed for the mini games, but customer service keeps saying they will help me restore my account back, but never did and never responded, even to this day. I wouldn’t be surprised if people didn’t get compensated for game currencies if a game crashed after a map has been completed..Version: 2.4.46

Not the sameThis game used to be the best free game on the App Store but I tried to download it today and it’s told me that you can’t play without a £5 monthly subscription. Ruined the game..Version: 2.4.26

Game Club ruined itSame game. However the constant adds and Game Club promotions make it unbearable. Way to overdo it guys!.Version: 2.4.14

What a pathetic cash grabThis was one of my favorite games of all time back in 2010. I used to play this game none stop on my iPod 4 and was so excited once I found it again after all these years. Now they won’t even let you pay past level 5 without paying 5 dollars a month for a stupid subscription. And I’ve seen how they respond to these complaints saying if you previously had this game you don’t have to subscribe and how exactly is that fair to the rest of us? So people who didn’t play your game in 2011 now have to pay a 5 dollar subscription? That’s absolutely absurd and such an obvious cash grab. I am so disappointed by what this game turned into and will be deleting it immediately. Do not download this game unless you want to waste 15 minutes playing through a tutorial only to be blocked from playing the rest of the game unless you pay 2 dollars short of a Disney plus subscription. I am going to be spreading the word to everyone I know to not download this game and if they have the game on an older phone to delete it..Version: 2.4.46

Fun game but ruinedI used to play these game all the time. I was super exited to see it in the App Store, then found out that you could only play up to level 5!! Without having to pay for a subscription. Plz make it so we can play if we got it before!!!.Version: 2.4.12

Pay wallWhen you get to mission 1 part 5 it says I need to subscribe for £4.99 a month or I can’t carry on. I’d be happy to pay for the game but I don’t want to subscribe to anything. Don’t the micro transactions for moonstone cover this. Shame I’d love to play this game but I’m not going to subscribe..Version: 2.4.21

Love this game but 1 problemI played this game when I was a kid and I’m happy to be playing it again but the GameClub icon you can move around it annoying and I haven’t found a way to remove it if there is one, would definitely be 5/5 if you gave an option to people or those with a subscription to remove it.Version: 2.4.41

Costs £5 for a subscriptionI get it’s only a £5 but come on i remember randomly downloading this game when it was free and it was literally one of the best games back then. And now we need to sign up for a subscription to play a game with 37 ratings 😭just stupid the fact that companies take over old games and still decide to make people pay for them.Version: 2.4.26

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